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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Yep, and much more conventional than I was hoping for. He's not some young up and coming genius. Could still be a solid HC though.
  2. Both UR penalties on us were justified. Stupid, both times.
  3. Tyrod's stats improving quite a bit with that drive. 6/7 73yds 1 TD 0 INT
  4. should be a TD, though I hate that rule! In this case I'll take it!
  5. "end of quarter" breaks are just a gimmick to show commercials. Like the "2 minute warning"
  6. Tyrod Taylor is on pace for a blistering 36 yards of passing for the entire game.
  7. Jesus the breaks in the NFL game/commercials are unbearable.
  8. You can keep track of geologic time by how long it takes Tyrod to read a defense.
  9. Lots of orange in the crowd down low behind the Denver bench!
  10. I see you are a bright guy. The "flag" represents, if anything, a freedom of speech and right to protest. The Nazis we fought in WWII and the communists we fought in Korea and Vietnam were not much into freedom of speech. Disrespecting the flag would be not allowing a football player to kneel during the singing of the national anthem. That would be utterly Nazi-esque. Something beloved by Josef Göbels or Heinrich Himmler. Why are people in this country so freaking stupid?
  11. Thank you! I have expressed this opinion many times at this forum. But this is how America works. We shaft veterans at every turn; 1 in 3 homeless people are vets... Then we roll out an honor guard, a 100 yard long American flag, sing the national anthem, and maybe get a couple F-16s to fly over the stadium... And everyone thinks we are "honoring" veterans or God knows what.. America! Do you want to honor vets? Don't allow your representatives to get us into bull **** wars, like the stuff going on in Afghanistan as I type. The whole thing before the game is a big marketing scam put on by the military; enrollment is low these days.
  12. The Trump supporters are desperately clutching onto their vision of how America maybe once was...because the current America moving forward is leaving them behind. And it makes them scared.
  13. I expect the O line to be in complete breakdown mode today. Not a good foundation upon which to build a strong offense.
  14. Those are just the idiots who voted for Trump. Can we put those people on the other side of Trump's wall, if he ever gets it built? That's the only good use for that wall I can think of.
  15. No one ever saw some guy named Brady as worth much either when he stood in for an injured star QB (at the time) named Bledsoe. Ditto a goalie in the NHL some here may be familiar with named Dominik Hasek. He is arguably the greatest goalie of all time. He rode the bench behind Ed Belfour in Chicago for a while, lingering in obscurity as an awkward, goofy goalie wearing an old fashioned helmet and cage when sleek masks were the rage... Until he was put in the game. The rest is history.
  16. 133 votes cast, and it's a close one! 52% to 48% for the standing buffalo.
  17. If we still had Hogan and Gillislee, we would be unstoppable.
  18. You got that right! What a P.O.S. this guy is! Still can't get over what this moron did to that F430! Criminal!
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