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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. There is some sort of misconception around here that anyone with a lot of money is fabulously intelligent. As someone who has been around a lot of very wealthy people in a professional context for a long time, I can assure you that is often not the case. In my experience, I would say the qualities universally shared among people like Pegula are an unusual willingness to take risk, unwavering persistence, and desire to work really hard. Raw intelligence often doesn't enter into it, nor need it, though sometimes it does, of course.
  2. I've heard him speak in a wide variety of contexts which would not be described as traditional "public speaking" type scenarios, even if the speaking was public. I'm talking about a sustained, casual, 20 minute chat with Schopp and the Bulldog (on air admittedly) in an abandoned HSBC Arena or whatever they are calling it now. That's not what is meant by "public speaking." An ability to orally express yourself is related to your ability to think, as is ability to write. I have never known a bright person who couldn't express himself/herself clearly in words rather verbal or written.
  3. This guy is very easy to read. Disciplined, probably slightly obsessive-compulsive. Detail oriented. Routine oriented. Focused. Has an idea on how to do everything and doesn't deviate from that. Hard worker. Probably a bit stubborn and inclined to do things his way only. Intense, much more than the average person. People with these skills often end up doing things like flying fighter planes, becoming astronauts, Olympic champions, successful entrepreneurs, etc. He seems to have a lot of good qualities for success in general. We'll see if it translates to head coaching in the NFL. He definitely does not have that stench of detritus on him like most Bills coaching hires in the last 15 years or so. Anxious to see how he gets along with Dareus. I see Dareus losing that battle.
  4. Choice for college came down to William & Mary and West Point. Went with gut to go to go to W&M. John Murphy: "Most people don't turn down appointments to a service academy!" "That was the environment I grew up in. Discipline. Doing things the right way. Core values."
  5. "Players don't care about what you know until they know you care about them." "Player driven league. Must develop relationships off the field with players."
  6. I would say he's a poor speaker. And that is directly related to intelligence. But back to the new coach hiring.
  7. "My wife packed some snow pants for the kids. Surprised not more snow on the ground."
  8. Who will be our OC ?!?!? Who will be our QB!!!!! That's the question!
  9. No, the Bills don't have any strong leaders who have won on a consistent basis in the NFL. If that is what we are talking about... Our Superbowl teams had a million leaders/winners. This will come with time, assuming we ever...uh...win. There is a lot of fail inertia working against this franchise. It's tough to overcome that.
  10. +1 To be perfectly honest, Terry comes across like a prick throughout the entire interview. His wife comes across as much more likable, connected to the fan base, and she's a lot more diplomatic for sure. Terry needs to realize that as long as he plays this game, the media is going to give him ****.
  11. Was that article written by that idiot Jerry Sullivan!? It must have been someone at the Buffalo News. Hacks! Oh wait....The Economist. This is now about the 5th article coming from big league national media in the last week or 10 days taking aim at the Bills squarely between the eyes. It's a **** show over there...can we please, PLEASE strip it down to bare metal? If not this off-season, next? The clown show has to end at some point, right?
  12. If you are looking to step your game in the shaving department, buy a good, expensive safety razor that takes old fashioned razor blades...proper shaving lather in bar soap foam, a cup, and a brush. I.E., shave like it's still 1943. You'll never go back to garbage "cartridge razors" of any description. There are a ton of informational videos on youtube for those that don't really know what I'm talking about.
  13. I am convinced that anyone with access to all the game film from this past season could put together a fairly lengthy "Lowlight" reel of bad Tyrod throws that obviously cost us either a decent completion, a huge gain, or a TD. I mean he routinely leaves big plays all over the field. Is that taken into account in this guy's analysis? There is no need to smoke screen Tyrod's deficiencies by talking about drops, O line play, pass protection, how well the WRs run routes, etc... You just need to focus on Tyrod and watch the way he plays on passing downs. He's not good enough.
  14. And a dedicated group here eating up everything they write every hour of every day. I have an idea! Wait a while. This will all sort itself out soon enough and then we can discuss when we actually know who is working for whom.
  15. It's not advisable to try to dig this deeply into the inner workings over there, because none of us was in the room and we just don't know how things played out. I do not think Whaley is gone in the next few weeks as part of some clever plan enacted by Pegula. I think that is giving Pegula way too much credit. I do think Whaley is, in general, on thin ice, and I continue to predict that he will be gone at the end of next season. Tyrod is gone. Unless they have some miracle QB card hidden up their sleeve, we are going to be a lot worse next year.
  16. There's no myth to debunk. Tyrod doesn't see the field and even when he does find a man wide open, he often can't get him the ball. I am thinking of a bomb he threw to Woods early in the season down the left side of the field. Wide, wide open...Woods totally extended in desperation to try and catch up to the overthrown ball...face planted into the turf.... Easy TD turned into an incompletion b/c Tyrod's accuracy is crap. And that's the least of his many issues. If you want to assess Tyrod's game, watch TYROD! Not anyone else, and not the coaches.
  17. Most fans say things like this about most coach hirings, at this point in time.
  18. 100% correct. Nothing really to discuss, nor will there be, for quite some time. Will be interesting to see how the QB situation plays out as time rolls forward. That is now Issue #1 for me.
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