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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. "in synch" is not a real thing... It's what observers of sports talk about, kind of like "momentum" and "who wants it more" and lots of other accumulated BS over the years. A QB and his receivers all have to know what routes are supposed to be run on a given play, and then the receivers have to run those routes. Beyond that, any notion of "getting in synch" is just garbage that sort of sounds good, kind of.
  2. Oh it's very simple. The "Stand up" crowd are just a bunch of racists. The kneeler crowd is trying to end racism. That's it; not confusing.
  3. I would go with "Paul Crewe" played by Burt Reynolds, seeing as he was actually a real athlete and football player...1st team all FL state in high school and then scholarship to play HB at Florida State. Jamie Foxx did play some high school ball, including QB, but not on the level Burt Reynolds did and he never played beyond HS. Jamie is more of a musician by nature; he achieved success in that area early in life.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zVD2JUXFyw&feature=youtu.be
  5. I'm always amazed at what huge pussies these giant, strong, monsters in the NFL are. Look at all the Packers standing right on top of the play, as it happens, and they immediately are aware of the severity of it, the nature of the cheap shot, and that Adams needs immediate medical attention. And what does any of them do about it? Nothing, really. I don't mean the chit chat...I mean do something about it!
  6. Just watched video at youtube. One of the more violent hits I've ever seen on a football field. If you want to get rid of that stuff, take off their helmets. That hit doesn't happen if Trevathan has no helmet on. Rugby is a tough, violent sport too, but players don't launch themselves like that b/c if they did, they would hurt themselves as much as the target. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsjVL1Eyx8
  7. Primetime during the week. Makes a work day fly by and anticipation builds all day.
  8. This is the NFL; past performances have little to do with this Sunday's game.
  9. This made me laugh out loud... Things are improving in Orchard Park when there are no: 1) Open fires 2) Acts of public urination 3) fist fights What a crowd.
  10. I pointed this out in the game day thread. It was mostly way down low behind the Denver bench; a lot of orange. Who they were, I have no idea.
  11. This game is going to be very interesting to watch. Can Tyrod string together 2 good games in a row? Can the D continue outstanding play and limit one of the most potent offenses in the league on their field? If we lose a close one with relatively few points given up and give Atlanta a good fight, the remaining schedule is going to look much easier than first anticipated.
  12. Nice throw for the TD, Palmer! Getting an early jump on the Cowboy kicking.
  13. I honestly think that, at least in the case of Kelly, he remains so close to the team b/c he is desperately seeking some type of personal redemption. When the Bills win a Superbowl, he will win finally win one too, and get some closure in his life. He may not realize that's what's going on, but I think that's what's going on.
  14. We need bigger US flags on the field before football games these days. I'm not sure 100 yards by 50 yards is big enough. I'm not really a Cardinals fan by any means, but it's always a lot of fun to see the Cowboys lose. So I guess I'm cheering for Cardinals tonight.
  15. Who will be watching? National Anthem coming up next. Interesting. Entire Cowboy team joining arms, taking a knee, way out on the numbers of the field. Crowd in Arizona BOOING. And now football field sized USA flag is being pulled out over the field and the crowd is cheering.
  16. I personally feel the connection b/w some of our glory year superstars and current teams has been kind of cool. Only in Buffalo or maybe a few other really small markets would something like that even exist. Connecting past Bills families with the current one is a nice idea. I do understand why some current Bills may not like that, and I think Kelly should be more careful about whose toes he steps on. But surely Hughes isn't really trying to go after Jimbo, is he? If he is, that's misguided.
  17. What does this mean exactly? That we remain the sort of team that will get its ass kicked by the best teams in the league, and you are good with that?
  18. Disagree about the fake punt being categorically "dumb" or inherently a "bad call" from the Denver coaching staff. It was a calculated risk that had a good upside if it worked, and a bad downside if it failed. We got 3 points out of it, but not more, which may have well been part of the Denver thinking when they tried it. It was not so much "bad" by Denver but "Good" by us, being ready for it, playing responsibly, and taking care of business when we should have. Many Bills teams in the last many years would NOT have stopped that play! But this one did! That is really encouraging.
  19. Stuff like this doesn't bug me. We do have a chance to shock the NFL world and make a statement, and piss off a lot of Atlanta fans too! So let's do it.
  20. Hopefully those in the relevant buying market tell Phil Long and his ****ty Ford products to go suck it when they buy from others in the area. This is the worst thing about Trump; he has given a voice and air of endorsement to bigots, racists, homophobes, misogynists in this country. Some of them hide behind things like "respect for the flag" and other amorphous BS to support their bigotry, racism, etc. Can Mr. Mueller please speed things up? The sooner we get old orange face out of the White House, the sooner this country can try to start cleaning up after his **** storm of a presidency.
  21. I feel like we might actually have a shot at them this year. I think we can knock that 33 PPG average well down while scoring some points of our own against their terrible defense. It's too bad we don't play them until so late in the year, where the games may not mean much. Imagine if we had them at home in the next week or 2. I'd be pretty pumped for that game and the stadium would be going nuts.
  22. As I've said many times here, just get rid of all the pre-game BS involving the National Anthem, Honor Guards, giant field-sized US flags, military flyovers and all of it. Let the military spend their marketing dollars on TV commercials instead. Get this **** out of the game of football. It has no place before a football game. At all!
  23. Plenty of chances to find a way to lose this game today in traditional Bills fashion. But we did not. Is this just a good win, or are we witnessing something more significant? Is this start of something special?
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