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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I watched him play last week. He is another I like a lot.
  2. I have the Denver game as an automatic loss for us. I'm 2 for 2 so far. We'll see.
  3. For all intensive purposes, "wise tail" refers to a hot chick who is also smarter then normal. Their usually easily spotted because they are hot butt smart to. I would of had my share of wise tail in my day but their always to smart for me and I couldn't never not corner one. Grant it, I never really tried not to land some wise tail, but I still think they would of fallen for me if they had only seen where I was at.
  4. I guess a lot of people post here all the time, but still haven't learned how to speak Two Bills Drive-ese.
  5. I agree he looked mad. I noticed some trainer for the Bills was kissing the wounded official's ass a bit, handing him a fresh towel and giving him a water bottle for a drink. He seemed to be extra attentive, trying to butter the SJ up so as to avoid some sort of bench penalty, which made me laugh.
  6. Point #6: "The AFC East is up for grabs." It is? We have no chance in hell of winning this division and it will be won by New England. As to how it is up for grabs, I'm not sure. We are a 6 win team, more or less. Embrace it. Our immediate future is going to revolve around the QB we take in next year's draft, and whether or not he is any good. The current regime will be tied to that decision too, most likely. The interesting part starts next year on draft day. Until then, just try to enjoy big plays as they come, game to game.
  7. This thread is quickly devolving into the old "continuity" discussion. Rex was an embarrassment and had to go. We seem to have a decent enough coaching staff and GM here now. NOW is the time for continuity. Give these guys some time to build their vision and prove they can execute it. I say they get 3 years unless it is glaringly apparent they should go before then, but I don't see that happening with this group. After 3 years, you evaluate and make sure there is enough there to keep going with an extension....with no end in sight if things stay good. With some real continuity (5 years and more) all units on the team should be playing at a high level or something is wrong.
  8. There are a ton of meatheads at this forum who have no ability to perceive nuance in any aspect of their lives, including the Buffalo Bills and/or the mannerisms of the Bills HC. Just ignore them.
  9. As part of a larger theme focusing on what we all think of McDermott as the new HC at this early stage in his career in Buffalo, it's an interesting enough topic. More than just silly nitpicking here IMO.
  10. I know what the OP is talking about. It's creepy because he does it ALWAYS, including many times when it is not warranted as a part of "go team go" schtick that is a sort of religion. You get that same sort of crap in the corporate world. I have heard McDermott speak enough now and observed him enough to know that he is more "traditional football coaching robot" and much less "unique, interesting, critical thinking individual" than I had hoped for. He is not going to break any coaching molds in Buffalo or be a pathfinder to some revolutionary new approach to the game. Doesn't mean he can't be an effective HC though, and the jury is still very much out on that. I'm happy to give them time to show they are good.
  11. I agree with most of this. I had them at 6 wins before the season and I'm sticking around there. 6 might actually be a touch high...but I think it's close enough to correct.
  12. If McDermott could have signed a contract guaranteeing the D holding Carolina to 256 yards and 9 points before the game, he would have signed it. You like to think your team can muster 10 points in 60 minutes of football. Alas, it was not to be.
  13. Correct about Tyrod. And remember, being "average" doesn't mean he performs every task at a skill level of 5 out of 10. It means he does some things well, some things horribly, and there is no consistency to his game. We have seen some stinkers from him in the mold of today's Panthers game. He might have a really good game against a tough opponent at some point this season too. Doesn't mean he isn't average. It all averages out in the end.
  14. Look at all the ballyhoo surrounding Reggie Ragland... 2nd round draft pick, never plays a game for us, traded for a 4th round draft pick that has yet to be used... And that's a 4th round pick.... So we used a 5th round pick on Peterman. Fine! If he pans out, great. If not, who cares? What were we doing otherwise with that pick? We should be taking a 5th round stab at a QB every year in my opinion, even in years when we think we have a good one, so we can start to line up that guy's successor before we need him.
  15. Actually I believe that is a law firm in Chicago renowned for its commercial litigation department. Darnold, Allen, Rudolph, Rosen, and Baker, LLP
  16. I don't think the coaching staff (not any time soon at least) is going to substitute Peterman for Tyrod. And I don't like to see anyone get injured and certainly not Tyrod... But at some point this season Tyrod is likely to be dinged and at least miss a drive, quarter, or even half of a game. He could go down at any time for 3 or 4 games! Who knows! If and when that times comes, will be interesting as hell to see Peterman play a real D in a real game. With our top O guys around him. May not be the tire fire some would predict, though I think he would struggle. But what if he did well!?
  17. This team makes me wish I had some Mentats, or at least some Buffout.
  18. Technically it was the freaking Watkins trade, but your point remains well taken.
  19. Peterman is so good, he would not only win the game by 10, he would win the game by the game by 10! I'm not even sure what that means, but Peterman has gotta be good!
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