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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Have you studied Bills football for the last 17 years. At all? You must have a pretty poor memory.
  2. "Hate" around here is usually a bad thing, unless it's directed at the right parties ordained by the loud mouth minority here. Then the hate becomes cool. Can't hate on 17 years of crap coming from OBD...but it's cool to hate on TBN generally, and Jerry Sullivan specifically. Mention an uninspired coaching search and its likely failure and you are just a negative whiner, pissing in the corn flakes. Mention that a 2nd newspaper might help drive another out of business, or that we'd be better of with no paper at all, or hope for some writers to get laid off and it's all good. No negativity there at all.
  3. "I told the Pegulas to please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any franchise that would accept people like me as a head coach."
  4. Back to where they began in LA huh? Who cares. They are a lot like the Bills actually. Historically crap franchise which achieved some success in the AFL days, but hasn't done a lot since.
  5. Details, details. Besides, that was the spin from the last hire, when we were "scratching at the door." This time we are "close." Wildly different set of circumstances requires different hiring philosophy. Obviously.
  6. Are you suggesting the organization does have a plan and direction, evidence boy? Why don't you outline it in a few words for us.
  7. "As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow and shine off my bald head, I am going to rebuild the Bills defense into a power to be feared and respected."
  8. "I want to thank Doug Whaley, Terry and Kim Pegula, the entire Bills organization, but most of all, my agent. He was able to get the Marrone escape clause inserted in my contract. If things go as planned, I'll be floating back to earth in a $4 million parachute this time next year. So really, nothing to lose."
  9. Things McDermott will NOT say at the PC: "Is this thing on? Because it's getting ready to be." The word "BULLY." "I never lost my swagger." "I know we'll lead the league in defense."
  10. Not if you're into being an irrelevant mediocrity that misses the playoffs with the reliability of the sun rising each morning. If that's your thing, we are sitting pretty!
  11. Neither! Save your money and demand a better product!
  12. Murphy either couldn't find on-air TV employment in another town or didn't want to leave WNY when things went belly up at WKBW. Not sure which is worse. The result is his Baghdad Bob gig which is unlistenable. His play by play work on the radio is worse.
  13. Watch! At the hiring PC Doug will make some convoluted connection between his upbringing in NYC and northern FL. "Growing up in the Bronx, my neighbor's friend's aunt lived in Jacksonville. I practically grew up here!"
  14. It means old Doug's plan worked out well in the end. Took the $4 million (?) and ran away to live and fight another day. Easy division, no Belichick or Brady in it, nice weather... Of course now Doug has to actually win football games or he'll be out of another job. There's the rub!
  15. He probably doesn't wake up each morning dreaming of leaving the best run organization in football for arguably the worst, or possibly second worst, depending on how highly you think of Cleveland.
  16. Who's that? Is he any better than Trubisky? Let's go for it! Go Bills!
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