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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Kirby Jackson will explain to you how you don't know what you are watching; if you were an expert like him, b/c he uh, watches a lot of football on TV, you would see that Tyrod is an excellent QB.
  2. The pass wasn't catchable either, but hey, I'll take the DPI all day long!
  3. Hey, F-OFF with the troll ****. When our running game struggles, more pressure is placed on the QB position to move the ball through the air, and that's when Tyrood's weakness is exposed... He needs lots of things around him working right for him to be successful. Now F OFF!
  4. See Tyrod's happy feet on that throw? When he gets panicked and is uncomfortable, he dances in place.
  5. Notice how as the run game struggles added strain is placed on the QB position.... ...and how Tyrod then reveals himself to be the weakest link in the chain. Well, at least one of the weaker links.
  6. He is the perfect example of what I think of as a caricature of "The NFL Head Coach." First and foremost, an idiot.
  7. Someone who is into Twitter, please keep us updated with the story about security going after the beer throwing fan! I'd love to hear that the guy gets ejected.
  8. I'm talking about the broadcasters, not color guys; broadcasting students don't get color jobs, football players do. I mean the play by play guy.
  9. People like to throw this around these days like it's a joke....Peterman has shown more natural aptitude for being an NFL passer than Tyrod has shown to date. As long as Peterman didn't turn the ball over, I am not sure it would be a big back-step with him in the game. Yes, Tyrod is THAT average a performer.
  10. Continues to amaze me how poorly the NFL is broadcast on TV, generally speaking. I thought these were dream jobs for thousands of broadcast students at Syracuse and other top communications programs.... How do these horrid announcers get and keep the jobs? Where is the competition?
  11. Yeah, and I'm really pissed off about that too. i was hoping McD would be a bit more avant-garde. He is super conservative like all of them.
  12. A good example 3 plays in a row of what Tyrod offers... He is up and he is down. Good throws (TD), lousy throws... moves the ball, doesn't move the ball
  13. Translation provided by Barbara Billingsley: "McCoy is an excellent player. He exhibits a high level of natural athleticism."
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