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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I had us with 6 wins before the season. I will up it to 7 based on the start so far. We often start well out of the gates. Then injuries set in, teams figure out what we are doing a little bit, and our thin depth betrays us...we have trouble sustaining wins throughout a long NFL season. 7 wins.
  2. Something to do with a Cubs game? What was it?
  3. Don't place so much emphasis on Xs and Os and teams catching up to what you are doing tactically. NE has done the same crap on offense forever and it still works. Why? Because of execution. Clever scheming is not nearly as important as simple execution in the NFL. If you have "your guys" in the lineup who you can trust to execute as they are supposed to, consistently, without taking plays off or making dumb mistakes, you can do a lot of winning in the NFL.
  4. It's not that we have too many sports; it's that our best athletes don't play soccer. If they did, we would win the World Cup every 4 years forever, kind of how we dominate the Olympics.
  5. They have been working on an ice dancing routine; when they have it ironed out, they will be do the routine on home ice during the first intermission. Stay tuned.
  6. A couple weeks ago, Eric Wood commented on team diet/eating during his weekly Monday segment on GR-55 with Schopp and Bulldog. He said it has definitely improved since when he first joined the team, meaning players are eating healthier diets that are constructed with some kind of nutritional plan in mind. He also said he has trouble keeping weight on during the season, and so he eats fattening stuff just before bed and what not. I think he said he is at 305 right now but he would ideally like to be maybe as light as 260 (?) when he retires for every day normal life.
  7. although rumor has it the recipe did not always call for chicken beak; in fact, some say it used to call for
  8. Next we are going to hear something about gambling problems and debt related thereto.
  9. I can almost picture the play on which he may have been injured last week against the Bucs. I remember him slow to get up and with a real look of pain on his face after one of the hits. Here's to hoping the Jets do the same to his throwing shoulder!
  10. tender salad, complete with marinated
  11. You can say that again! Overall your analysis is pretty fair and pretty accurate. The Kane rumors have already been swirling for a long time; word on the street was we couldn't enough in return so he has stayed on the team; now he is playing like the best player on the ice so we have to see how that unfolds. Tim Murray made a few big mistakes and really did not put the solid foundation in place we needed at a critical point in time; there are still more young pieces coming up the ladder though... Overall, I think the jury is still very much out as to how this is all going to play out.
  12. movie sucks Just watched the trailer... It's really tough to get past how freaking ugly Mark Hamill is these days, or his horrid acting. Bad acting is a hallmark of these films though, so that fits in. BTW: that island that old Luke is hanging out on is rather small! What does he do there? Where does he sleep? It's like a big rock in the middle of the sea. I also can't get past the new darth vader bad guy...forgot his character's name. He is the boyfriend from the HBO sitcom with the fat chick as the star...I can't get that role out of my mind when I see him trying to be "bad ass of the galaxy". Rather bad casting...another hallmark of the franchise. I'll still go though and will enjoy the special effects; those new tweaked AT-ATs look cool too.
  13. his TV remote control, so that he won't
  14. It's all adding up to where you have to assume he was not on the "buy in" program McD is looking for and may have been a divisive force behind closed doors. He seems like a "me first" guy and basically just said as much, and now he's bitching at his team too.
  15. They are not in a win now mode. I don't anticipate any deals happening during this bye week period.
  16. Aha! So it's not about the WRs at all; it's about the QB! I hope the people at OBD realize this!
  17. when not everyone could afford a genuine "My little pony" toy and so instead had to go with the occasional "My little sheep" music box or other small, poorly made toy from China, usually featuring...
  18. Did you miss the part where we had but actively got rid of the WR talent that would have helped this year? They did that in favor of next year and the years after that. The team is not in a "win now" mindset and they are not going to be.
  19. He's noncommittal because that's how he is with everyone, everything, and every question asked to him in a PC environment. It's ridiculous how much this guy doesn't want to talk about anything of substance, as though all of it is giving some huge competitive advantage to the competition. Don't read anything into anything McD doesn't say or commit to!
  20. So to re-cap: we have good defense, bad offense. It's always good one and bad other.
  21. One thing I will note: we have made OC changes recently and seen pretty big improvements right away, suggesting that you really can boost an offense by changing the guy drawing up and calling the plays. Why not? Our offense looks horrid, and I don't think Tyrod's running asset is being used correctly....meaning....it's not being used hardly at all.
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