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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. This fight is not as easily predictable as many in this thread claim. A few things to keep in mind: Conor has surprisingly good hand speed; he's a southpaw; he is tough as nails; he has legitimate KO power; and he is the naturally bigger man, which is always a big advantage in a fight. If it goes to the scorecards and Floyd never touches the canvas, Floyd will win easily... If Conor lands one of his KO punches with that unique, odd timing of his, and is just lucky enough to catch Floyd off guard...Floyd is toast. I actually can't wait to see how it plays out, but will do so 1 week from tomorrow, when I watch the replay for free on HBO.
  2. The NFL is quick to embrace wife beaters, convicted felons, and that sort of thing, as long as they can play football. If Kaepernick was better at throwing a football, he'd have a job.
  3. Looking safeties off is a few levels above Tyrod's game. Unfortunately.
  4. I'd be in favor of taking Falk in a later round and still going with the "stud" QB up high in the draft. Take a few of them all the time until we find one that can play. Then build around that guy at that time.
  5. Agree Marino is better; greatly disagree that Marino is overrated. I put him in like top 3 all time as a pure passer... Everything we Bills fans dream of in finding a real QB now is what Marino was then. I almost love how Marino couldn't run and didn't event think to run. His job was to slash defenses wide open with his arm, and that he did quite well.
  6. Throw him in there and play him. The guys who can do it, do it...or at least make it obvious that they will be able to do it once they get a few things sorted out. The guys who can't do it, suck...and they suck right away. Get the new sports car out of the garage and open it up. See what it can do.
  7. It's not such a great way to get fired if the owner of the team is not only on board with the strategy, but orders it. I have no idea if Pegula has done that with the Bills; he did it with the Sabres however.
  8. Hey man, it's been 17 so far. What's a few more? Besides, it's not like the playoffs are somehow expected or guaranteed if we don't tank!
  9. Calling Fitz "noodle-arm" is an insult! To noodles.
  10. The reason we are in a quasi-tank mode this year is so that we might be able to draft someone like Cam Newton next year. Any similarities between this Bills team and the Panthers in their Superbowl year end when you analyze the QB position. I do agree that once we have a real QB the WR corps won't matter. Plug and play. Lots of guys can catch in this league when you put the ball in their hands.
  11. So QB talent exists early in the first round, it's just that teams don't know how to find it. Whoever said the plan has to be a "guarantee" anyway? It's playing the odds and throwing the dice... I'd rather swing and miss at a top rated QB prospect than go 7-9 forever... 7-9 is for losers.
  12. It's shocking how many absolutely crap QBs maintain employment in the NFL for a period of YEARS. Lack of talent at the position, sure...but why teams keep retreading the same names who are clear failures is beyond me.
  13. Then the picks can be used as picks. That's the beauty of currency. You can spend it anyway you want.
  14. Ditto for McCoy, regardless of what Mike Florio has to say about it. Having said that, I do not believe the Bills are looking to move either player and it is unlikely either will leave.
  15. I highly recommend the DVR/replay route for these games. The game starts immediately at the designated time; no talking head pre-game crap; they delete halftime; commercials are minimal; game is over pretty quickly. It's fantastic.
  16. Can you guys imagine the excitement of the week leading up to a playoff game for this team? And then the morning of the game itself... Man, I miss that stuff. Pro sports without playoffs is like kissing your sister.
  17. Are you one of the peopel that is no longer intellegent?
  18. Slightly off topic, but John Murphy is now so fat he is starting to generate a weak gravitational field around his belt line.
  19. In other words, the tank is likely to take care of itself this year, without any real need to plan for it. Sad, but highly possible.
  20. I think this decision is the culmination of many factors. Boldin is aging and he knows what he can't do anymore better than anyone. He has had some time to size up the team and sees there is no winning to be done in Buffalo, this year. He is a consummate professional who likes doing things the right way and probably realizes any involvement he would have with the team this year would be the "wrong way" and he didn't want to do things the wrong way. He has plenty of money in the bank. Add it up and he called it quits. This will have little impact on the Bills record this season.
  21. "You see, our fans are great. They come out, they get excited, they come out and cheer before the game. They're there ready to go. And when we see that walking out of that tunnel, right now, here comes the electricity. All you have to do is plug it in." -Darryl Talley
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