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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. He is who he is and he isn't changing. Sometimes looks good, sometimes looks like crap. His ceiling is ultimately low.
  2. The offense is not really what you'd call "firing on all cylinders."
  3. Who says coaching isn't important? Complex defensive set confuses O line blocking duties; Hughes goes unblocked; misses sack but messes up play enough to force a FG....
  4. Poyer absolutely just saved a TD! May have put Benjamin out too with some cracked ribs.
  5. Well, we have a tie rod. Now I guess we need a clutch too.
  6. Of note: 6 fan bases hate the Patriots more than Bills fans, according to the study. And even then, only 30.4% of Bills fans put the Patriots in their bottom 3. Meaning @ 70% of Bills fans did NOT have the Patriots in their top 3 most hated teams... Kind of interesting. You wonder who all those Bills fans hate more! Giants fans hate NE the most. This story got a lot of treatment today with Schopp and Bulldog at WGR 550.
  7. I discovered, not that long ago, this creepy bald guy with the glasses who seems to be ESPN's #1 on-air personality at the moment...he had his studio sort of decorated as an homage to himself complete with his own bobble-head and what not.... In 20 seconds I could see where he/ESPN were going with the whole thing, marketing this idiot as a source of entertainment himself instead of a reporter of sports information. I quickly turned the channel and really haven't been back since, unless I'm watching a live sporting event of some kind which happens to be on ESPN. The whole concept of ESPN, the TV sports news channel, has little relevance in today's world. No one more than sports fans gets their information via sources other than live TV. The idea of being pinned down to a specific time slot to "watch" sports news content is absurd in today's world... And none of this is some huge, gripping, peace in the Middle East type news story... It's mostly light and fluffy. You just want to know who won, what the score was, who's injured, who's going to play on Sunday....that type of thing. The internet and cell phones were made for that type of sound byte information.
  8. Charlotte reporter Jourdan Rodrique on with Schopp and Bulldog today. She reports there are a "ton of Bills fans in the city...never seen so many out of town visitors before."
  9. Watching the game on DVR right now; 7:09 left in 3rd quarter... Score 10-6 Houston. I have come to expect crappy games on Thursday night so this is par for the course. Andy Dalton always seems to promise more than he actually is or is capable of delivering. Marvin Lewis reached the high water mark of his career a few years ago; he needs to be replaced if the Bengals are going to be more than they are.
  10. His arm didn't look dead in Week 1 when he threw the ball 60 yards in the air with accuracy and pace.
  11. It's business as usual with Brady for the moment. I assume he will come out and smoke the Saints just to show everyone he is not washed up. If that fails to happen, there may be something interesting to talk about.
  12. Can't vouch for how classy she is. I can vouch for her breasts. They are delightful.
  13. Because we have none of the other stuff surrounding the stadium that the NFL is looking for in a Superbowl hosting site.
  14. Bills have never made me cry, not even 1 tear.... They have made me upset, angry, confused, sad, and disappointed though. Probably the all time low was after Superbowl XXV. Put me in a funk that lasted days...
  15. It's Mia Khalifa...but she denies any sexual relationship and insists they are just friends.
  16. Remember this game well. Can't believe it was 25 years ago. This was when SF and Buffalo were two titans of the NFL and that game was an epic clash. How times have changed!
  17. I would be 100% out in terms of following, long distance, the Buffalo CFL team. I would continue to watch good match-ups with good teams in the NFL however. I might even try to find someone to cheer for, casually...to keep things interesting. Like maybe the Packers who are similar to the Bills in some ways, usually have a strong team, and they never really did anything to make me hate them, unlike almost all other teams in the NFL!
  18. Thin!? You mean like thin as the thin edge of the wedge walking on thin ice while disappearing into thin air, thin? Nah, I think we are OK.
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