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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Something like this is what my gut says. Low scoring, Bills win, by a narrow margin.
  2. I am sure the officiating will be horrible, but it won't be the reason we lose the game, should we lose the game. So overall I'm not gonna worry about this.
  3. The good news is the game is on TV where I live. The bad news is where I live isn't going to have power, most likely, at 1pm on Sunday. I'm in Palm Beach County. Watching Irma on TWC now... This may be the first time in my life when "WIDE RIGHT" is a good thing!
  4. Kelly has remained in Buffalo b/c he is a revered superstar in WNY, he loves that, and he wouldn't get the same treatment anywhere else. At least that is my opinion. Bills stars of the same era without that need to be recognized split a long time ago.
  5. If these picks don't pan out, we suck. Back to where we've been for an entire generation. No big deal.
  6. Turnovers being an important key to who wins and loses, and halftime adjustments, are not myths.
  7. Meh. This is a passing league. Good RBs are a dime a dozen and you can always find one when you need one.
  8. I feel good about our future too! We are not going to be better than people think, however.
  9. The win total projected by pretty much everyone who is not a Bills fan is like 4-6 wins this year. Only Bills fans have them winning more than that, or having any hope of playing in the playoffs. Same as most years.
  10. Right, like there was some sort of preferable alternative course of action... This team will continue to suck until the whole thing is blown up and rebuilt in a proper manner. These guys are trying to do that. Give them some time.
  11. You mean sheet got her BFA from IU in Bloomington, or she is from the State of Indiana? Well, either way, I give her my vote of approval.
  12. Not so much the Jordan part, but "MUDGE" is most definitely a surname right out of a Dickens novel, probably referencing the villain/bad guy. Kind of like Scrooge. Picture a disgruntled 59 year old white guy building a pipe bomb in his basement, with the intent of engaging in some good old domestic terrorism... That guy's name is Harold Mudge.
  13. Thanks for the write-up; can't see the game until the NFL replay Sunday morning... I really hope Peterman gets the chance to play this season, at least now and again. Could be from benching Tyrod, injury to Tyrod, or the Bills running up the score and getting to garbage time. The first scenario seems possible, the second probable, and the third impossible.
  14. Definitely Plausible. NY's defense will keep our O in check. Should be one heck of a punting duel.
  15. Why the hell is the National Anthem played before a sporting event? Stupid; get rid of it. And the flag, and the honor guard, and the military flyovers, and all the other paid-for bull **** by the oligarchs who control this country and need to preserve some BS notion that "patriotism" and "love of country" actually mean something... They are amorphous concepts invented and employed as mere marketing tools by those in power to convince those not in power that it is honorable to die for those in power every now and again. The dumber you are, the better this scheme works.
  16. Watched the entire portion of the game Rudolph played in. He is a good talent and we need to keep evaluating him...but that game last night was a total mismatch with one side outclassing the other. That happens a lot in college football, even at the top level. The stats are somewhat misleading at times. One long pass for a TD was under thrown, horribly played by the CB in 1 on 1 coverage who is nothing close to NFL talent, and was simply a case of a good WR with NFL talent picking on a bad CB without NFL talent who never got his head turned, was a bit out of control and lost in space, and never had proper positioning on the WR. That type of mismatch is common in college football and why you have to be careful evaluating this stuff. On paper, the play I am talking about looks great...something like a 45 yard pass for a TD (as I remember it). In the NFL, it's an interception or incompletion most likely. What I like about Rudolph is he looks around at the entire field, is mostly accurate, and throws with anticipation. He also understands what Tyrod does not: if you throw the ball to location X in space, and can read/anticipate the game and know what your WR can do, the WR will be able to get to location X and catch the ball when the ball gets there. Tyrod just throws to open guys when he sees that they are already open, often at a standstill. Tom Brady knows the bubble of space on the field that Gronk, for example, can get to with his size, reach, and athleticism. In turn, Brady is accurate enough to put the ball in that bubble of space with the right timing. By the time the ball gets to location X, so do Gronk's hands. Half the time Gronk is never really even "open". Often at the moment of the throw, the "picture" of Gronk's hands catching the ball at Location X is a long way away form being formed on the field and Gronk might be tightly covered...but Brady can see that the picture will be formed before it actually is. Tyrod (and lots of others) can't do this and that is not something he is going to "learn" in an off-season. Watch for college QBs this season who can put the ball in that window of space before the window exists and it looks like that is a good idea like Brady and Rodgers do. Those are the guys who might translate to the NFL well.
  17. Beane (asked if Marcell has bought in): “You know, I don't know. Time will tell. It was disappointing as I said, after that game. He was contrite (Sunday) and said the right things. Actions speak louder than words, and you know, time will tell. Hopefully, he is. We hope he'll play to his potential. We know what kind of player he can be. We hope to see that on the field.” Will the Bills part ways with Marcell if he does not buy in? “Yeah, any player that's not buying in, we'll find a way to move on without him.”
  18. Marv sounds good as well, or at least he did the last time I heard him on the radio, which was not too long ago. He was as sharp as ever.
  19. "His ability to withstand pain is incredible," said Tim McDermott. That statement will undoubtedly be tested around here.
  20. I have them at 6 wins; 5 could easily be the correct number. I actually hope it's a lot lower.
  21. For Bills fans who suffer from insomnia and are desperate to try and catch up on their sleep... Tune in to the game tonight at 7pm. You should be out cold by 7:10pm.
  22. I think there's at least three, but what the hell. Multiple redundant threads, often about nothing, are the lifeblood of this forum.
  23. Good players often don't make the final cut for reasons other than low quality of play. There are bargains to be had if you know what you are doing and look at the right players in the right places. I fully expect we will sign a bunch of guys at various positions once the slashing begins.
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