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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. A few penalties were the result of aggressive, attacking play. For me, those are OK. A few were total BS (an early pass interference call comes to mind).... But there were still a lot of the good old undisciplined, lazy type penalties that need to get eliminated. I loved the shots of the HC going straight for the guy who made a mistake as he came to the sideline, reminding the player that this crap has to be eliminated. Seems like it's been a while since a Bills HC did that sort of thing.
  2. He made a great read on Thursday night, shot into the backfield, and hammered the runner for a loss. I feel like we are going to see a lot of that from him (high football IQ!) if he actually remains on the team.
  3. I realize it's not that simple, but it would be cool if the NFL enacted the "emergency draft site relocation plan" to give something back to the fans...and put the draft in Buffalo or Cleveland next year. Factor in the ease with which fans of either team could go to either location and the environment would be pretty cool.
  4. Disagree; no doubt the bickering Bills was a thing at one point in time, but those teams were FILLED with guys who would rather break their arm than lose a football game. You can't teach that and I don't think it "develops" over time. You have it or you don't. All sports are filled with guys like that, and guys not like that. I agree talent trumps "character" but only when talent realizes its full potential. Character and team cohesiveness is almost always at its best, and that is often good enough to beat raw talent if the raw talent decides it is not interested in playing on a given day.
  5. It's not an all or nothing proposition; some combination of picks will be used to improve the draft position IMO. I would be totally on board with moving Tyrod, but I don't think that is their plan; they are not going for a full tank, more of a moderated tank. LOL.
  6. First, I'd be shocked and stunned if the Bills were not already ready to move beyond Tyrod and if they don't take a QB in next year's draft, way up at the top of the draft. That seems to clearly be their plan. Second, I doubt the acquired draft picks from the deals yesterday will be used as draft picks as you suggest; rather, they will be used as currency to help broker a deal that gets us high enough in next year's draft to get the QB we want, within reason. Third: I agree the right way to go is to build through the draft; that is true for pretty much all N. American team sports. Fourth: I agree current management is following a BB model and now doing things the New England way. That is a very good thing. Fifth: The bold moves yesterday with some planning and forethought remind just how bad management has been at this organization for a very long time. Doug Whaley's stint here was laughably bad. Well, it would be laughable if it didn't make me cry.
  7. I like the WR profile they clearly prefer: powerful guys who can fight for and win the ball. Focus on the WR corps, however, is misplaced so long as we have a QB who can't reliably and accurately deliver the ball.
  8. They are getting their ducks in a row to make a run at a top QB in next year's draft. Without one we are doomed to mediocrity. The plan is worth a shot, and it is too early to judge.
  9. It is now obvious what the organization wants in a wide receiver. They all now fit the same basic mold---powerful guys who can go up, fight for, and grab a ball. If we can score a QB who can put the ball where it needs to go, and with receivers who can snatch the ball even when well covered, you have a recipe for success in today's NFL. Our Superbowl teams were overflowing with character guys. I agree it's hugely important in team sports.
  10. The "GOLD" post is idiotic; that poster seems to think we are going to use the acquired picks as draft picks; we are going to use them as currency to better our position in next year's draft in hopes of getting a real QB. That Pats fan needs to stop pouring so much scotch in his Chowdah.
  11. Voted "NO" because I just don't have the feeling he will be traded. Doesn't mean the FO is already looking beyond this season though.
  12. I voted "YES" only because "HELL YES AND ANYONE WHO VOTES NO IS AN IDIOT" was not an option.
  13. Sacrifice of mediocre short term returns for potential long term big gains. This team was/is going nowhere this season, and we finally have a regime in place who understands that and is doing something about it, rather than try to sell rotten garbage to the fan base proclaiming it to be filet mignon. This is cause for celebration if you are a Bills fan.
  14. 1) Sammy was gone anyway 2) Sammy's full potential was never going to be realized HERE as long as we don't have a QB who can deliver the ball to him. 3) For those suggesting the return value on the trade was low, I would suggest the value was probably about right; if Sammy's value was substantially greater, we would have gotten more, most likely.
  15. As others have said, if this was a true tank, Shady would be gone and Yates would be your starting QB. That guy is hot garbage. It's not a full blown tank, but it is the start of something we haven't smelled around OBD in a very long time: competent long term vision.
  16. The current regime seems to have a plan, a vision, and is shaking things up to help undo a generation of suck at OBD. Embrace it.
  17. Stop the "traded the best player on the team" stuff. The best player, when he is in the mood to play, is Dareus. Sammy has 1 foot, was not coming back, and this is a 6 win team this year anyway... They are not accruing draft picks to use them as draft picks. They are going to use them as currency to get as high a draft pick as possible next year so we can finally get a QB. Without one, none of the discussion really matters. Let's hope they hit on whoever they take.
  18. You mean if they look bad, it's only preseason. If they win big, we are going undefeated.
  19. We are always a 10 win/playoff team around this time of year! At least in the minds of most posters here. I will be happy with simple improvement. Greater discipline, elimination of stupid penalties, maybe some growth from Tyrod, much improved D play, must better in-game management from the coating staff... If those things happen it will be a successful, interim season.
  20. Agree with all of your outcomes but one. I think this is a 6 to 7 win team at best. Your 5 wins might be a touch low, but it's about right.
  21. My God, this guy is going to weigh 750 pounds in retirement. I hope he has a good workout ethic. Looks like his exercise may be limited to lifting ribs from his plate to his mouth.
  22. Looking on the bright side: if these observations translate to the regular season and, combined with our schedule, yield a really, really bad campaign...we just might find our way to a real QB in next year's draft.
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