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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I am now through the first 3 episodes. I've been watching the "explicit" versions streaming at the PBS website. They aren't the cleaned up versions aired on TV. The first episode you reference was riveting and the best I've seen so far. Still a long way to go, but if anyone was going to only watch a portion of this to further their education, I would say watch the first episode, about 1H 20 M long. It sets the stage for how the US came to be involved in Vietnam, and explains how and why the war was beyond doomed to failure from the start. Just great viewing.
  2. Think of this doll as something akin to Space Invaders. Now think of the sex robot the industry will produce in 30 years. That will be more like PS4 or Xbox One. Before that day arrives, make sure you own a lot of stock in the leading sex robot manufacturing companies. When that day arrives, don't be confused when you wander around town and can't find very many adult aged men out on the streets. They will all be home with a personal harem of sex robots. And who will be able to blame them.
  3. Guys, Dareus has been through a lot and he just needs some help. I think they should restructure his contract to slide a few more dollars his way. That should fix his bad attitude in a heartbeat! He'll come out guns blazing.
  4. Forgot about EJ already, huh? I don't blame you.
  5. So, Mr. Stay Puft is out again and Cordy Glenn will join him? The O-line just got worse and the Denver pass rush just got better. Week 4 may be when we Peterman supporters get our wish to see him start a game. Tyrod might get killed in this game.
  6. So a joke of an ex-Bills coach (kind of like all of them) makes some comments during a sports show...none of which mean anything of importance. 3 pages of arguing about whatever ensues! I often wonder why these internet warriors who love to argue incessantly about nothing wait for actual football topics to start the discussion. Don't limit it to football! There is so much more in the world to argue over! Let's get creative, TBD! Impress me.
  7. I didn't say he was Hitler, Einstein. I said the process that put Hitler in power is very similar to the process that put Trump in power. People much smarter than you have often debated how a man like Hitler could come to power. You are living through a similar movement now; no need to read a history book in this instance.
  8. Not really the thinking behind Godwin's law, but funny nevertheless. Trump appeals to stupid ignorant people; sophisticated city dwellers want nothing to do with him. 1 in 10 people in NYC voted for Trump. While Trump won the state of Alabama, the city of Birmingham overwhelmingly voted against him. Likewise, Hitler was hated in Berlin and received few votes there; Berlin was arguably the cultural capital of Europe in 1933. Where you find intelligent readers, and cultural sophistication, you will not find Trump voters. Where you find ignorant yokels, you will find Trump voters. It was the same with Hitler. Both appeal to the lowest common denominator in society. That is my point.
  9. Your headline would have been more consistent with your intention had you placed a comma after the wording "BS". As written, you make it look like the Bills Fans are the BS. Lastly, I want to introduce you to the concepts of the sentence and the paragraph. Try to keep it to one thought per sentence, and one theme or point per paragraph. The reader needs a jackhammer, chisel, and blow torch to pound through your writing. Now, what were you saying? This team has sucked for a long time and fans are sick of it? We all knew that before you wrote your post. Have a good Saturday.
  10. For those of you wondering how it is that an intelligent nation like Germany could elect a man like Hitler to power... You are living through the same sort of movement in this country with Trump. Take notes. It's frightening as all hell, and creepy.
  11. So some illegitimate "media outlet" posts crap on Twitter... Some other meathead misinterprets the information and adds to it... 4 pages of unrelated arguing ensues.
  12. Bobby Duvall Bobby De Niro Number FOUR, Bobby ORR
  13. 18" would be donated to science for further
  14. Well said. There is no one, anywhere in the NFL, making an argument for how good a QB Tyrod is, other than Bills fans. That should tell you something. This organization told Tyrod not to come back, effectively. He obviously looked for employment elsewhere, found none, and came back for a new deal. Tyrod would be kind of a fun backup to have on the sideline if the real QB went down during a game. You'd ask him to come in, do what he does, play it safe, and get us out of the game with mitigated damage... More than that he can't really do. Not consistently.
  15. African Americans make up about 14% of the US population, but they make up about 68% of the NFL. That's really interesting. It shouldn't be like that, mathematically speaking, but it is. There's no way that's explained by an overwhelming majority of young football players being black or not white. Football is played by all colors and types in this country, and there is no economic or other artificial barrier or incentive I know of preventing or encouraging one group or another to play or not play football at lower levels. My impression is that football is a super popular sport in this country and kids of all types play it by the tens of thousands at lower levels. We also know that NFL teams operate in the most bias-free environment you could ever dream of due to the pressure to win. NFL franchises don't care if you have a criminal record, are black, white, green, have long hair, no hair....like to kill dogs for fun, or KO your girlfriend in an elevator. They care if you are a big fast piece of meat who can make plays for them consistently...and nothing else. The NFL is almost clinically pristine and free of bias in that regard. So why is the league 68% African American? Anyone have a theory?
  16. Watch on Sunday against Denver. The Beast is going to be Unleashed! Tyrod for 400+ yards passing. He is going to be completing so many passes, the Denver D is going to beg for a run. No, I'm not being serious.
  17. I think an NFL football player should have the right to discuss whatever he wants to, just like anyone else. I, however, have little interest in listening to them speak on matters other than football. If I want an interesting discussion on race in America in the 21st century, I'm certainly not going to go looking for it from professional athletes. Anymore than I'm going to ask a Ph.D. in history the best run blocking technique.
  18. I feel the loser mentality comes from the Kool Aid drinker types who are "positive". They aren't nearly as frustrated as the perfectionist winners who B word about the team and who are not used to tolerating failure in their personal lives. The more failure you accept as "no big deal" on a personal level, the easier it is to "just have fun" with the Bills despite their lousy history. Or you could just be a casual fan of course...someone who doesn't particularly give a crap one way or the other. Most of those types tend to be "positive" as well.
  19. The right side of our O line is not very mobile or athletic...that doesn't help.
  20. A 2nd round pick is still a 2nd round pick, no matter how late it is. This coaching staff should be given every chance to succeed, and a reasonable amount of time. 3 years is a good number to work with, as a start. If things are just not coming together and we've given them 3 seasons to get it done, maybe think about moving on then, but not sooner. Way too early to be even thinking about the next coaching regime here! Their success will be directly tied to the QB they take next year and/or Peterman or any other QB they might end up with. At some point they will have to say QB X is "our guy" and make it happen around that guy. When they have a few years to do that and don't, get rid of them. Let's hope they DO get it done and stick around for 15 years. Continuity with a quality staff is by far the best approach to coaching.
  21. That's what you get for confusing Yahoo with a legitimate news media outlet. Don't go to these places and maybe they'll go away.
  22. Sometimes I think the Patriots Rams have better Bills than the Bills. -Al Michaels
  23. Coaches in this league don't alter their approach to better harness available talent because most of them are not that bright and they only know how to do it one way--their way. If the players they have don't fit in with that one way, they have to go get the guys who can do it the way they know how. Do you think your average NFL HC is some sort of football tactical genius who loves tinkering around with X and O concepts on a blackboard as some type of intellectual challenge? I often think that BB owns all the other coaches in this league, year after year, b/c he is one of the few guys in that line of work who is actually a smart guy who could have gone in many different directions with his career. He chose football coaching. He's the best because he's the smartest. I was hoping our new guy would be smarter than he appears. Doesn't mean he can't be an effective coach however, and I'm supporting this regime until they show me they are incapable of success.
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