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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Stadium is gross; reminds me of the Skydome....worst sporting venue in N. America.
  2. I hope so, but his ego is so big, it probably doesn't allow for embarrassment.
  3. Still here! This is who Tyrod is. Does some great things, some horrible things, some good things, some bad things, plays well, plays bad...
  4. Would be nice to answer the points with some points of our own.
  5. Because the shorter the game, the less chance Atlanta has to run up the score and hide. this is like Superbowl XXV and we are the Giants.
  6. 4 quarter game has now been shortened to a 3 quarter game. Advantage: BUFFALO
  7. If we can eat up time on O like that all day, even with no points, we will help our D immensely and give us a chance to stay in this game.
  8. Atlanta. Worst sports town in America. I'm sure it will fill up in another 10 minutes.
  9. Good stop on 3rd down. Get Atlanta offense off the field.
  10. He looks like he really aged in prison. Good.
  11. Good point; to compare the hit as an infraction to the "Whiff" move on Tyrod is absurd. If Von Miller gets 15 yards for that, Trevathan should be suspended for the rest of the regular season. *EDIT* I'm caught up now and see he got 2 games; I'm surprised by that, thought it would be less or none. I think he should have gotten more, but 2 is not bad.
  12. I will simplify this for those who don't want to hack through the Joe B comments with a machete. Watch for Atlanta to scythe through our D like Tom Brady on his finest day. If we can stop that, and if our O can stay on the field long enough to keep the D rested, we have a chance.
  13. Can we get this thread to 50 pages? Seems very ambitious, I know... But come one TBD! Try !
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