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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Buffalo, NY. Where "Dizzy Bats" are a thing. Here's the video; my description was more accurate than I thought!
  2. Meaning: they can overlook all teams? Agree the Dolphins' record suggests more quality than is actually there. With all the Dolphins and NE games coming in December, could this December shape up to be the most riveting in the last 17 years of Bills football? I think it can, and will! Not much of an achievement when you consider most Decembers around here don't need to be played with our fate already sealed. Could still be very exciting.
  3. There is also a nice video on youtube of a guy guzzling a beer, spinning in circles 8 times, then trying to hit a wiffle ball. After his swing he loses his balance, staggers backwards, and ultimately ends up collapsing head first to the ground. The problem was that someone put a giant RV in front of his path to the ground, such that he basically head slammed himself into the side of a truck. The crowd gathered around went from cheering and laughing to a collective "ooooh" simultaneously as the Bills fan knocked himself out on the RV and lay motionless in a parking lot in Orchard, Park, NY, one fine Sunday morning. OK, I'm embellishing a bit at the end, but still good entertainment all the way around.
  4. A play like this demonstrates the gap between even top college play and the NFL. In college, a play like this can work b/c you can find yourself with a big speed advantage depending on opponent. In the NFL, everyone is fast and out-flanking defenders, generally, doesn't work. Too much defensive team speed all over the league for that. Of course, on a given play, anything can happen...but you are right; the probably of success was low on this one! All of which only makes it an even better run by Taiwan!
  5. Bills Fan #1: "Anyone do anything crazy while tailgating for a Bills game? I once gave a stranger a blow job for a free jersey!" Bills Fan #2: "I jumped off the roof of an SUV onto a table and shattered my leg!" Bils Fan #3: "I jumped on a fiery table and lit myself on fire!" Bills Fan #4: "I body slammed my girlfriend through a fold-up table. It was great!" Bills Fan #5: "I have you all beat. I slid down the railing of the upper deck, fell, and dropped on top of some people down below sitting in the lower bowl. God banned from Bills games for life, but it was great!" Bills Fan #6: "Well no injuries in my story, but I did drink a beer out of the ass crack of my girlfriend." Bills Fan #7: YOUR STORY GOES HERE. TELL US WHAT YOU HAVE DONE BEFORE A GAME, BILLS FANS !
  6. "She always says 'Don't play ball in the house!'" But at the same time, the plant manager enjoys a strange sense of closure and fulfillment finally realizing why so much production has been routed to that place called Buffalo, New York, wherever that is.
  7. People always want to make judgments about teams this year based on what they did last year. Makes no sense in the NFL; there's big differences year to year around the league all the time. I think our win today was more of an accomplishment; Tampa is playing better team ball right now than Atlanta.
  8. My thoughts exactly. A W is a W. I'll take it and move forward.
  9. The way he carries the ball is all kinds of wrong and he is begging for strips on almost every run. Agreed.
  10. Think about it...when do you call on your QB to bust out his finest QB skills? The 2 minute drill. Makes sense, right?
  11. LOL! Tyrod leaves another 3 points on the field. Hi football IQ? He's a dummy.
  12. Bills D with 3rd fewest missed tackles in the league... Good stat and it makes sense. And there's an INT !!!!
  13. That was like 65 yards in the air from where his foot hit the ball to where it was fair caught, with decent hang time.
  14. Will Tyrod drive us down the field for an end of half score!?
  15. Snuffing the life out of an inferior opponent is more than this team is going to do. Doesn't mean we can't win though, and a win is good enough.
  16. Tyrod leaving points on the field; does it every game.
  17. The game is now so disjointed with TV commercials it can be difficult to immerse yourself in what's going on.
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