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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I wouldn't draw too many conclusions from that game, one way or the other. There is something weird going on there. Pittsburgh has KC's number! Not sure it means Pitt is good or that KC is bad...but when those 2 teams get together, Pitt wins, at least in the last 3 match ups. Pittsburgh knows how to stop the KC offense. I think of all the times I watched Jim Kelly get slammed into that old, hard, astro turf at Rich Stadium and elsewhere...and it makes ME hurt all over.
  2. Hmmm. She doesn't do anything for me. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Don't know anything about her. I was big on this woman from the Toyota commercials for a while, but I'm over her now.
  3. I think it is the fact that this fan base has had such crap at the QB position for so many years, they think it's the best we can do. Or that we have to somehow scam our way into a decent QB because we can't get one fair and square. Hopefully we can find a way to draft one of the big names next year and be done with this crap.
  4. He could be a serial child rapist, and some NFL team would try to hire him, if he was a fantastic QB. Having said that, I do believe the teams are in fact colluding to a certain degree. They may not have gotten together for a dark and sinister meeting at midnight, during a thunderstorm, and all agreed to not hire him, but conspiracies are not required where similar interests converge. The owners have collectively decided they don't like this guy and don't need the BS associated with hiring him, so he is effectively black balled. Should that be illegal? That is a more difficult question. Probably not actually. A big part is that Kaep isn't very good....but he is more than good enough to have a job in the NFL as a backup QB. Have a look around. Have you seen the horrific QBs this league employs year in and year out?! It is so hard to find a decent QB, tons of really bad ones still find work. EJ Manuel is employed. Says all you need to know about that. Kaep's problem, in a nutshell, is he is a mediocre to below average QB, and a pain in the ass. That equals unemployment for him, at least in the NFL.
  5. The NFL is the most conservative, traditionalist environment you will find in society. I would love for some thirty-something dot com billionaire to come along, buy a team, and do everything according to what is smart and correct, as opposed to what is traditional or what the traditional "football guy" thinks is correct. Once it is done and is successful, the rest of the league will reluctantly follow suit. Until that happens, it is incredibly difficult to do anything that goes against conventional wisdom. So onward with Tyrod we go. It will take an injury and missed time for Peterman to show what he can do--or can't do. But sometimes it is the opposite. He is not excited when he should be. He is so bad at his job. It is really hard to judge what is happening based on what he says if you are solely listening on the radio with no TV. Also, I have found that simply listening for crowd noise, or lack thereof, is a much quicker way to find out the outcome of a given play. Waiting for Murphy to tell you often takes quite a while. He needs better glasses or something. It can take him 5 seconds sometimes to tell you if a pass is caught, dropped, or intercepted.
  6. If watching hi tech, hugely expensive ordinance kill muslims is your thing, there is an endless supply of this on Youtube. Some of the gun camera footage from AH-64 Apaches is particularly interesting. That 30mm chain gun is really good at turning bad guys into MIAs.
  7. Asking Smith to drive the field and score with the game on the line with a minute left is just more than he is going to pull off, most of the time. KC's brutal playoff record with Alex is understandable; a guy like Smith is only going to take you so far, unless something really unusual happens.
  8. Smith throws the ball to a spot on the field with no KC player within 8 yards as pressure was coming.. Game over.
  9. And now Smith takes a sack....way back on the 50 yard line.
  10. Smith just missed wide open WR for big chunk play....ball thrown over his head.
  11. Who said Tyrod is Alex Smith? Alex looked like Tyrod on that throw! Wide open man standing all alone in end zone....Smith misses him so badly he can't even catch the ball, let alone in bounds for the easy score.
  12. Ball hits DB in face who should have intercepted the ball...he falls to ground, safety help flies past the play too, also on the ground.... WR catches ball and is now suddenly uncovered...runs 20 yds for a TD. Lucky play!
  13. Hmmm. 12 - 10 Pittsburgh with 6 minutes left. Could be a fun finish.
  14. He is clearly ahead of the intelligence curve for NFL players.
  15. Just turning on KC v. Pitt What happened in this one? The KC offense seems to be, uh, sputtering.
  16. When GMTM was still around, he made some pretty big and important decisions impacting draft picks and making key moves that would ultimately form the core this team was supposed to win multiple Cups around. At that time, I was somewhat critical, thinking "Really, you are going to build a mini-dynasty around Evander Kane and Bogo? There is a reason those guys are available." Then he took our youth-filled D core and reduced it to McCabe and Risto. The ROR acquisition was great but GMTM didn't put a lot of key pieces into the core other than him. Our "Dynasty Core" is still a work in progress. It needs more tweaking. I'd be all in favor of more moves to redefine it.
  17. Seriously? I kind of like the Packers for some reason and love A. Rodgers. He's one of the few guys in the league I enjoy watching as an individual. Also: with no A. Rodgers, wonder how many GB games might get shifted out of a Primetime TV slot...making way for the Bills!
  18. The Dolphins games will be tough and could go either way. No point in discussing until the games draw near; future injuries could play a huge role in the outcome one way or the other.
  19. Next week is the Patriots' turn to play Atlanta. They could win or lose that game...they look beatable this year. Then Chargers, Broncos, Raiders, Dolphins, and then the Bills on December 3rd. Who knows what the Patriots' record will be by the time we play them. They are not the same old Patriots and anyone expecting them to run away and hide in 1st place is fooling themselves. They well MAY do that, but they may not as well.
  20. The talking heads on CBS are spending a lot of time on the controversial play. What a horrible call. The key is it was called a TD on the field. With the various angles and the subtleties of the play itself, there is no definitive way to say that is clearly NOT a TD...so the call on the field stands. TD. Suggesting otherwise is criminal!
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