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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Notice how their helmets in that era are pretty similar to the standard American tank crewman helmet in WWII!
  2. The 1939 game is cool. This game occurred 23 days after Hitler started WWII with the invasion of Poland. Pearl Harbor still 2 years and a few months in the future. Cool.
  3. Oh they'll declare. How do I know? The organization has a contact who is going to have people visit both QBs, and make them offers they can't refuse.
  4. Sounds like it's truly a wait see, day-to-day type thing. When it heals up and he feels better, he'll be ready. And not before.
  5. The OP's basic point, at least about McCoy, remains valid. By the time this team is sorted out and has a shot at being good, McCoy's sell-by date will have come and gone. Kind of like the big splash we made with Mario Williams. The organization and team had way too far to go for his high priced signing to ever be truly relevant. Now, if all you care about is cheering when you see the random exciting play that has no real impact on the success of the team...I guess you enjoyed the Mario years. If you were hoping he would somehow put us over the top, you were disappointed. His signing, in the end, amounted to nothing. Same for McCoy.
  6. Nice use of "tertiary". An underused word on this forum.
  7. Correct sir. Tyrod is average at best and filled with deficiency. Further, the team will be moving on from him next year and they will be drafting the next big hopeful at QB very high in the draft. More than that, about the QB position on this team, need not be said.
  8. I am also disheartened by the continued lazy, undisciplined, or "head not in the game" penalties that the team has been piling up so far. Haven't seen the discipline the coach is supposed to be famous for, at least yet. Lots of sloppy penalties are the hallmark of a crap franchise.
  9. I still call it Rich Stadium and likely always will. At least until they move to a new one.
  10. Life is too short to B word about officiating in a pre-season NFL game. It's summer. Crack open a beer and relax.
  11. Of course, had we won the last 2 games by a combined score of 84 to 6, the usual Kool Aid Krowd would be talking about an undefeated season. The realists would suggest that is insane as this is just the pre-season, and the Kool Aid Krowd would deride the realists asking if they have been watching the games. That's how this place rolls.
  12. If you want to evaluate Tyrod's play, focus on what Tyrod did. The autonomous stuff that he had control over. Don't confuse the variable we are trying to solve by focusing on others. If Tyrod looked bad on a specific play directly b/c of someone else's failure, throw that play out. Focus on what Tyrod can control. When you do that, you will see that he was horrible in that game. He can hit 5 to 8 yard passes in the flat to wide open receivers at a standstill. He runs well. That is the extent, for the most part, of his skill set.
  13. How is this like 2012? In your opening sentence, you suggest there were a lot of high expectations in 2012. Where are the high expectations this year? We look squarely like a 4-6 win team.
  14. There was a time, a few years ago, when Smith was actually available when he was set to leave San Fran. There was some debate here about whether or not the Bills would benefit from signing him. The consensus among the usual crowd was "no way" though others, myself included, suggested he would be an upgrade, even if flawed. The guy is competent at throwing a football. Nothing too fantastic, but competent. He would have been much better than anyone we have had at the QB position since that time. Now? He's not available.
  15. Didn't catch the PC. Did he comment on his starting QB being hot garbage?
  16. This is a fact. Doesn't mean Peterman should be the starter necessarily... He shows more innate instinct for throwing a football than Tyrod has shown to date. Of course, if Peterman gets more game time against better players, he'll make more mistakes too.
  17. Game will be re-aired Friday August 18th at 10:00am on NFL Network. 3 Hour time slot allotted for the re-play on NFL Network.
  18. QBs who can reliably and accurately deliver the ball to those playmaking receivers, so they can actually make plays, are even harder to find. Until we have one, Sammy's departure is not nearly as big a minus as many posters seem to think it is.
  19. Agree and to add a bit more... Paying a high price for a high performance WR makes zero sense for this team until we have a good QB who has broken into the league and feeling comfortable. Like 2 or 3 years from now the window on that might open. With no QB to get Sammy the ball, he is like buying a $300,000 Ferrari that can't be revved past 2,000 RPM. At that point, buy a VW GTI and save $280,000.
  20. Whaley is a scout who can evaluate talent, but he was in way over his head as a GM. The fact that we have so few top picks still on the team is, in part, testimony to Whaley's failures as a GM. Ditto his clueless treatment of the QB position and his trade up for Watkins. Whaley will not work in the league as a GM again.
  21. Was going to ask the same question, but perhaps he will enter the 19 foot draft instead?
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