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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Watching on tape delay on the DVR and just got to that point right now. About 3 minutes left in first quarter. I couldn't agree more with you. He looked like his spirit was broken.
  2. Do you realize that Tyrod's low INT rate is a result of his total hesitancy/reluctance to throw the ball? And if he threw more consistently he might have a few more turnovers, but they might be superseded by much greater offense? The 2 go together. When you are as hesitant to throw as Tyrod is, the fact that he has a low INT rate isn't as beneficial as it should be... The guy is paid to sling the ball. Sling it. If a few get picked, so be it. Jim Kelly threw bad interceptions all the time b/c he had such confidence in his ability and he was slinging it like a maniac all the time... So a few get away. Who cares....if you are a decent QB.
  3. As distinct, apparently, from the "Wait and see, EJ might be good" clowns. Or the "Whaley is a good GM" clowns. Or the "continuity is important; keep Rex; he will make us relevant again" clowns.. Or.....
  4. Which ones? I still hate them from the Roger Staubach/Tony Dorsett superbowls.
  5. A replay was televised of the all 22 straight down onto the field from a helicopter type view... It was the play Tyrod got sacked on. I couldn't catch who the receiver was, but a Bills receiver was crossing the field a good 15 or 20 yards out, from Tyrod's right to his left. He had single man coverage and his man was a good 2 steps behind him the whole way chasing him across the field... Tyrod never saw him and took the sack. It's hard to analyze this stuff b/c TV coverage of football is terrible...if you are trying to see what is going on down field.
  6. I just think it will be interesting to see what they do to address the loss of Clay for what is going to be like 5 games or more. If this was a "win now" situation (I don't think it is!) they would be acquiring a body to try and replace him the best we can.
  7. No business winning you say? With a +3 turnover rating for almost the whole game, the relevant question is "how did we lose?" The Bengals lost both their starting CBs in this game and were far from firing on all cylinders too.
  8. Sounds like Clay will be gone for a solid chunk of time no matter what his injury is. I wonder what plan, if any, they are going to pursue to replace him for a sustained period. His departure from the game was definitely felt and probably played a fairly big role in our total lack of O production today... If they do nothing to repair that, then we'll really know they don't care about this season!
  9. There is a lot he can say that offers some substance but also does not offer bulletin board material or "give anything away" to the opposition. We are not talking about being giving away nuclear codes and nuclear warhead technology secrets here. It's football, and he can say more than he does while giving away no measurable advantage to anyone.
  10. available in Erie County, for under $10 a bottle, if you know where to
  11. On a day with a +3 turnover advantage (until last O play of game) and our D continuing to play lights out ball for much of the game, you don't think Tyrod played a role in the loss? I'm glad you aren't making decisions at OBD.
  12. Watch out, the Kool Aid Krowd will label you a low information troll if you keep posting like this. Never mind the fact that probably half the board agrees with you, if not more. In what way is it bipolar? There is a contingent here who has always said Tyrod is a weakness who needs to be replaced. Then there is a group who think he is just fine. What's bipolar?
  13. Next what? Next game? Next season? Next decade?
  14. McD's post game PC just finished. Dude says absolutely nothing. Maybe that is his prerogative, but then why have the PC in the first place?
  15. I didn't like McCarron's NFL prospects when he was at 'Bama and they aren't looking any better now.
  16. Not sure where the string bean arm comes from. Dude has a strong arm.
  17. The guy crossing the field wide open on that last possession sack play? No. Not a question of balls. We won't be making a QB change.
  18. What does a McCoy run have to do with Tyrod? Evaluate Tyrod on things Tyrod does, not others.
  19. On that sack play on the final series, a WR was wide open the entire time Tyrod was staring blankly out into the secondary. Didn't catch who it was...he was crossing right to let in single coverage and his man was a step or 2 behind him the entire way across the field. If Tyrod can't see the guy or throw the ball accurately to him, doesn't really matter who the WR is, or who we acquire during the bye week.
  20. The whole team has to play in a very specific way with all the right things happening for Tyrod to be successful. It's a delicate balancing act. Asking him to drive down the field on a final possession of the game and score a TD, or else you lose, is more than his skill set is going to allow for, most of the time.
  21. Yep! Good game, bad game. Good pass, bad pass. Nice throw to his 2nd read....can't find the wide open guy in the middle of the field and takes a bad sack. That's who he is. When you play good teams in pressure situations, he won't get it done. It's that simple! Not sure why some like to pretend it is more than that.
  22. It's not about Tyrod is great or Tyrod sucks or Peterman is great or he is a joke... Most of the Tyrod criticism on this forum (at least mine) simply points out he is a middling QB with obvious failings who can be improved and should be improved. Not sure why that gets some poster's panties in such a bunch.
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