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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. You may need them all to win a championship, but the are not all equally weighted. I'd say lots of raw talent gets you 90% of the way there. Culture and process gets you the final 10% of the way home, and is the difference between, say, losing an AFC championship game and being a Superbowl champion. When you have process and culture but not talent, you are the Bills in 2018. About a 4 win team, maybe.
  2. So wait a minute; you live on a Bills message board but you won't be watching one of their 16 games this season? I can't fathom that, but to each his own.
  3. You might give them through 2020 but I highly doubt our owner does. I think next year will be their last, commensurate with Allen being declared a failure as a draft pick. Don't think they can survive Allen busting, and I don't think they'll get another shot at a new QB.
  4. Have some patience. McDermott and Beane both will not outlast Allen. When Allen is declared a bust, probably some time middle of next year, McBeane will be gone at season's end. They will be fired; just not right now.
  5. If our policy was what I wish it was (and many other posters too) he probably would be a Bill. I.E. try to draft every QB that has a chance of being good and keep doing it all the time until one sticks. If you are doing that every year, Mahomes is probably a Bill. We might suck much of the time between QBs, but we do that anyway! At least my approach yields a good QB now and again.
  6. Watched the entire game last night despite the lopsided score. Listening to Collinsworth's commentary and watching the Chiefs makes you realize how far behind the Bills are. We are decades behind the cutting edge of the NFL in 2018. The Chiefs do a lot of interesting stuff on offense; one thing mentioned was how they typically use 4 receivers and they are all running laterally such that it is impossible for the D to be aggressive and attacking b/c it's so confusing as to who is going where or what anyone is doing. When was the last time we had that sort of innovation on the Bills? When we were going to Super Bowls every year, and not since.
  7. The difference being Ted Nolan was hired intentionally to be a tank driver, whereas presumably Pegula actually thinks McDermott is a good coach.
  8. Sam Darnold is starting to separate from the rest of his QB draft class. Tyler Dunne was just commenting on this recently, mentioning Darnold is showing like 5th year understanding already and has the QB experts drooling. Allen is a bust waiting to happen.
  9. The weak link in their "be bad in 2018 so we can be great in 2019" plan is Josh Allen. He isn't going to progress much beyond where he is now and he will be the weak link next year. QBs do not get forever in this league in 2018; he will need to show he can do it probably by mid-season, next year. Heck, EJ only got 13 games and then he was done forever. I think when Allen washes out, McBeane will be gone. Don't think they can survive him or get a chance to draft a 2nd QB.
  10. You going anywhere? The fans will hang with them. Half of them (at the games) are there to get drunk and just looking for something to do anyway. I'm not sure the actual quality of football is that important with such fans.
  11. First, QBs don't learn from the bench. They learn by playing. Second, the only way tanking in football could be worth it, IMO, is if you are doing it in a year where a top QB prospect is available and your tanking assures that you can get him. Unfortunately, the Bills think they already have their QB and they will not draft another one with our first, high, draft pick next year. So then why is this the year to be tanking? Having said that, I'm in favor of losing out as of right now, this season.
  12. Interesting. Never heard about the MNF thing, but I'm not totally surprised. I just googled around for it for a few minutes and looked at youtube but found nothing. The loudest gay bashers are often closeted homosexuals and Lance Armstrong made it a point to ruthlessly belittle and berate journalists who weren't afraid to point the doping finger at him, despite the fact that he was guilty as sin. I think it's a function of the ego. It becomes so big in some people they turn into delusional monsters.
  13. My hope is that we are waiting to trade McCoy to Philly 15 minutes before the trade deadline, to maximize value. That's my hope, not my expectation. I don't think McBeane are smart enough to realize the value of that move.
  14. That's what the defense/run people never seem to understand. For that to work, about many variables have to work in your favor, consistently. Which is almost impossible to orchestrate with any type of predictability, and in fact, defensive performance is totally unpredictable. It's up and down around the league all the time. With a strong passing attack lots can go wrong every game and you can still win/bail yourself out of trouble.
  15. Yes. And we are very far away from knowing Allen's true potential, but we know exactly what Peterman is and that he will never improve. Both have played 5 games.
  16. So they're tanking in your opinion. The decision to eat all the dead cap money in a single season is definitely an indicator that they are tanking. Going into a season of football with Allen and Peterman as your entire QB staff is another indicator. Though I don't think McBeane were smart enough to actually know that. So I'm not sure about this. I think they are kind of quasi-tanking.
  17. We are the 3rd most penalized team in the league behind Pitt. (1) and Cleveland (2).
  18. That doesn't really narrow it down. You'll have to clarify which one. More or less what I've been suggesting all season, particularly if we truly finish with a top 3 pick. And everyone crucifies me saying "this will never happen." It won't, but it should.
  19. Are you suggesting another sex toy type incident? That would be great.
  20. "Go to a happy place, Derek, go to a happy place."
  21. Here's the real question: who do we start at QB for next week's game against the Patriots on Monday Night in front of a national TV audience? That game may do damage to this franchise's reputation that may never be undone, if we aren't already there now.
  22. Tanking doesn't mean not trying your best. Tanking means creating a team at the GM level that, when trying its best, can't win very much. I would suggest a 60 year old QB hired off the street is more a tank job than playing Peterman, though that's a toss up. Both are outrageously bad and neither would get a roster spot on any other team in the NFL.
  23. I think a lot of people might do this. I live in SE Fl and it is "summer" here year round, so I don't need to take back my Sunday afternoons. If I lived in WNY, I probably wouldn't watch another game live this year. Just DVR them and watch at your convenience in 1.5 hours. Get outside and enjoy nice weather while it's still there.
  24. I think they have been tanking. It's just that this is the first time you've caught onto it.
  25. The rate at which McDimwit refers to our "young team" is strange and frankly, alarming. Especially when you consider we are the 5th oldest team in the NFL.
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