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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. field, like Stonewall Jackson at Fredericksburg, or even like
  2. Very enjoyable video. That was a fun game to watch and there were many highlight type plays throughout. Let's hope for more of the same tomorrow vs. Bengals. I appreciate your translation, which I wouldn't have figured out. Still that seems too contrived for my liking. But what the hell. If he can keep scoring, he can keep playing Air Nintendo.
  3. Timbuktu, but not before first using his AR-15 for some target practice, with DC Tom's privates not only serving as the target, but also the
  4. DC Tom commissioned him for a night out, became overly enthusiastic when Just Jack stripped down to his thong, and then decided it would be a great idea to grab his
  5. Updated forecast has 90% chance of rain at 1:00pm, 90% chance at 2:00pm, 95% chance at 3:00pm... That's according to weather channel and for zip code 45202 where the stadium is located.
  6. My fear is that this feature would be used to create sub-forums of like-minded people who would rarely break out of their own little club. One club would be Tyrod Haters, another Tyrod supporters...another could be the kool aid drinkers, another the "negative crowd" and so on. Earlier this year we would have formed the "pro tank" group then the anti-tank group, etc. The forum will suffer, as a whole, if the conversation gets broken up into splinter groups of like minded posters.
  7. fecal mud bathing, an ancient Native American ritual involving one's favorite choice of animal fecal matter, a large wooden tub, and
  8. The original article this thread was centered around was a Daily Mail article from August 2, 2011. A sonar anomaly was picked up and they saw a 60 foot circular shape on the ocean floor which they speculated to be a UFO or something. So that was over 6 years ago. Has anyone bothered to investigate further? Did everyone forget about it?
  9. forever, while setting a Guiness Book of World Records record for making the most fans faint during a single, live sporting event when Ralph, Ralph, and Randy decided to step up their ping pong ball/body orifice act a notch and actually shot a ping pong ball from
  10. Disagree; there is definitely an argument to be made that we would not have made the playoffs. That's a HUGE jump to "assume". No way to know now. No point in discussing it really.
  11. Wal-Mart, but only on weekends and never on Wednesdays, which he reserves exclusively for
  12. "Putting on his NASDAP cap" which is a bit of an overstatement, although there have been reports for years that Gugny is in fact
  13. He was out-coached in all the Superbowls. I feel we were completely outclassed in the 2nd against Washington where coaching would not have mattered. The Dallas games maybe could have gone our way had the games been played in a different manner from the beginning. Better coaching could have helped. XXV was our year; we were the best team and Parcells and Belichick executed a perfect game plan out coaching Levy and our coaching staff. I have always said that if XXV had been played 9 more times for 10 in total, we would have won 9 of the games. We were easily the better team. Not on that day back in 1991 however!
  14. before projectile vomiting on top of the
  15. or else it will not be eaten, however, there was an exception once when his six year old daughter
  16. Curious what people think of this: (put it on while doing some chores around the house and listen for a while)
  17. a quick bite to eat now and again, but will never, ever eat anything
  18. From the quoted text in the first post: Taylor is not a progression-read pocket passer. His vision is iffy and he doesn’t anticipate throwing windows, which forces a play-caller to use simpler route combinations. Taylor relies heavily on his mobility. When his initial reads don’t show open, he quickly assumes a runner’s mentality, breaking himself down in the pocket regardless of the pass rush. Occasionally, he’ll do this even before an early read unfolds. Open receivers go untargeted every game.” This couldn't be more accurate. I have pointed out every one o these observations for a long time now, as have many others on this forum. That is who Tyrod is. He is an easy upgrade if we move up in the draft far enough with the class of talent we will see in next year's draft. PS: This reminds me of the dead-on analysis of who EJ Manuel is as well, coming from the people who live and die FSU football. They had him perfectly scouted too.
  19. which was his favorite because it reminded him of the sweet taste of
  20. This is how I feel; he's not on the team anymore. Who gives a rat's ass what he says about anything? The guy is a moron; if he isn't playing football for my Bills, my interest in him is officially zero.
  21. Dump it all! And if post counts get re-set, who the hell gives a crap other than maybe 12 year olds... Most threads here are all about dates, not topics really. I have often thought time/date would be a better way to classify content than topic. It's all about what's going on TODAY. This is why so many weak threads have long life and remain active for 30 pages when they should have been dead after a few comments... Most people do not start a new thread; they come on TODAY to see what's going on NOW. They look at what is available to choose from, and go with what is on offer... Most interest in something like a football team is very date-oriented. How many threads speculating about X and Y from August remain relevant? Pretty much none, other than when one poster wants to retrieve old posts to use as fodder attacking some other poster regarding what he speculated on back in August. Burn it all and start fresh. No one will miss any of it.
  22. I thought Winton looked absolutely horrible in that game, like what is all the fuss about with this guy? I agree with the OP that the Pats have never looked so beatable. Well, not in the Tom Brady era at least.
  23. If likes the offense now, wait until it actually starts moving the ball and scoring points! He'll absolutely love it then!
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