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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. You are assuming Peterman is an improvement and that Tyrod is the tank option. I think it's the other way around, which is part of why I would like to see Peterman.
  2. Possibly. Then again, this is TBD. Writing on a bad 3rd grade level is to be expected.
  3. Hell no! We need more EJs and Tyrods around here!
  4. The decision about Tyrod has already been made. He is out after this year. Management knows this and, ironically, Tyrod's retention this year is designed to help us replace him next year.
  5. Moving from C to the left we are good. Moving to the right we are terrible. Our main problem begins and ends with the QB position though, as always. Without a solid starting QB on this team, nothing else matters.
  6. Nevermind the poor game management concerns... Management and coaching know what Tyrod is better than you and I do! He's terrible! And they are OK with him as our starter this year and they even doubled down by getting rid of Watkins. We're in a tank year more than I at first realized.
  7. And don't read too much into the 2 Patriots losses this year because Brady and Belichick. And don't read too much into the Chargers loss because...West coast travel is tough. And don't too read much into the KC loss...that crowd noise is really tough at Arrowhead... And don't read too much into the Denver loss...that team has a great D and our offense is "growing" And don't read too much into..... Blah Blah Blah Blah
  8. The new coaching regime scores poorly today for clock management, game management, and that decision to kick a FG on 4th and 2 in my opinion as well. I.E., McDermott may be young, but he does represent much fresh and new in these departments at OBD. I truly hope he gets better at these things; I had hope that he would have been better than what we saw today.
  9. This game really draws attention to the Bills decision to move on from Watkins. Tyrod is not very good and we have no passing game. I firmly believe Bills management/coaching KNOWS THIS. And for the most part, they are OK WITH IT. They decided to scrap this season in exchange for a chance at a better future and a QB drafted next year. Get used to it, Bills fans! We are in a tank season. You just saw and felt what that looks like when we aren't playing the Jets.
  10. If this was baseball and Tyrod is the pitcher and Zay is the catcher... The official scorer scores that a wild pitch, not a passed ball. I.E., the error was on Tyrod. Having said that, sure, a great WR probably makes the catch. Focus on that single play in this game is stupid though... Much more interesting to focus on the fact that the Bills are pretty much tanking this year and they know it.
  11. Not so sure about that, unfortunately. But here is something to think about for the anti-Peterman crowd, or those saying no way is he ready to play... Tyrod was beyond terrible in this game. He had 6 passing yards in the first half. Why in hell CAN'T Peterman play? What is the drop-off from Tyrod? There is no drop off. Peterman can't do worse, nor give us a worse chance to win. Let him play. Why not? The only reason is "Because we are trying to lose, i.e., tanking." That's why!
  12. Where the hell you been? You needed today to figure out Tyrod is horrible?
  13. Really? If that was fine, you have to see this guy named Brady play. You'll absolutely fall in love with him.
  14. DOn't blame him. Poorly thrown to the wrong side of the WR.
  15. Losing 6-3. You have missed nothing. The D has played very well. The O is horrid.
  16. My God this game has been an ugly piece of crap to watch!
  17. This! The D can cheat looking for the run all the time and have little risk of getting burned.
  18. First Half Comparison, Passing Yards: Tyrod Taylor: 6 Tom Brady: 302
  19. It is the same hesitancy that creates no turnovers that also creates no offense. Tyrod sucks.
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