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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Johh Murphy, does daily Bills radio show on WGR-550. You can listen live or pre-recorded without commercials online at wgr550.com. He is the current radio play by play guy for the Bills and a paid employee of the organization. His show functions as an arm of the Bills P/R department and paints the most positive light on any Bills related issue, often to the point of being outlandishly forced. It's right up your alley. You would love it!
  2. Shootouts are more important than you might think; you can pick up a bunch of garbage points from them over the course of an entire season. It doesn't help that Lehner is horrid at stopping them and the rest of the roster seems terrible at scoring on them. The replacement of Bylsma is an immediate improvement but the team still has a way to go. Not sure we are a playoff team this year, yet again. Long way to go though.
  3. the object thrown which is not a horseshoe, but a cheerio, which is ideally suited, particularly for DC Tom, b/c the cheerio loop not only easily fits the target, but is also light enough not to break the target, which is important in DC Tom's case, because
  4. Reminds me of sitting across the aisle from Will Wolford and Kent Hull (RIP Kent) at a Sabres game back in the era when we were going to the Superbowl. Those 2 guys had season tickets together and were quite big hockey fans back in the day.
  5. I thought he was terrible. Just terrible in this game. Easily could have been a loss tonight for NE, but Tampa couldn't get it done. I look forward to kicking the Bucs' ass this year and the Patriots for that matter. They haven't looked this beatable in a very long time (by the Bills that is).
  6. well received due to continual, incurable problems with
  7. You are pointing out flaws in a flawed film, all of which I agree are flaws. Doesn't make the film, as a whole, worse than Sister Act II.
  8. Although you can look around the NFL and find a few QBs worse than Tyrod, the QB position on this team remains one of the most upgradeable positions. Once we get the operation up and running with some coherency and a vision for near term and long term goals, we can then try to win in the short term while planning for the QB of the future all at the same time. For now, we kind of have to choose, to an extent. I'm not sure some fans realize just what dire straits this organization has been in, for quite some time. The whole thing needs to get fixed... Luckly, the guys at OBD right now seem to be off to a really good start!
  9. Maybe, but the top prospects aren't going in the 3rd round. I guess you are saying we can always get lucky and find someone that NFL teams did not evaluate as being a good NFL QB prospect while in college. True...but I prefer being more purposeful than that though. We all know who the top QBs are right now and which we are following on Saturdays. There's a reason all the talk focuses on them, and not the guy who is going to end up going in the 5th round. Sure, the guy going in the 5th round could prove to be the best of them all, but that would random dumb luck.
  10. Well that would be great, but that's entirely the point....if we are picking 20th or worse, one of the top 4 or 5 guys won't be around back there in the draft. Unless we package picks and do a deal to move way up....that could be hard though.
  11. QBs are not groomed to be successful in the NFL while still in college, true...but that does not mean that great NFL type QBs can't be found in the college ranks. The key is to look at individual traits/talents that will translate to the NFL game, and don't focus on irrelevantly confusing things like college wins, yards of offense, completion %, etc... There will always be the great QBs at the college level who seem to have what it takes to play in the NFL, and they will always be fought over by NFL teams with high draft picks.
  12. Prometheus was a big let down for me, but if you think it's the worst film ever made, you're insane... You think it's worse than, for example, "Sister Act II" ??? That movie is 7% fresh at Rotten Tomatoes. Rita Kempley of the Washington Post offers a 3 word review: "Shamelessly contrived pap." But Prometheus is worse!?
  13. I am a huge fan of the original Blade Runner, but I am willing to concede the film is ultimately flawed and could have been a lot better. And I am speaking of the Director's Cut which is much better than the theatrical release. However, for creating an other-worldly atmosphere that really takes the viewer to another time and place, I consider it one of the greatest films ever made. The score by Vangelis is beyond fantastic, and it plays a big role in the atmosphere. Fast forward to the TV commercials for the new version. It looks freaking horrible. I will watch it, but my expectations are set very low. I'm wondering what others think about the old movie and the new one.
  14. a portly fellow sporting a Jets football jersey while using his available hand to
  15. A lot of the comments so far are not really addressing what you are getting at, and this does raise an interesting issue/talking point. Luckily, we don't have to figure this out right now, b/c the season is young. But if we continue to win and threaten to be a playoff team, it does sort of throw the "get a great QB prospect" plan in the trash bin. There is a caveat here! If we continue to win this year and truly threaten to make the playoffs or actually do make the playoffs, it will be because this is sort of an off year in the AFC, NE is beatable, Brady is off his game, etc... It's a question of timing and catching the rest of the league and more so the AFC at the right time. Because of that, I would be all in on "win now" and see how the QB/draft plays out after the smoke clears. If we make the playoffs in a year the Patriots are off their game and there is not a lot of talent floating around the AFC, who knows what we could accomplish. This isn't the NHL! You don't need to win 4 out of every 7 games for 2 months to win the championship... You get hot and catch the right opponents at the right time for a couple of weeks, and the next thing you know you are in the AFC championship game or maybe even the Superbowl. Can you guys imagine this team in the AFC championship game?! I wouldn't know what to do. My head would explode. It would be fantastic.
  16. Keeping our D off the field is going to be important in all games, b/c the O is going to have trouble scoring all year long with Tyrod as the QB. That D can't overpower and dominate games like it needs to if they are on the field all game long. This is one of many factors that worked to our advantage in the Falcons game.
  17. I think the biggest key to the game will be ending up with more points than the Bengals.
  18. fun yet challenging activities including, but not limited to, Fun With Jello, Naked Baby Oil Twister, and Cowgirls Fan's personal favorite,
  19. which is pretty reasonable, if you consider that
  20. If McD is going to keep clapping, he has to adopt this technique demonstrated by Nicole Kidman.
  21. I agree; this season feels totally different to other recent seasons where we got off to a good start. I think there is a lot more substance behind the wins so far this year. As long as we play a good game, keep penalties to a minimum, and keep doing the things we have been doing well, I won't change my mind if we lose. If we come out flat, unprepared, take 14 penalties, and lose badly, I'll be pretty disheartened, b/c I think this team is beyond that typical Bills crap of the past.
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