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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. So we have a linebacker teaching guys how to catch, and now the guy who used to teach people how to catch is teaching guys how to throw. I am beginning to think these assistant coaches aren't that important and their titles don't mean a lot. They should probably all just be labeled "assistant to head coach" or words to that effect.
  2. Slightly off-topic, but since we last played in the Superbowl, the Patriots have played in the Superbowl EIGHT TIMES, if we include the game coming up this year.
  3. Glass is made of glass; Hogan is solidly built and durable. Glass has so-so hands and has dropped a lot of catchable passes in his time in Buffalo. Hogan has good hands. If we are talking about #3 type receivers, I'd take Hogan all day long over Goodwin. Hogan doesn't have the same speed of course, but so what. You don't need 4.28 speed in the NFL.
  4. With the money and effort expended on winning in the NFL, you would think a team before a huge game would ensure against this sort of thing happening one way or the other. Rent out the entirety of a small motel and guard it through the night with paid security? At some random location kind of near the stadium, but not really? Or something like that other than staying in a nice hotel in a city center that can't effectively be locked down and which is widely known...it's just a matter of time before word gets out and the fire alarm goes off at 3:30am...
  5. I was thinking of this sort of thing yesterday watching both conference championship games. I had to laugh in the wake of the Rex Ryan era as the Falcons, Packers, and Patriots came out and just threw, threw, threw, threw and then threw some more. And moved the ball seemingly at will. Pittsburgh has one of the best runners in the league. He cut up the Bills defense like a freshly sharpened Ginsu! Pittsburgh still lost. A quarterback! A quarterback! My kingdom for a quarterback!
  6. Yeah, he's horrible. Can we trade the entire team for him please?
  7. Chris Hogan was fantastic yesterday. If the Bills continue with a QB who often doesn't even see open receivers, and then often misses them with inaccurate passes if he does, it doesn't matter if we have Jesus Christ as a WR. He won't help. Hogan is solid, well built, and durable. Precise route runner. Good hands. Disciplined. Intelligent enough to get with the program, learn the playbook, and not screw up. BB loves these guys and just slots them into the machine. A middling QB + a guy like Sammy Watkins is worthless. A franchise QB and a bunch of Chris Hogans can be very effective.
  8. $200 million for a McMansion in LA? Pass.
  9. Don't listen to Sirius and have never heard him, but if he realizes the latest coaching change doesn't go far deep enough, and that Brandon must go, he's obviously quite astute.
  10. By "planet" I assume you mean predominantly the USA. Most people don't know what American football is, let alone play it.
  11. Well then by all means, keep contributing to it.
  12. He's shown moments of quality. Admittedly, those moments didn't last long.
  13. As a backup, he can't be any worse than EJ Manuel, and in fact would likely be much, much better. If he can be had for peanuts, sign him up to a K filled with penalties for stepping out of line. I don't see us retaining Tyrod, but if we did, and if Tyrod were to go down for a 3 game stretch (or more) Johnny Football could help mitigate the damage a lot better than other backup options. He has definite limitations to his NFL game, but he is a football player.
  14. Solid list; I agree with almost all your choices. Here we are with 4 teams left standing. Their QBs are ranked 1, 2, 4, and 5 on your list. Meanwhile, we debate if we should retain #21! Note to Bills: GET A GOOD QB. KIDNAP HIM IF NECESSARY. JUST GET ONE.
  15. Yeah but those are chowdah heads, and likely drunk chowdah heads.
  16. What about EJ being retained as a backup? We are going to miss his off-sides inducing hard count skills.
  17. Yeah but look at the posts here laughing at Saint Doug's hire in Jacksonville along with the boy wonder OC. Why? B/C they coached here and we feel like we know them pretty well. The same is true in every city with a team. Not good that Denver is happy to see him go, assuming that is accurate of most of the fan base there. Im not saying it is.
  18. Are you insinuating that Glass Goodwin is easily replaceable?
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