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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Disagree regarding a high score with wide margin of victory. I do think we will feel in control for most or all of the game however. The actual score doesn't matter anyway...as long as we get a W.
  2. This is fantastic. Could be the basis for a novel, miniseries, or just regular TV series.
  3. In a league filled with thugs, Marshawn is possibly the greatest of them all. Quite an accomplishment.
  4. Who says moving up or down a spot or 2 in the draft isn't important!? We took Dareus 3rd overall back in 2011.... The guy who went right before him No. 2 overall was Von Miller. I wish we could swap those guys now.
  5. I'm not a fan of Winston; his playing only helps us, especially if he's still hurt a little. Look for 2 picks in this game.
  6. Wo, are you bringing Hitler into this? Like he lived in Argentina until he as 97 or something? The grand unification of conspiracy theories is the one that links the JFK assassination with UFOs, aliens, and Hitler surviving WWII. Those are your 4 prongs right there.
  7. One of them; bottom 3 for sure; a few others like Arizona are giving us a good run for our money. Montreal's been terrible out of the gate too (still beat us though!). The entire makeup of the team needs to be re-thought, with a rebuild of the rebuild. I would make Eichel untouchable; everyone else can go as part of the right deal. We are also going to have to build up more depth through the draft. Expect another 2-3 seasons of lameness at this point... Just wondering how long before Housley is canned. I thought he had the whole season to work with, but who knows. This is pretty bad.
  8. This was an absolutely fantastic piece of Thursday night football! What a game. What an interesting and weird finish. If this had been a Superbowl, it would be an "instant classic" and almost certainly the best Superbowl on record. I agree with the "one game at a time" comments up-thread. Either of those teams could kill the Bills on the right day; we could also beat both those teams on the right day. The games will be tough. Agreed. I thought both QBs in this game were performing on a level that would make Bills fans quite happy. I was thinking that over and over time and time again as each QB made a big play.
  9. This is great news and the right thing to do without doubt. Please chime in again and report on your progress. Good luck!
  10. I have been looking at the Tiffany DuPont commercial and thinking that was a great post, as she has caught my eye as well and is definitely cute. Since I started seeing this commercial, she has looked like someone that I couldn't quite put my finger on. It just hit me: she looks like the girlfriend from "Youngblood" with Rob Lowe. That actress was, apparently, Cynthia Gibb. I definitely think there is a resemblance there! What do you think??? Who remembers "Youngblood" ? LOL Cynthia Gibb: Tiffany Dupont: Cynthia Gibb back in the Youngblood Days:
  11. These sorts of people and the NFL go together like salt and pepper.
  12. Add the Bills organization to that 99%. It is not a question of "if" they will replace Tyrod as not being good enough, it is a question of "when."
  13. I couldn't disagree with this more. Casual fans are probably not watching MNF in the first place. I also think more serious football fans who would otherwise watch a given football game are going to continue to do so, regardless of the anthem issue or their feelings about it. They might piss and moan about it for 2 minutes, but then it's game on and that is forgotten. The NFL product is becoming over-exposed and many games aren't any good b/c neither team playing has a decent QB. Parity is another name for mediocrity, and there are just a lot of games in today's NFL that are not going to be very compelling viewing for a neutral, third-party fan.
  14. For sure if they relocated I would stop following the team. How much talk do you hear these days in WNY sports circles about the Buffalo Braves? I would suggest almost none. That's because they relocated a long time ago. If the Bills ever relocated, they would become a distant memory for most as well. An interesting comment. Being a Bills fan would be a LOT different for many, I think, if we won a Superbowl. We'd finally get some closure, we would know we did it, we would have our moment in the sun, and the pressure or sense of urgency to win it all in the future would instantly fade.
  15. This is a sound approach, but it kind of defeats the entire point of having a forum like this, which exists largely to ramble on about irrelevant points/topics with a particular emphasis on hypotheticals, the impractical, or the impossible. I would say maybe once a month, if that, there is something interesting that comes along in the world of the Bills that really gets the juices flowing and makes you want to discuss what's going on with fellow fans. Most of the time there is just nothing of interest to really talk about.
  16. That was kind of my thought as well. Stupid to say he is the best, worst, 24th best, or anything else.
  17. I wish! Not my photo. I don't move in the same social circles. She's not just gorgeous; she was also an Olympic swimmer; she's South African. Interesting person, aside from the fact that she now mostly stands at the side of Prince Albert greeting dignitaries.
  18. Not to go too far off topic, but I love chicks who can pull off the really short hair thing. The classic example these days is Princess Charlene of Monaco. Also loved Maggie from Northern Exposure back in the day when she had the short hair rocking.
  19. That's a good theory and yes, it's too bad the car didn't get cut in half lengthwise on the median. Would have made for cool video.
  20. Follow the top QBs...they'll lead you to the playoff teams. Rodgers going down might open things up in the NFC a bit for that reason.
  21. Everything in life goes in cycles. The NFL has crescendoed and is now slightly in decline. It is probably based on many things, but lack of good QBs driving gameplay is a big part of it. I have actually thought the Monday match ups have been good this year, as compared to years past. Im surprised to see that category leading the poll.
  22. The fact that Fitz has been kicked around the league this long, amongst so many teams, like a dented Pepsi can at roadside, tells you all you need to know about the depth of quality at the QB position in the NFL. There isn't any.
  23. Surprised the Bucs have a fan message board.
  24. That little confident look/nod Joy gives after she says "Best phone, best network" towards the beginning of the commercial is so freaking sexy. I've had my eye on her in this commercial for a while now! Good call by the guy who referenced this commercial first.
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