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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Let's assume it is 100% "real". What difference does it make? In what way is the source of the information somehow qualified to make a judgment valuation about this? Let's assume it's Jim Kelly and he hates the direction of the team from what he sees from the outside in his personal opinion. Who the hell cares?! What does he know about NFL team building? His job was to throw a football. EDIT: Nothing against Jimbo! You see my point though.
  2. In a totally different kind of way. The kind of way that is beneficial if your job is playing football.
  3. I was thinking the same thing more or less. Those are 2 big boys and if they really went at it, someone is going to get hurt.
  4. Phil Hansen, unless he is considered too good to qualify for this category. He would be another of my favorites. For a while, we had that patented goal line play where Butch would line up on the outside of the LOS, pretend to block...then release and roll out into the end zone...and he would be WIDE OPEN every single time! How many times did he do that!?
  5. Yes, a small minority of us did say this from the start. The vocal majority hated the whole thing, right from the start. That's how you know the plan is a good one and has a real chance of succeeding.
  6. Well said. They are systematically tearing down and stripping the old rust bucket in the garage to bare metal, so they can rebuild it and win best in show at Pebble Beach. At least that is the idea. And that's how you properly restore an old rust bucket. You don't buy a $3 can of spray paint and shoot it over a rust patch and tell yourself it looks good. That's how the current regime differs from all the others in the last 20 years, give or take. Give them some time and see if it works.
  7. Voted Peterman b/c we can only win with him as QB, one way or the other. Conversely, we can only lose, one way or the other, with Tyrod. Of course, that's why Tyrod will start the whole season, barring injury.
  8. You mean like Incognito? He is pretty consistently one of the best players on the team...and he is solely here b/c of Ryan. I wouldn't dump him at all.
  9. Yeah well as long as Brady is playing at his usual level, NE is in our division, and the playoff structure of the NFL remains unchanged, we only have a shot at the wildcard. That's just how it is.
  10. I'd love to see Peterman start Game 1 of the regular season, and just keep going. I can't imagine anything positive being accomplished by playing Tyrod at this point.
  11. Too early for any of this other than Brandon, who is horrible, simply b/c he is morally 1 step below the anti-Christ. I voted below average for Pegulas and "excellent" for the GM...simply b/c he is doing something we haven't seen attempted in nearly 20 years of sucking..so effort alone gets him top marks, at the moment.
  12. You've hit on something here. The key to success this year is targeting Clay more. I didn't see it.
  13. His guys are all replaceable. What matters is getting the QB. Everything else should be a distant second concern.
  14. Hey did you forget you are not a Tyrod supporter and were upset that EJ didn't get the starting nod? Or have you flipped on that along with everything else now?
  15. The Bills have made made a tradition out of squandering their top draft picks for decades. You make it sound like this is something new!
  16. The Medusa look so popular in the NFL now and sported by Watkins is for pussies. This is the look I propose: mohawks and Indian face paint, 101st style.
  17. Just saw Tyrod slam his head into the turf... This is a great opportunity for the team to announce that Tyrod is suffering from "undisclosed lingering concussion symptoms" that just don't want to go away. Should be able to keep him out of the lineup for at least a month on that alone... Starting the season 0-4 will get the tank off to a good start.
  18. Yes, of course! The funny thing is that so many here supported Whaley for so long and loved the Ragland pick at the time. The same sort of poster was outraged at "Black Friday" a few weeks ago...which is why I have faith it was a great idea. Finally watching the replay of the Ravens game right now....8:16 left in 1st quarter...my God we don't look very good.
  19. "Stripes" not even on the list? Not much of a list.
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