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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Can anyone give a general sum up of the game so far?!
  2. Just got internet working, in Palm Beach County... What has happened? who can give me a 2 sentence summation of the game so far!?
  3. Yes, and the medical treatment Everett received that day remains a somewhat unspoken bright spot in WNY history, and a real compliment to the area. Everyone knows of snow and cold weather when they think of Buffalo, but you wonder if they think of "great schools" or "top flight medical care" and so on... I remember a few years ago I read that Amherst was like the #1 lowest crime area in the USA, as determined by number of "violent crimes" in a 1 year period. I think they had 4 of them.
  4. Someone needs to tell visiting sports teams that there are other good restaurants in Buffalo.
  5. But then Al said something to the effect of "No kidding". Like "Yes Chris, I know I am going to get hate email from WNY now!" I don't think he meant it as the vicious assault some are painting it. Al would praise the Bills a much as ridicule them, if there was something to praise. Letting the wrong talent go, drafting the wrong talent in the first place, and retaining the wrong talent are all management choices and are most certainly a part of the 17 year **** show in WNY. Al's point was basically that NE is successful b/c they can evaluate talent and use it to their benefit, and the Bills seem to struggle in that (and other) department(s). I couldn't agree with that more actually. I still did not like the comment when it happened though!
  6. You mean "hear, hear!" but whatever. Sounds like the OP is not from WNY but arbitrarily chose to follow the Bills. I can't believe anyone could be that self-abusive! I was born into Bills fandom and will remain there until death. It is exciting to be typing on the eve of another new Bills season.
  7. Game is being re-aired right now for about the 5th time on NFL Network. In the 4-7pm eastern time slot. One more chance to enjoy the Patriot fans' misery!
  8. Never heard of him; just googled him; kind of looks like a criminal.
  9. Don't worry, they make sew-on number "18"s as well.
  10. Love it; lots of folks here will hate that though. I don't have any jerseys.
  11. You need to work on distinguishing "what is" from "what I would like to be."
  12. My hope would be the entire team playing sharp, disciplined ball with few penalties and zero stupid penalties. We need to make that transition at some point if this team is ever going to get good. My expectation is a sloppy, ugly, low scoring game in which we win by a narrow margin. 1 TD or less.
  13. How many posts in this thread will say "No way!" despite coming from the same posters who defended the draft choice, and the organization, at the time we drafted that guy? That's how the vocal majority around here rolls.
  14. Boston is, and always has been, a Red Sox town. Baseball continues to reign supreme in Beantown. Just the way it is.
  15. Ha! Do the obvious observations in pre-season include things like having plenty of time to throw on certain plays, finding a wide open receiver, and then missing that receiver by 3 yards? What was he working on there? His EJ impersonation? His past obvious flaws remain his current obvious flaws. Tyrod must be considered mediocre at best until he proves otherwise. We'll see.
  16. Love it or hate it, we are a laughing stock and irrelevancy in this league. It will stay that way until we do something to change it. Luckily, for the first time in a generation, we seem to be trying to address the problem.
  17. The game is on right now (2:54pm eastern time) on NFL Network. Currently like 4 minutes left in the 3rd quarter... If anyone wants to enjoy this one more time, or if you missed the finish last night. Watching the stadium empty in hushed, stunned silence just never gets old.
  18. Well there's that too! Don't see it happening, but it could. Would be nice to see him return to his rightful position of best player on the team.
  19. I'm not sure about Dareus; the time to dump his fat ass is after next year....well, from a cap perspective.
  20. This had the look and feel of "done for the year" when it happened last night. I hate to see that look on these guys' faces...
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