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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. When Marcell said: "I've got some Bubonic chronic that'll blow your mind," he wasn't f-ing kidding. That **** is some of the best sticky icky I've ever smoked. Makes my favorite Juan Valdez seem like regular giggle smoke.
  2. The sort of podunk Alabama shitehole you probably don't want to visit.
  3. Cultural rituals of this type are always lots of fun, until you get your head slammed into pavement so hard, you either have permanent brain damage or die.
  4. Sounds like Kirwan is also suggesting Ragland isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Coming from a fine academic institution like Alabama and that program, this seems plausible if not highly likely.
  5. I was disappointed when the original post didn't ultimately lead to a U-boat heading to Argentina in May 1945 and Hitler dying of natural causes in Buenos Aires, circa 1974.
  6. Then by all means, continue reading his work and promoting it here at TBD.
  7. Didn't you get the memo? Tyrod doesn't make pre-snap reads. I believe the plan this year on offense involves a radical new philosophy in which we do not actually field a QB.
  8. The team drew first blood, not Rambo.
  9. I would prefer JJ Watt. Definitely wouldn't want JJ Abrams, JJ Yeley, or JJ from Good Times. I would, however, take JJ Daigneault, if he were younger, for the Sabres.
  10. Not bad. But you forgot two guaranteed threads. 1) If a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, and j happen, pigs fly, and extra-terrestrial life visits Earth prior to the end of training camp, we could be a playoff team and 2) 19-0 baby! Go Bills!
  11. I want to the thank the OP for creating this thread. I also want to thank those forum members who have contributed and will contribute to this thread. While at it, we should all thank the creators of this forum for letting us discuss the Bills every day. I'd also like to thank Jerry Hughes for donating some money to charity. And let's not forget the charity itself, in fact, let's thank all charities that do good work I also want to thank the sun. Without it, life on this planet probably wouldn't exist and if it did, it would be sucky. If we didn't exist, we wouldn't have football to watch, nor could we thank the players for playing it. So thank you, sun. I would also like to thank cheeseburgers. They taste so good going down. Alcohol is another good thing to thank. It makes so many intolerable situations tolerable. Thank you, alcohol. Lastly, I want to thank my mother and father, my agent, and the entire cast and crew. Without them none of my message would have been possible.
  12. Tyrod slammed the back of his head into the turf a few nights ago and is currently in concussion protocol. Will be interesting to see how he recovers and how long it takes. Would love to see Peterman start the first few games...would add a level of interest to what is sure to be an uninteresting season.
  13. The problem is that most NFL coaches are...football coaches. With some exceptions now and again, these guys just aren't that bright as a group, as measured by the standards of bright people in society at large. They only know how to do it their way. Rex is a great example of this. He is not a master philosopher of football. He is a one trick pony. And his trick ceased being effective about two decades ago.
  14. Butler was most certainly a star on the team in his era. As was Frank Lewis, to name another on your list of "non-stars".
  15. Beane and McDermott have already made 1,000 decisions that have and will continue to impact the direction of the franchise. Maybe Gabriel's opinion is based on the overall thrust of those decisions? Maybe you are painting a shockingly incomplete and over-simplified picture of the situation?
  16. Yeah, like NYC. Where Sullivan's last gig was before joining the News. I mean, what does the metro NYC area have? 18 million? Can't be more than 20 million, tops.
  17. Of course I do! Any Bills fan who watched that game and was older than 6 at the time will remember those things for the rest of their lives.
  18. Is there a CBA guru who can tell us how and when we can finally get rid of Mr. Staypuft? I'm thinking 2019 at the earliest with cap penalty, but it would at least be doable. Anyone have this figured out?
  19. No surprise to hear this at all. Most fans don't get what the team is doing. On top of that, where we are right now in the process/plan is at its absolute low point. Tough to get super excited right now. I hope that will change a lot even by next year at this time.
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