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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Nice throw from Tyrod; just inbounds enough to work. Great catch.
  2. Nice run blocking right now; there's room out there for Shady to exploit.
  3. Good slide from Tyrod. he was looking at a wall of pain there.
  4. Who saw the guy in the crowd with the Bills themed Stahlhelm? LOL
  5. Broke out of his route too early; didn't get to the marker. A hole!
  6. Nice play calling; already simply bargaining for slightly better working room for the punt.
  7. Oh Tyrod. When he has to be a real QB, we have trouble.
  8. You can just tell he has been around too long, puts himself above the game itself, and is just the wrong personality type for the job. Wants to be the star.
  9. He's a super conservative guy though. He's shown that already.
  10. If the D can't stop them and our O can't score, the game is already decided.
  11. Offense stayed on the field longer than I would have thought; gave D a rest... But we have to keep up on the scoreboard.
  12. I we can't keep up on the scoreboard, game is already over.
  13. Yes! But in all fairness, who among us wouldn't fall victim to the bewitching lure of the late autumn air in the Meadowlands on a Thursday night with an old quarry named the Jets?
  14. You greatly underestimate Tyrod's perceived value around the league. He is much better than his detractors suggest. Many experts at TSW have said so many times. Of course, they also thought EJ needed more time to develop, Whaley was a great GM, Rex would bring the organization some credibility, and that we would never trade Dareus for a lowly 5th round pick.
  15. Tyrod is 100% exclusively a product of Rex Ryan. Whaley gets no credit for that one.
  16. For the record: Pegula has very much played an active hand in sports-related decisions with the Sabres and Bills. However, I do not think he has dictated any of these recent moves with the Bills. I think they are totally coming from GM/HC and Pegula is simply signing off on their decisions. I think Pegula is very slowly learning, and transitioning from a rather bad owner to something better. The Bills have not had this much positive energy moving forward in a long time.
  17. On the surface we share many similarities. I would put forth the similarities fade if you dig a bit deeper. To overly simplify, GB = winning, quality organization. Buffalo = losing, bad organization. At least for the bulk of the respective organizations' history, that is.
  18. Mike Schopp has been big on Tyrod for a while now for some reason. A few days ago he flat out said he would not want Eli Manning instead of Tyrod, thinking that would be an obvious downgrade. Then again, he also thinks that winning or losing face-offs in hockey is not important and just a silly thing "hockey people" talk about despite having no real impact on the game.
  19. Could have quoted far more in this thread. Interesting to compare the conventional wisdom of TSW vs. reality and people actually involved with the league.
  20. What's the over/under on the combined IQ of the troopers directly approaching the car after it finally stops? That's four guys. I'll put it at 350. What do you think? Funny how this is sold as a "wild 100mph chase". In Germany 100mph is what the slow old lady is doing in a **** econobox 2 lanes over from the left lane. I.E., not all that wild and crazy.
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