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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Hang onto your nut sacks Bills fans! Downtown Philly Brown has returned! No, they are building so much more. And critically, it is blessed by God.
  2. ...which makes perfect sense, if you consider that...
  3. I loved Cheers when it was popular and curent, but it has aged pretty badly. Many classics that were critically praised in their day are kind of crap judging by modern standards. TV has gotten a LOT more sophisticated in the last 10 years... A good example of what I'm talking about: "Hill Street Blues" was considered the best thing on TV at one point in time. Watch an episode now; it is antiquated garbage done on a pretty primitive level compared to the best, current cable TV shows.
  4. ...which resulted in many onlookers not only fainting, but actually...
  5. It's curious timing for a thread of this nature, as we are in the midst of a modified re-build and almost certainly going to take a "star" QB with our first pick in next year's draft. The basic premise is sound, however. The incompetence of this organization throughout the drought can't really be overstated.
  6. Calm down chief. Do you think the Atlanta game is some sort of proof that Tyrod is something more than he has been in the past? He's still the same guy and his play was not one of the top 4 or 5 most important factors in that win. If you think it was, you aren't watching. Doesn't mean we can't all enjoy the hell out of the win though. What is it with this breed of cat on this board that posts primarily to go after other posters, like that is their reason for contributing here? How about discussing football or the team or something other than attacking anonymous strangers via the internet. My God, how empty are some of these posters lives?
  7. Ah man, this is a real bummer. Many of the BOB guys have passed away in the last few years. Most of the guys who were on screen during interviews back when the show aired are now gone. Soon it's going to be hard to find living WWII veterans. Thank them while you can!
  8. I absolutely love when Larry's agent's wife, Susie Greene (played by Susie Essman) gets pissed off at Larry and verbally attacks him for whatever reason. "Larry! You f-ing !@#$!" I adore this show. I have found that a lot of people don't get it, however.
  9. This is one of our best, quality wins in a very long time. Don't get me wrong. But don't get so taken away with the fact that Atlanta was in the Superbowl last year. If Atlanta gets back to the Superbowl this year, then our win gets that much bigger. But don't measure it based on what the Falcons did last year. That's not relevant to this year.
  10. I was thinking of this myself. This wouldn't be the first time we get out of the blocks well only to have the wheels fall off. I'm taking it one game at a time and trying to enjoy it. I do feel like this current regime is a lot different than in the past....
  11. Good report! Thanks for the intel. Not only are those prices insane in terms of asking price, there is no way in hell an NFL game (or 8 home games a year) is going to deliver that level of entertainment value for anyone. I don't care how much you like football. Pissing away 20 grand a year or whatever to watch football is just stupid.
  12. Any word on how long Matthews will be out? A cast on his hand has me thinking like 4 to 6 weeks or something pretty long.
  13. Yep. Atlanta flames then moved to Calgary. Thrashers then moved to Winnipeg.
  14. We could lose to Cleveland, too. That's what the NFL is: unpredictable and filled with parity. Anyone can win any game. Sometimes there doesn't even seem to be logic to it.
  15. Define "Makes up for it". It is precisely b/c of his lack of turnovers and running ability that the sum of his skills equates to a serviceable level of QB performance. The overall result is still utterly replaceable, and the organization will be doing just that this off-season. Doesn't mean we can't have a lot of fun seeing just what this team is capable of this year. Remember, this is a throwaway year from the viewpoint of the Bills organization. They weren't expecting or hoping for much. Me neither....so this is all like Christmas in September/October so far.
  16. Tyrod played a good Tyrod type of game. What we got today is about all we can expect from him on one of his good days. Many factors came together today leading to the win; Tyrod's QB play isn't in the top 5 in terms of importance or relevance to the victory.
  17. You realize they are employed by the Buffalo Bills organization, right? And that they basically function as an arm of the Bills P/R department? They are unlistenable.
  18. His contribution was HUGE today. A lot of things came together for us to win this game. Strong defensive performance, winning the turnover battle, Hauschka's kicks being good despite being long shots....key offensive injuries suffered by the Falcons for at least half the game... It was the perfect storm we need if we are going to win tough games, especially on the road with a game manager type QB at the helm.
  19. Right. Or maybe it's just the fact that in Atlanta, like much of the south they care more about college football than the NFL. Georgia is all about the Georgia Bulldogs. The Falcons are an afterthought.
  20. I listened to the whole thing and your summary is not really very accurate. They dedicated a chunk of time to how much better the games are when you are invested or bought in as a fan...Bulldog in particular rambling on about that point. Anyone here can listen to it at WGR-550 in the recent audio section...listen for yourself. They didn't sound that bad at all, but Promo has an ax to grind, so he's gonna grind. I'm sure actually listening to what they were saying and objectively analyzing it wasn't on his agenda anyway.
  21. You can't complain when you build a "stadium" that attracts people who aren't football fans, and then those people don't actually bother to watch the game. Yes, capacity for American football is 71,000, though expandable to 83,000.
  22. Where were his big steel balls when he didn't go for it on 4th down from the 1 yard line?
  23. Taylor is "serviceable" at best as a QB. His great strength is he doesn't turn the ball over. He is eminently upgradable and he will be upgraded after this season. Not sure why people don't get that. He was told to find another team to pay for last year by the Bills, effectively, and the NFL said "no thanks". So he can back on a discount. Not sure why people need to build him up into something he is not.
  24. Not Tyrod. TYROD TAYLOR 12/20 182 Yards 1 TD 0 INT Rating: 106.7 Not exactly HOF numbers, but it worked, combined with one of the league's best defenses, some key ATL injuries, and winning the turnover battle.
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