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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/25/entertainment/heather-lind-george-bush-harassment/index.html
  2. Kaep: "Um, have you seen who the backup in Oakland is? You guys are black balling me."
  3. This is certainly a big game for this season, but it is not the most important game during the drought. We are getting there though. If we can keep this rolling we will be playing some very big games in O.P. soon enough. You want a huge game? Sunday December 3rd at home against the Patriots. If we continue to win and have a strong record going into that game, it is going to feel like the Superbowl. Let's say we find a way past the Raiders which will be tough. Then beat the Jets on the road. Then home against Saints. We could be 7-2 after that.... Let's say maybe 8-3 after the Chiefs game... An 8-3 Bills teams playing at home against what will probably be the division leading Patriots would be a huge game for this franchise.
  4. Stuck with freaking NE and Chargers on a day I thought I'd have a good chance to get the Bills on TV in my market.
  5. I think this could be the year we split with the Patriots, assuming both are competitive games that both teams try to win. And we may have to do that to get to 10 wins. I'm OK with that; that's a great challenge for this team. Beat NE and maybe get in the playoffs.
  6. I'm out of touch with these nowadays, but it used to be that Hondas were the best, and also super expensive. I remember them starting at like $700 and that was 15 or 20 years ago, I think.
  7. I recall an episode of "Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious Universe" or some such in which the phenomenon of ball lightning was explored.
  8. Lynch is no loss for the Raiders, not at this point in his career. This is gonna be a tough game.
  9. Notice that Wentz is emerging as the next top QB in the NFL...and that he went in that crazy, impossible to predict draft spot of First round, No. 2 overall. For all the anti-tankers out there who think you have to stumble into a good QB in the 5th round by mistake.
  10. This happens all the time, but the light is not white. It's more of a cool, light blueish color.
  11. I was hoping this was going to be some SETI reference involving aliens and an abduction or something.
  12. The atmosphere at Sabre games is one of the worst in the league, and a lot of people in there in recent years were there not as hardcore hockey fans, but b/c it was something to do on a Tuesday night in Buffalo in January...or whatever. That has now faded I guess if tickets cost beer money. Most Sabre games in the last 5 years (?) have been remarkably boring.
  13. Keep an eye on the turnover ratio. If that remains really good, it could be a major wild card in terms of us, uh, getting a wild card. A lot of football stats are not worth keeping. Turnovers are not one of them; amazing how a good turnover ratio translates to wins/losses over a long time with a huge sample size.
  14. Here's a dumb thread about nothing. Let's see if we can get it to 10 pages! (No offense to the original poster).
  15. I'm always interested in drafting a QB. Tyrod can be improved and he probably needs to be improved for us to qualify for the playoffs, or even more importantly, win a playoff game. When the weather turns cold, everyone is playing for keeps, and the only teams left playing are the best teams, you are going to find yourself in a situation where you will not win unless your QB can consistently and reliably move the ball down the field and score touchdowns. Tyrod has trouble doing that, particularly reliably. His ceiling is "cusp of the playoffs". Not good enough. No need to turn this into another Tyrod thread, but the QB position remains the most important position on the team and it is a position that needs improving, as much as Tyrod has probably exceeded [admittedly low] expectations.
  16. I have always considered Philadelphia fans (of any sport) to be the lowest of the low. Jets/Yankee fans would be very close to rock bottom however.
  17. Classic Jon Gruden late in the first half: "He fits this city of Philadelphia perfectly. Blue collar tough. They appreciate guys that go to the wall. What's that movie? Rocky Balboa? You can put a little Rocky in Wentz"
  18. Yep, war is big business in this country. Has been for quite a while. I like how they have figured out that you can make a lot of money building these places back up after you destroy them, too. Make some bucks on both ends of the equation.
  19. Finally! Yes, the frosted cherry with pink frosting and pink sprinkles are easily the best Pop Tart you'll find. The Cinnamon and brown sugar (?) are excellent too, or whatever that one is. Pop tarts are one of the very few garbage foods I would still eat as an adult. They do make you feel sick afterwards, though, like most garbage food.
  20. Agree that the specktackle [sic] stuff looks dumb and we are better then [sic] this. We should be more like Gronkorski [sic].
  21. Thanks for mentioning this; just googled it. Excellent footage. I'm not totally sure of the ergonomic feasibility of this act, but she seems to have pulled it off nicely.
  22. I think the tailgating movement will die a natural, evolutionary death when we build a state of the art domed stadium with opening roof in downtown Buffalo. Seating capacity will be reduced, ticket prices will go through the roof, Russ Brandon will heavily target corporate southern Ontario/TO for ticket/suite sales, there will be inadequate parking in the area, and the demographic attending games will change dramatically. The folks who currently use a Bills football game as an excuse to get **** faced drunk and let off some steam will be forced to find new pursuits. Soon thereafter, older Bills fans will be telling the young ones about the good old days of tailgating out in Orchard Park. I grew up with stories of the old Rockpile, even though that stadium was really before my time... No one now is really lamenting the loss of War Memorial and it will be the same, given the passage of time, with Rich Stadium, or whatever the marketing department is currently calling it.
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