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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Me too, and that she was some sort of Amazon and unusually tall.
  2. Interesting game; Stanford up 10 at the half with the backup QB. Rosen sometimes has blinders on; stares a single receiver down, then throws the ball 100 mph to him, regardless of how tight the coverage is. He has probably developed a bad habit of doing that, b/c his talent at lower levels allows him to get away with it. Won't work in the NFL. Would like to see him look around a bit more and not force throws quite as much. Nitpicking here of course. And I do realize all the great QBs are guilty of that from time to time. No one more so than Jim Kelly!
  3. I was noticing the mechanics of Mayfield earlier. He has an almost elegant throwing motion/stance as well.
  4. Should have been a TD there; Rosen is really in a groove now!
  5. Oh man, big hit on Chryst. Concussion there no doubt. Took that right off the chin! Or the face mask around the chin...
  6. Not looking so good on that shot into the end zone though!
  7. I hear you. And I see what you mean about ticket availability right before game time! The stadium looks maybe half full. Heck of an opening kickoff return for Stanford.
  8. Fumble...Oklahoma ball. That's all she wrote. Baylor gave 'em one heck of a game though.
  9. I'll take a piece of this action, Transplantbillsfan! I say the Bills will lose.
  10. Shhhhhh! No one is supposed to know about Operation Gang Green Pasture. Covert op designed to scare Darnold into staying in school; we tank in 2018 and boom! Finally get a Jim Kelly replacement at QB.
  11. Get down there man! Easy ticket availability and the prices won't kill you.
  12. Baylor is making this an interesting game. 28--25 OU with 14:00 left in 3rd quarter. "The clock in his head is so slow. This guy is so poised out there." color commentator just said that about Mayfield.
  13. Mayfield just scanned the field...set up well...great footwork...cocked the arm...scanned some more....nice throwing stance... Unloaded a rifle shot 30 yards down field... STRAIGHT into the arms of a defender. Who dropped the ball. Horrible decision and should have been an easy INT.
  14. Does anyone plan to watch some late night college football tonight? Could be fun to have a little game thread going.
  15. Anyone watching Oklahoma v. Baylor? Mayfield just aired one out and dropped the ball right in an absolutely perfect spot. Then a crap running play... Then another big 25 yard completion knowing he was going to get smacked...hung in the pocket and threw the ball and got his back slammed into the turf. With accuracy!
  16. The chicks you will run into in artistic circles are the hottest, wildest chicks you will find. That's my experience at least. And to answer a question asked up-thread: GO Bills in Dallas has a room filled with powerfully networked computer servers scanning the internet 24/7 for key words relating to teacher/student sex. It's his passion in life. Who can blame him?
  17. TODAY is the day referenced in the article. Nice sunny day where I am. SO FAR.
  18. Addiction to gambling is real and kind of like addiction to drugs. It'll make you do things you don't really want to do and know you shouldn't do.
  19. ...which are reportedly suffered by over two-thirds of the...
  20. Not sure people are aware of it, but if you go to PBS.ORG you can stream all previously aired episodes, including an "explicit" version which does is not cleaned up for TV airing. I guess this version shows more violence and allows swearing, etc. I am now through the first 3 episodes, all watched online in "explicit" mode and have found the series riveting. The first in particular is must-see stuff. As early as the early '50s, it was obvious that the war would be winless and a massive waste, as all wars are. 58,000 Americans, over a million North Vietnamese, a few hundred thousands South Vietnamese...all dead. Totally avoidable and the by-product of the political decisions of wealthy elites who do no fighting themselves. Same story as it has ever been, for the most part.
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