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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Doping, not steroids. Doping involves boosting your red blood cell count to increase VO2 max via getting more oxygen through your blood to muscle tissue.
  2. Sterling Sharpe was fantastic. Another name worthy of honorable mention is Michael Irvin. Size, strength, speed, competitiveness off the charts...5 pro bowls, 3 superbowls.... He was as good as any in the game when he was at his peak.
  3. Hughes is lucky he's a great talent; he seems to be quite the prima donna, PITA, hot head. Hopefully he can channel some of this stuff toward opposing QBs.
  4. The loss of Watkins is not going to impact this team nearly as much as some posters seem to think. Having said that, we are in a hybrid tank mode at the moment, subject to go full tank in the future depending on how things go.
  5. Full tank mode comes when Yates is the starter! The guy is hot garbage.
  6. 2917 Slogan: "Anyone can have a bad millennium. The drought ends this year."
  7. RAC may be what it's about, but Tyrod can't lead and throw with anticipation to save his life, or place the ball right where it needs to be so the receiver doesn't miss a step. Everyone around here is focusing on the WR end of the passing equation due to the trade. Focus on the damn QB...without one it doesn't really matter who the WRs are. Luckily, the FO has this figured out.
  8. Glad you caught the fact that none of the QB prospects are seniors. I'm sure the Bills FO and scouting staff failed to take that into account before the deals on Friday.
  9. The Future at OBD is so bright, we are all going to need shades.
  10. Sal C. discussed Friday's walk-through type practice on Friday while on with The Bulldog on Friday. That segment is at the GR-55 audio vault if you are interested in hearing comments about it.
  11. With all due respect to the original poster, WTF cares what Marshawn Lynch does, or does not, do.
  12. In my experience that slogan would aptly describe many in attendance at Bills games.
  13. Did the color guy mention that Goodwin is, unfortunately, made of frost crystals?
  14. I want to say the summer of 1988 was weird...it never really got warm and summer-like, and then August turned to September and it started getting cold again. At the time as a junior in high school I thought "I'm moving where it's warmer."
  15. Just got back from 2 weeks in Germany....I did nearly 1,500 kilometers of driving in a small Ford SUV rental vehicle... When traffic/construction/speed zones permitted, I cruised at 200 Km/H the entire vacation, around 124 mph. American notions of what is "Fast" or "too fast" are kind of funny. Was passed by a crotch rocket at one point probably going 170 mph...now that guy on a bike is kind of nuts. Also bumped in to a Porsche 911 GT3 going probably faster than that... I would say most traffic cruises around 100mph most of the time when in an unlimited zone.
  16. He's a sports writer paid to write about Buffalo sports and the Bills. That organization is historically one of the worst in N. American team sports history. Would you prefer he fill his career discussing gardening tips?
  17. Some fans, including our own Kirby Jackson, enjoy the draft as a fun, live event to participate in. I would guess those people give a s@@t. As an aside, you seem like a really fun guy! Keep partying!
  18. Actually, there are many years, especially recently, where the QB talent coming out of college has been crap and everyone knew it and said so. Next year is going to be a good year. Doesn't mean we will take the right guy. Would be fine with that; wish they would have taken 2 QBs (out of the entire draft) each year for the last decade.
  19. While true that the picks are no guarantee of success, the fact that the plan can fail does not make the plan bad.
  20. What mystical force of nature kept our Top 10 team from, um, actually being in the Top 10? Do you solely place it on poor QB play?
  21. Agreed on Tyrod. I'm sure they will maintain some flexibility (why not?) and if Tyrod somehow blossoms into that which he is not this year, they may change their course of action mid-plan. Where we sit right now in terms of organizational leadership smells as good as it has in a very long time. At least to my nose! Love the solar eclipse reference; you don't get that every day at this forum. I realize a top rated QB prospect can be very hit or miss in the NFL...but in contrast, I would support the move. It's the most direct way to get a real QB. If we hit, we are good for another decade of playoffs. If we miss, we are right where we were anyway. I suppose the alternative is to just randomly take guys in the 4th round and hope one turns into the next Drew Brees, but that plan may take a while. Like several more N. American total solar eclipses worth of time.
  22. Umm... Sammy joins team, TWO Bills first round picks gone. How's that only one?
  23. Cleveland and Buffalo loading to the gills with draft picks. Perhaps you prefer SNASRP "Short notice alternate site relocation plan".
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