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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Look at the teams at the top in the alternative universe. Mostly bad/crap teams. The experiment just shows what was said up-thread; bad teams lose the close ones. Good teams perform when necessary to win the close ones. That's not a "coin toss" result as suggested by the author. That's a "good beats bad in close games" result.
  2. Never mind Rivers! Let's target Aaron Rodgers in the off-season! If that doesn't work, I want Brady.
  3. Russ and the marketing department are probably salivating at the thought of bringing Jim Kelly's nephew to town. They can get a ton of mileage out of it, until it crashes to earth in a ball of flames of course. That might take a good 3 years though.
  4. Low. Contrary to popular opinion around here, we are not close, we do not have a great roster stacked with talent, and we are not a few off-season acquisitions away from being a strong playoff contender.
  5. Pegula in 2023: "Hey, don't put the 24 year drought on me! It's only been 9 years and change on my watch!"
  6. There have been a few exceptions now and again, but it's basically this way all the time. When all the pretenders go home and there are only a few teams left standing, you will find that usually, those teams also have the best QBs in the league. You will also note that the teams that didn't make it to the playoffs or were only able to show up and then lose have the sort "kind of OK" QB play of a Tyrod Taylor type. KC and Alex Smith is a great example. Smith is Tyrod, in a different package.
  7. I found myself pulling for KC, but I think Pittsburgh is the better team and more capable of taking it to NE next week...so I'm glad they won in the end. Big Ben is going to have to have a strong game. Would absolutely love to see the Pats lose at home!
  8. Jesus, Jeebus. I really feel for you. That situation sucks all the way around. Don't worry, Rodgers won't lose a game like this.
  9. Slowly turning into another blowout. Hasn't been a playoff game this year worth watching, I don't think.
  10. You have to define "good" but that number of 14 to 16 is very generous. The test in my opinion is this: how many teams have a QB good enough to win a tough playoff game on the road. Or something like that. There are maybe 5 or 6 of those guys, tops. The rest are just pretending they have a shot at the big prize. The problem is that the "feeder league" of the NFL is college football, and the college game is a million miles away from the NFL game. Even huge programs mostly run garbage college type offenses that would not work at the NFL level primarily because NFL defenses have way too much speed. So our NFL feeder league teaches QBs how to play a sport other than NFL football. And then we are surprised when these guys enter the NFL and don't know how to play. I think for real expansion to happen, we would first need to develop a pro minor league of football, with every NFL team having a AAA minor league development team if you will. The Bills' team can go in Rochester. Why not? Every team would instantly have a repository for at least 3 QBs MORE than they have now...to teach and develop QBs. Between the minor league team and the big club, you could have 6+ QBs in your system. Many more chances to get lucky, more chances to find a surprise, more chances to teach and find a guy who can actually learn and progress, unlike EJ Manuel for example....and so on. From the feeder league pool of QB prospects, hopefully more quality NFL QBs would emerge. That's the "pull everyone up to the level of the good QBs" approach. Another approach would be to tinker with the NFL rule book shifting some balance of power back to the defensive side of the ball so as to pull the best QBs down to the level of everyone else... How about a rule eliminating audibles at the line of scrimmage? How about a rule saying the 5 yard legal contact zone with a receiver is increased to 10? A few rule changes here or there could have a huge impact on the success of the best QBs, leveling the field. I started a thread about all this sort of stuff a few years ago. There were some good ideas in that.
  11. So negative. I thought your point would be just the opposite reading the thread title! As in, the NFL should get rid of all the stupid penalties that don't really impact the game, only cause delays, and aren't even noticed by fans as infractions in the first place... Like a WR twisting around or an OL rotating his hips to look back at the QB.
  12. I hear what you are saying, and just a playoff appearance by the Bills would be pretty exciting. Having said that...look at the results. You have a Houston team with a much better D than we have combined with a QB who can't get the job done. Result = losing to the Patriots. Long story short: find a QB.
  13. Just got back from it, finally. As just a movie, stripped from the myth of Star Wars and viewed on its own, I thought it was easily the best movie in the series so far. It very seamlessly tied itself into Star Wars. Special effects were excellent. In the latter stages, there was the big space battle and at one point the bad guys sent out like 100 TIE fighters on screen all at the same time. There was so much on screen, so many moving elements. I thought it was the best 2 or 3 seconds of space battle footage out of all of the movies. Also enjoyed the battle scenes with the AT-ATs and how the rebels were targeting the knee joint on at least one of them... Decent acting, fairly decent script, cheesy/bad dialogue kept to an absolute minimum... Good movie.
  14. The average daily high temperature for the month of September is 95 degrees F. That should work well. If the atmosphere at games there is limited to the scenario you outline (tourists, something to do on the weekend, handful of visiting fans cheering) it will quickly become the worst in-game experience in the NFL with no real "home crowd." I.E., kind of like a Miami Dolphins game (LOL!) but worse.
  15. Is it possible we are planning to simply eliminate the QB from the field? Would free us up to use an additional player at another position. Of course the D may not bother covering our WRs once they catch on that there is no one to throw the ball to them.
  16. Once you are up and running it really is not an enormous amount of work. The razor will be expensive, but you'll have it forever. As was mentioned previously, blades are of outstanding quality and dirt cheap compared to cartridges. The entire modern shaving industry is driven by marketing gimmicks, not engineering quality. One blade, 2, 3, "quattro". Pivot, tilt, bend....moisture strip... It's all garbage...and expensive!
  17. I say we go after Rodgers hard in the off-season. Make GB an offer they can't refuse.
  18. "That guy at the country club was right. I should have skipped the NFL thing and gone with collecting fine art work and vintage Italian sports cars instead."
  19. What about the QB though? He's going to be far more important.
  20. If only some brilliant inventor could concoct some type of device capable of recording live television programming for viewing at a later time! The world would be such a merrier place!
  21. I agree with you here but most posters at this forum do not. Most here view this place as a fan club, a place to celebrate the Bills.
  22. Any Bills fans is a fool not to want a conference system. As long as it is the way it is, we're fighting for a wildcard route to the playoffs, and nothing more.
  23. Likely engineered by his agent. I can't imagine Tyrod being a part of the team going forward, but at this point, who knows. I thought they'd hire Lynn as HC too.
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