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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Third this; secondary injuries combined with Carr and his receiver corps, combined with Tyrod's inability to put touchdowns on the board all equals a loss. Will be interesting to watch for sure; I hope it's a good game.
  2. Here's a thread destined for 50 pages if ever there was one. Seems to have jumped the shark quite a few pages ago.
  3. 5-3. Lose to Raiders, but beat the Jets. That still puts us on pace for 10-6, in theory...which might get us in.
  4. My gut tells me Jerry Hughes will be kept around; I don't see him on anyone's bad attitude list and his play varies from good to great. I also don't see them moving McCoy, however...when this team "arrives", if they are ever going to, McCoy will not be on it. His personal career timing is "off" relative to the team's development timing. He'll be too old when the team is really getting good, assuming the process works as intended. Kyle Williams will be flat out gone next year, but as a retirement.
  5. Look at the names who really dislike this move. That's all you need to know it will prove to be really good for the Bills.
  6. "Blowing up" anything related to the Bills of the last 17 years sounds like a fantastic idea.
  7. Not sure if you are joking or what...but you have no idea how much I miss Gary Thorne calling NHL games on ESPN! When ESPN left, it opened the door to what is now NBC Sports Network and their go-to lineup of Doc Emrick and Pierre McGuire. They have become the voice of nationally televised hockey in the USA, and they are horrible. Gary Thorne is fantastic. Still doing Orioles broadcasts I believe...
  8. To briefly sum up: sinking a huge amount of money, long term, into an interior defensive lineman is stupid. Finding a way to undo that stupidity is good. Getting this franchise firing on all cylinders was always going to be a huge challenge. The trades this year are part of the transition from **** organization to good organization. Hang in there Bills fans!
  9. The Farm is pretty bare, right now. Probably another couple years before the next high hopes are ready to play full time in the NHL. Sam Reinhart has me concerned. He was in theory the best forward in the world in his draft year but it just doesn't translate, yet at least, to some dominant force on the ice. The whole idea of the suffering was to emerge with quite a few really special players....it just isn't there.
  10. Funny you say that; I have always assumed a huge amount of the volume here is from people sitting in cubicles at work, bored out of their minds...and participating here as a way to get through the work day.
  11. Yeah but that is the point; he's a very competitive, driven guy. I don't think people realize how competitive he is. Tons of great players in all sports are like that. Sometimes the most talented work the hardest too.
  12. Kent is one of my favorite Bills of all time. When I think back to the glory days, I envision Hull in a 3 point stance, hand on the football, with the other forearm resting on his thigh, looking backwards and rocking slightly to his left and right, barking out line calls and telling Jimbo what to do. He was the keystone of a really great offensive line.
  13. Her body is going to kill her when she gets a little older and finds that nothing works anymore. I have tons of friends who are triathletes and double marathon runners and all that stuff...they are all now in their 40s and some have hit 50. To a person they have huge health issues like bad backs, bad knees, they easily break bones, and so on. A human body wasn't made to do this stuff, but if she enjoys it, what the hell. Good for her.
  14. By the way, and for those who were confused: A "helment" is a new type of helmet incorporating a wintery fresh mint aroma. I've heard they smell great!
  15. Seemed like he broke his wrists on that one. Game should maybe be over... I think Puig got the pitch he wanted there and just missed.... There it is. 7-6 Astros in 11 innings. 4H 19 M game. Fun!
  16. another crushed ball....for out 2. Holy ****! HR!
  17. Dodger bullpen now officially out of pitchers. Sharply hit ball! But out 1.
  18. And another home run! Great job LA bullpen
  19. And we move into the 11th! Same here. I really don't care who wins; just enjoying extra innings in a W.S. game.
  20. Anyone watching? 5-4 in bottom of 10th. Logan Forsythe gets walked with 2 outs! Winning run at the plate. Wild pitch; tying run on 2nd! Base hit! Throw not in time! Tie game!
  21. I realize the D is all messed up right now, but this team has me concerned. I'm almost ready to start getting on Eichel's case. We need a bunch more pieces and of higher quality if we are going to emerge as some rebuilt game winning machine. There is not enough there, now.
  22. Matching fast food "restaurants" with QBs? I guess this is the day we officially ran out of news.
  23. Jerry Sullivan, from Wed. Oct. 19, 2011: Kent Hull was one of the smartest, most decent and accommodating players I've dealt with during my 20-plus years in Buffalo. During the Super Bowl years, Hull was a dependable source of wisdom on a team of amazing athletes and characters. You could always count on Kent for insight into the team and the game. He wouldn't rip anyone or say anything controversial, but he provided perspective and intelligence and you almost always used his comments prominently. It was the unvarnished truth. We called him our go-to guy. That's a designation reporters use for athletes who can always be relied on for a solid quote. We even had Kent Hull moratoriums. If you thought you had been using Kent too much, you took a week off and went to other players for the money quote. To this day, we talk about Hull in the locker room. The other day, George Wilson was surrounded on Media Day. A couple of veterans were off to the side. One of them told me, "I'm on a Senator Moratorium." Every so often, an athlete will become a popular source for quotes in the locker room. We'll wonder, is he moving up to Kent Hull level? All I can say is there will never be another one like him. Hull was also a great player, of course, the axis of that no-huddle offense. Tom Bresnahan, who coached offensive line and then was coordinator in those years, once told me Hull was the best center ever to play. He said no one else could have handled the responsibility of being the center for the no-huddle in those days. He had to make the line calls, identify blitzers, tell Jim Kelly when a play wouldn't work. He was also a terrific pass blocker and a fine run blocker in space. I'll have more as the day goes along. Just had an amazing interview with Darryl Talley. Not surprisingly, Talley was the first one to call. He was very emotional last night and we decided to wait until this morning to talk. I'll post that later. I also found quotes from an interview with Hull in August of 1996, before his final year with the Bills. I'll post some of those, too. Tomorrow, I'll have a column on Hull in the News.
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