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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. pet squirrel Chippy, a can of tomato paste, and a large ball-peen hammer; it got weird when
  2. I found The Pacific to be disappointing; too disjointed and not enough time to combine three stories into one. They should have stuck with Eugene Sledge's "With the Old Breed" and just done a series on that. Also, the third HBO WW2 series is coming soon, maybe next year? "The Mighty Eighth" is the working title I believe, based on Don Miller's work "Masters of the Air." All about the 8th Air Force's daylight bombing campaign over Europe in WWII. This one is produced by Hanks and Spielberg as well.
  3. bodily fluid combined with some unknown ingredient that reminded the doctor of...
  4. I was thinking about this sort of thing the other day. If we continue to win and emerge as one of the more interesting stories of this NFL season, I can totally see us getting moved into a prime time game.
  5. How pro athletes in Buffalo relate to Buffalo depends entirely on who they are as individuals, and where they are in life. If you are a young millionaire who still enjoys running around the big city and getting into trouble, he's right. There is nothing to do in Buffalo. If you are later in your career and married with a couple of kids, from a small town, and like small town living, you might love Buffalo. It all depends.
  6. Are you sure? Dareus has had a rocky road with the Bills from the very beginning...filled with ups and a lot of downs. I'm not sure his deficient character traits couldn't have been diagnosed prior to the draft. I would actually rank "bad attitude" or "no character" as MORE IMPORTANT than athletic talent. I.E., huge talent trumps all concerns, EXCEPT bad attitude or huge character flaws... And that's b/c no matter how talented you are in sports, if you are a punk dead beat, your talent will not consistently shine through. I just wonder how much the Bills organization back then tried to assess character issues in guys. Or how much that is really done around the league. It should be a huge priority. Watch HARD KNOCKS on HBO over the years and all the guys called in to the coach's office to get cut or placed on practice squad, etc... It is very easy to tell who the good kids are and who have their act together...and who the dead beats are. I actually think the current regime at OBD is thinking a lot about "character" and considers this a priority. So that is good!
  7. I believe it was Pete Rose who said there are only 3 ways you can treat a player. You can hug him, yell at him, and leave him alone. I suspect McD has tried the other 2 and is now moving onto the "YELL AT HIM" or "light a fire under his ass" approach. If this fails too, there may be nothing left!
  8. If "if"s and "but"s were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas.
  9. Basically this, though some guys can do it of course. It doesn't help that all the XXXL sized athletic talent these days is funneled into the defensive side of the line. Pass rushers have muscle memory and right hand or left hand dominant moves too, but the good ones can move all over the line....but they aren't giant fat stiffs who are lucky to be able to keep their body weight over their feet, as many O linemen these days are. I saw one in a game on Sunday (can't remember who) who had like a 40 pound gut hanging out over his belt line.
  10. Consider everything we know about Rex Ryan now. Now consider Russ' comment: "Don't let him out of the building" meaning keep Rex physically at OBD until we get his signature on an employment K. Now consider this guy still holds a high role within the organization, and in fact, used to be its GM. Holy ****. I need a scotch.
  11. It doesn't matter who the best option is. If McCoy goes down, the season is over. The D may well continue to dominate, but with no McCoy, our offense will go from a drizzle to nothing.
  12. True enough! But remember, those were the same voices that told you "EJ needs time" and "It is too early to determine if EJ will be a great NFL QB or not!" and so on. I.E., they don't know **** but like to pretend they do.
  13. love lube, comprised of a potent yet invigorating combination of ingredients, including...
  14. I'm watching on TV; this is a good example of when I tune into ESPN...for something like this game. Otherwise I don't look at it too much at all.
  15. Was this thread created b/c we are officially out of interesting non-football topics to discuss? I'm not sure I've ever pondered varying regional scholastic swim code culture before... ...or that this topic requires discussion at all!
  16. during the second half of the upcoming Bills vs. Bengals game while he...
  17. This has inspired a brief poem. When one ball meets two There is not a lot you can do Some may cry, some may scream But make no mistake, better him than you!
  18. ..though he has vowed to improve to #1 in the near future, right after he...
  19. Compared to what? Limited job opportunity in WNY is not a myth friend. You are probably preaching to the wrong crowd. It's tough to convince WNY lifers that there is life outside of WNY or that it might be radically different/better in differing ways. There is more high paying job opportunity in a 3 mile stretch of the Dulles Corridor (30 miles long) than there likely is in all of Erie County. And that's just heading in 1 direction out of Washington, DC, to speak nothing of the I-270 Biotech corridor, all of Arlington/Alexandria, the District itself, on and on and on and on. I mention DC only b/c I lived there for 13 years and know it well. And DC is what? the 16th largest market in the USA?
  20. This has all the signs of going 4+ hours and a winning score of 13-12.
  21. Yankess leading 4-3 in Top of 3rd. Bases loaded for Minnesota with 1 out. Lots of offense, no doubt. And there is a double play ball that the Yankees couldn't turn... Game tied!
  22. This league is all about parity. If you can come up with a few, simple, RELIABLE tricks to get you over the 50/50 hump, you can tip a lot of games in your favor. Eliminating mistakes, mental errors, and stupid penalties is one of these "tricks" that all the best teams employ. Winning the turnover battle, insofar as you can control that, is another huge factor that can tip the odds in your favor. Practicing key situations over and over so they seem natural and familiar is another. The best militaries practice in that manner all the time. If I am a fighter pilot and get in a dogfight with you, and I have been in 500 practice dogfights before, I'm going to have a huge advantage if you have never practiced dogfighting at all. I have seen documentaries chronicling US tank battles in Iraq, where US tankers commented specifically that various factors on the real battlefield were very similar to "how they practice it back home" and how it helped them go to work in a very efficient manner... Practicing in this manner only makes sense. Andy Reid's PRINCIPLES. Not PRINCIPALS.
  23. 1: We don't know how good the teams we just beat actually are, this season. Not yet anyway. 2: A win against the Bengals could be perceived as more impressive in the following way. When we went into Atlanta, everyone predicted we would lose, the spread was big, and no pressure was on the Bills. The more we surprise people and build an impressive record, the more each successive game becomes harder in a way. In a lot of ways, going into Cincy with a mindset of "we should win this" and then actually doing that through good, disciplined play, on the road, against an AFC rival, with a good QB (when and if he is on his game) is a different sort of challenge than having zero expectations of victory in Atlanta, but actually winning, do to a lot of critical factors coming together in our favor on given day. That is my 2 cents. As an aside, there is a world of difference between being 4-1 or 3-2. It's more than just an extra win or extra loss. If we get to 4-1, it will be really interesting to see how this team responds to greater expectations and increased pressure to win. That will be our next challenge if we win on Sunday.
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