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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. He didn't cost Nate a LONG career, but I'm sure he did take some $$$ out of his pocket by aggressively accelerating his career and exposing him in the manner he did. Nate would have been better off had he been hidden in the background for a while, holding a clipboard. But eventually even that wouldn't have lasted. Ask EJ Manuel what I'm talking about.
  2. Drug addicted street walkers from Pensacola, FL. That's pretty much dead rock bottom, if you were looking to zero out your humanity barometer.
  3. There are wildfires every year in a certain part of California and as far as I know, the state is still there, more or less operating as normal. Does make for some dramatic photography though.
  4. She is that sort of woman who comes across as a complete non-sexual entity. There are a lot of women like that in the world.
  5. Shame about all those tattoos, but regardless, OH HELL YES. Every day of the week and twice on Sunday! Notice that huge rock on her ring finger....
  6. Always hated the look of those uniforms, despite that they seem to be widely liked. I've never been a fan of blue, white, and gold. It's a cheesy look IMO. When we went to black it was a big improvement, minus the goat head. That color scheme with a great logo would have been great. I'm glad the best team this organization ever iced was wearing black though. (2006).
  7. I played with Todd Collins. I knew Todd Collins. Todd Collins was a friend of mine. And believe me, Nate Peterman is no Todd Collins.
  8. You suffer from a unique strain of the Stockholm Syndrome, known as the Buffalo Syndrome. You have been a fan of crap Bills teams for so long, you have developed a feeling of empathy and sympathy for the organization, to the point of defending them in the face of any and all adversity. Get the help you need, my friend.
  9. Wait. So Cleveland desperately wanted McDimwit? That's all we need to know. He'll be gone during or after the 2019 season, for sure now. I'd do it for a 3rd. He's going to just get fired with no compensation in return, so getting anything would be a plus. My stance on Shady being traded was the same for the same reasons.
  10. If you were under the assumption that pre-season football can be used to evaluate players, now you know it can't. You're late to that party, my friend, but better late than never. Pre-season football games are a huge waste of time.
  11. Totally disagree. The faster we find out he has it, or doesn't have it, the better off we are as an organization and as fans. There's still some football to be played this year. Get Allen's ass out there and let's see some progress. He will learn very little doing anything other than playing in regular season NFL football games.
  12. We're all clearly seeing just how badly missed a star RB of his caliber is in Pittsburgh! Only game the Bills have played worth a crap this year was completely missed by Shady, too. Pound and ground! Control the line of scrimmage!
  13. Damn. There goes the Kelly Holcomb/Thad Lewis/Trent Edwards debate I was planning.
  14. Sure he sucks, but look at his wife!
  15. How is that I just know everyone making fun of this idea in this thread will be screaming for Josh Allen to get a 5th, 6th, and 7th chance in the future! And there will be many threads talking about he was "ruined", had no supporting cast around him, deserves another shot, blah blah blah. Very predictable.
  16. I hear they're giving out free commemorative wakizashis at halftime for those who simply can't bear to watch more in the second half. Very generous of them.
  17. What's everyone watching? Clemson just scored a TD to take the lead against BC. Notre Dame beating up on FSU 25-6. Texas and Tex. Tech pretty even so far at 10-7 Texas. Auburn vs. Georgia and Miami vs. Ga Tech on too! Lots of football right now.
  18. It's a rather Billsy stat, isn't it? Our gift to the record books.
  19. I would like to talk to you about a bridge I have for sale. When are you available next week?
  20. Not really, but folks need something to cling to in terms of a positive measurable coming from Allen's game. EJ had a strong arm too. Was also a big, strong, athletic guy who could run. Arm strength doesn't mean a lot if there's nothing to go with it.
  21. I think a lot of folks around here do not follow the Sabres and hockey. Pegula fired a Stanley Cup winning HC in Dan Bylsma and the "mad genius architect of the rebuild" GM Tim Murray way ahead of when anyone saw those changes coming, and they took most Sabres fans by surprise. Those 2 guys were almost what I'd call "aggressively" fired and most considered the changes premature. Pegula has very clearly shown that he absolutely will fire people if it doesn't look like things are going to work out, and he doesn't wait to do it.
  22. LOL. I thought you were going to discuss the Superbowl years. You know, when we had an offense that was so potent and innovative, it forced the Raiders to burn a TO while on defense in an AFC championship game. They did that out of sheer confusion. They were "tapping out" to stop the bludgeoning for a moment while they tried to figure out what the hell was going on. I want to see THAT offense again some day before I die!
  23. You and maybe seven other people in the world think that way. The Rams/Saints game is widely regarded as the crowning jewel of the NFL season so far and is precisely the brand of football the NFL, the teams, and 99.999% of all fans want to see in 2018. You are certainly entitled to your opinion of it as being boring, but please acknowledge that your opinion is irrelevant amidst today's landscape and furthermore, please be aware that the team which can always get that last score in a wild shootout is the team that is going to win most of the time in today's league. If a team doesn't have one hell of a good passing QB and a creative offense, it's going nowhere. I'll make a bold prediction: when the season is over for all but 4 teams in January, you'll see that the teams still playing football can all score points at will. You know, playing "boring" football.
  24. That "clueless" radio host who everyone loves around here, Mike Schopp, was dead right about this, all along. Somehow, the experts at TBD got it wrong. Again.
  25. Kevin1778, you reading this? ^
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