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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Whaley also had the unique ability to see into EJ's eyes and see the eyes of a leader and champion. That didn't work out so well in the end. EJ set the all time record for throwing footballs through a hoop at 10 yards or something like that...it was the subject of an ESPN sports science piece or something like that; you can watch it on youtube. In short, the combine can provide some useful data to supplement more important data already gained on a player, but it has little value on its own in a vacuum. The combine has no "is he a good football player" test that I know of. They do have a great standing broad jump test though...b/c that's very important during live game action, especially for non-skill position players.
  2. Sure, you can post stuff like that here, but watch out! The resident Kool Aid Krowd will be all over you like white on rice. Some of them seem to be on hiatus at the moment as this is the dead time of year...but they'll be back pretending this site is their own in short order. Criticize the organization at your own peril.
  3. Why would you go to a game as things stand now? For many, perhaps most, the answer is "to blow off steam with with friends and alcohol." Winning football, or football at all, doesn't really have much to do with it anyway. So why not deliberately lose to get a generational talent at QB?
  4. What? Our future plans at QB have been discussed in other threads!??!?!?
  5. Curious how many Kool Aid drinkers here defended the Bills and the wasted 9th overall pick on him in the draft at the time. I'm sure it's a fair bunch, and they are probably all making fun of CJ now.
  6. Demoting him is a positive; retaining him is a negative. Keep the ball rolling, Pegula. Lots of dead wood needs clearing over at the House of Rot.
  7. He's not a downgrade either. If there were economic/salary cap/other benefits to taking Smith over Tyrod, fine. Take him. No one is going to get "excited" about it though. Both Smith and Tyrod leave us firmly in the "have not" category with most of the league.
  8. Yeah, go for the athletic QB who likes to run around, because pocket passers who dissect defenses with their minds just aren't the winning formula in today's NFL.
  9. Current Bills talent is way over-rated by Bills fans. I think a lot of this stems from the fact that we look much better than traditional Bills train wreck teams of the last generation, so people assume we must be talented. Past Bills mediocrity isn't the benchmark to judge talent by.
  10. Whaley was the only person who could look into EJ's eyes and see that he had the "it" factor. And now he wants Cardale to play, huh? Mr. Pegula, please give Doug what he wants. The sooner this guy follows Rex out of town, the better.
  11. Bradshaw interviewed Brady and they showed it before the game. Bradshaw flat out asked tom if he'd consider going out on top if he wins, gets the 5th Superbowl, and becomes the greatest of all time. Tom said "Hell no!" in a very matter of fact way. He said he is having too much fun now and that NOW is the time when he is benefitting from all the years of hard work, etc.. I think he will play as long as he possibly can (physically) and then probably 1 year more.
  12. I had to laugh when, seemingly out of nowhere in the 4th quarter...Joe Buck was like: "Brady has 420 yards passing!" Or whatever it was....he was like "this has been an off game and they guy just put up the #2 all time passing yards in a Superbowl! I had the same reaction...the guy is just at a really high level. We have Tyrod. Or did. Or will. Or...a screw it. I'm done with football for a long time
  13. Surprised it took this long. This is one thing John Clayton very accurately predicted...said Rex would be his colleague at ESPN within a week of being fired... Took bit longer but still.
  14. Hey, Whaley doubled down for Sammy! Guess he thought a WR would solve all our problems too!
  15. Yep! I think it's great he was drinking and enjoying life...the world needs more of this stuff like in the old days. How I miss guests on the Tonight Show lighting up a smoke!
  16. Wait a minute! You may be on to something!
  17. The top 5 QBs to play for the Bills are all named Jim Kelly. This franchise has never had great QBs other than Jimbo, but a long list of great RBs!
  18. I have wondered for years why this wasn't done in N. American sports. Like most things, we are like 20 years behind Europe on this.
  19. The scouting department finds players; Whaley's job description is supposed to go much deeper than that. As a big picture/architect/team builder, he's horrible.
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