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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. It's hard to believe that, for a while, the national discussion regarding the AFC playoff race centered around the idea that if you were going to go the Superbowl, you were going to have to win in Buffalo in January in bad weather...and that was deemed very difficult if not impossible to do. Feels like a lifetime ago.
  2. The funny thing is that it is the military people who tend to do the fighting and dying to preserve American values and rights...which allow him to do the protesting in the first place. That's what it's all about. If Kaepernick should be banned or not allowed to take a knee during the anthem, why bother fighting WWII? Just let Uncle Joe and/or Adolf inherit the world and tell us all what to do or not do, say or not say, and believe or not believe. The whole reason to fight a war like WWII is so that Colin freaking Kaepernick can take a knee in protest of whatever during the National Anthem at a football game. And while on the topic, why the hell is the anthem played before sporting events anyway? Has no place in the world of domestic sports entertainment.
  3. Marijuana use is so woven into the fabric of the NFL culture, I think the league has decided to just let it go. But they can't say they are just letting it go, so they are selling it as pain treatment. Things move slowly in our culture. In due course pot will be legal everywhere.
  4. I don't know, but that celebration had a lot of thought, planning, and preparation put into it.
  5. This is where I am...and 10-6 may not be good enough! The schedule this year is brutal. The team/coaching could improve and we still might end up with a worse record than last year just on toughness of schedule. Still looking forward to Week 1 however.
  6. His little piece on what a joke Rex Ryan is when he was hired by the Bills was 100% dead on the money as time has proven. Didn't stop many here from attacking him, at the time, because his comments were effectively anti-Bills.
  7. Ragland's upside: supposed to be superior gamer with massive football IQ and nose for the game Downside: too slow for the NFL I am reminded of Darryl Talley's comment around the time Ragland was drafted, saying something to the effect that he can't wait to see Ragland in a Bills uniform as the guy is a straight up great football player. An endorsement like that from D.T. has got to be good. I'll probably be more interested to watch Ragland than any other Bill this season, at least at first.
  8. The actual headline of the piece was pretty fantastic, considering it was actually published in a major newspaper and not a football fan forum. "NFL Ad Revenue May Go Limp With Loss of Erectile-Dysfunction Ads"
  9. What's worse? The Ryan brothers running the Bills for a while, or the homer crowd here who defended them almost up to the end?
  10. That's about right. Hey, some franchises exist to make up the numbers. Unfortunately, ours is one of those.
  11. The sad part is the myriad of idiots around here who agreed with Whaley and equally did not understand from the jump that EJ was worthless garbage and always would be. "He needs more time!"
  12. No big deal if that's the case; this is not a RB league; this is a passing league and has been that way for many years.
  13. Here's to hoping Pegula gets it right and we can start building on a foundation of competence and quality in the years rolling forward. The same old same old around here is pretty freaking boring, and depressing.
  14. It was mentioned up front, but the all time greatest example of this phenomenon is the Ray Bentley "Darby the Dinosaur" thing. In fact, I think these obligatory snippets of information should be referred to as "Darby Dabs" going forward.
  15. Pretty much my thought as well. Sammy's maturity level and mindset are relatively meaningless when Tyrod fails to see him or deliver the ball accurately to him so consistently.
  16. The whole thing is broken. Sell the house. Sell the car. Sell the kids. Find someone else. Forget it.
  17. Hard to believe Whaley is gone. He looked into EJ's eyes and saw a leader! Now what?
  18. I think you are mistaken. It's the analytics department that is robust, not the ticket office.
  19. The trade-down was fantastic and White is universally described as a competent, jack-of-all-trades DB with strong leadership skills and intangibles; a good presence/voice in the locker room type. He seems like a solid acquisition but the deal to get him is even better.
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