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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I wish I knew how you made this poll. I voted "bad throw." If it had been a good one it was an easy 6.
  2. Fair enough. Matthews has no real business calling anyone out anyway.
  3. I would hope all Bills players publicly support all other Bills players, always. Doesn't necessarily mean Matthews has any faith in Tyrod at all, of course. Or that his faith, if he has it, is well grounded. The process seemed pretty straight forward when I was doing it, complete with a "Finished" button or something like that. I then posted the thread and there was no poll.
  4. So there is some recent precedent for this organization benching its starting QB, and the fan base at this forum to be surprised when it happens. Sounds about right. History is repeating itself as I type!
  5. Are you being facetious or serious? You sound serious, so I have you down as a "no benching" vote.
  6. I guess you meant Greg. I was thinking "Roman" like Publius Cornelius Scipio at Zama.
  7. So you are basically voting "no benching". Noted. Can't imagine Peterman's performance being any worse than Tyrod's. I mean, if Peterman could come up with seven yards of total passing in the first half of his game, he'd be better than what Tyrod gave us on Sunday. "No benching." Noted.
  8. I have never been a big Cam Newton fan, but he is not "right" right now in my opinion. I don't think his current level of play is indicative of who he is as a QB at this point in his career. Other than that, I don't have much to say about Carolina's QB situation. Who cares! I'm interested in what the Bills do.
  9. In all fairness, I intended for this to be a poll and created one...didn't seem to post so I did something wrong. I just thought it would be interesting to get people's opinion on whether or not Tyrod would be benched, specifically. Didn't really intend for it to be the 10,000 thread on Tyrod in general. Something like this sounds about right to me. It could come in weeks 9 or 10 or something like that. Our record at that time will play a big role in the whole thing, of course.
  10. I don't think this season is much for the front office and coaching staff either. It really hit home on Sunday just how much this team is not really built for winning very much this year and that is by plan. I think a QB change will be inevitable after Tyrod puts up enough bad performances. The QB switch will partially be a ploy to keep fan interest in the team. I agree it will come later than sooner. I'd say mid-point of season or even a bit later. Entirely valid opinion and likely shared by many at the forum.
  11. I think it is inevitable that Tyrod will be benched at some point this season. When will it happen? McDermott's strong support of Tyrod as his man yesterday is meaningless in all this.
  12. Winnable for Denver, I assume you mean. No way we win that game.
  13. Buffalo....where they B word when it's cold and snowy, and where they B word when its 85 in September.
  14. Wouldn't it be cool if we ran plays as intelligently designed as this one was?
  15. Notice the space and time Shady has on this play; the CB is playing way off him, then the CB turns once he sees the ball is not going to Shady. If the ball is 90% on its way to Shady when Shady turns, it's an easy catch and a quick out of bounds step.... Setting us up with decent time for a much shorter strike at the end zone. But that is all quarterbacking on a level that Tyrod cannot, and does not, play on. He looks for a guy standing alone, then tries to accurately throw him the ball. Some time he succeeds, some times not. A different sort of QB sees the 1-on-1 matchup, and how soft that CB is playing, knows where Shady's route is supposed to end up, and throws the ball to that spot before Shady even turns around to receive the pass and long before the DB can make a play on the ball. This is how good QBs move 80 yards down the field in 1:27 when they need to. Tyrod doesn't have that sort of game play in his body. This is also a great little example of the yardage, production, and points Tyrod loses all the time. Probably on nearly every single passing play IMO, if we had a good All 22 view of everything happening on the field. Maybe once in a while there is truly no good play for him to make b/c the receivers aren't doing their job. I'd say that is likely 1 in 5 times. Just a guess.
  16. I believe the quote of the day, from Dennison, is "Tyrod kept us in the game."
  17. Impossible to comment on this without seeing game film from yesterday. No one watching the game on TV yesterday has any idea if our receivers were open, not open, or if Tyrod had trouble finding them or not... The way the NFL is televised is atrocious.
  18. The time for this organization to go after Smith was a while ago, when he was falling out of favor in San Francisco and could be had. Instead we pursued other options that burned in flames. The window on Smith being a Bill is now closed.
  19. Ha! And now 31-7 on the weird "lateral" TD scored by Atlanta. That's my cue to shut her down for the night...
  20. Watching behind real time on DVR so as to avoid commercials. Just zapped through halftime, with GB losing 24-7! I'll watch a bit more and then call it I think. Would have thought GB could have put up a better fight.
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