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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. My answer too. I would not seek the autograph of anyone, let alone pay money for it.
  2. Your Point #3 is the only thing that really needs discussing. When Allen doesn't make it around Lost Corner next year, McDermott will go at the end of the season. When McDermott goes, Beane will go too. He is the underling to McD, not the other way around. Allen will not get beyond next year to show he can do it, and I don't think McBeane will get a second chance to draft another QB. That's how this business works. Organizations do not wait around forever for people to show they can do it. As I keep saying around here, EJ got 13 games and no more.
  3. If our QB situation remains so messed up he is needed beyond this season, someone is going to be fired.
  4. We may have the potential to solve our problems but it may or may not be realized. I am also not excited about our glut of late round picks; most of those rarely turn into roster players. And unless Josh Allen turns into a new QB fairly soon, none of this will matter anyway.
  5. I have noticed a lot of Bills fans think we have the best uniforms in the game. Why do you say that? I think they are nice looking, but "best in game" ??? I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  6. He concludes we are trying to get things lined up so we can see if Allen can be successful in year 3? He isn't going to get that much time! I certainly hope he doesn't at least. EJ got 13 games.
  7. The masses here are usually a game late and out of step with the reality of the upcoming game, when it comes to predictions. The masses all think we are going to get annihilated. That usually suggests the game won't go like that at all. Maybe we'll get lucky. Having said that, this is Brady and Belichick and we don't have a QB. So yeah, we probably will get annihilated.
  8. Because we have a glorified gym teacher who is at best a good defensive coordinator running the team?
  9. Happy B-Day. When I see your user name, I always think of Joe Ferguson and the allegation that he always "hung his head" in the face of adversity and wasn't a "real fighter" or some such. Probably not fair.
  10. How in the world could you hate Dustin Pedroia? I'm a long time Red Sox fan, but he's one of my favorites. No doubt! This is always one of my favorites:
  11. I have often pondered this and also think it's stupid. What is more stupid is the new way of moving the on air personalities around on set and using different camera angles, so that you can see them wearing their suits and ties...with sneakers. That ***** really bugs me. I watch almost none of this type of thing anymore though, so what the hell.
  12. For what it's worth, Mike Schopp asked McD if Josh could do "everything but throw" in terms of staying in shape, working out, etc., and the coach confirmed he could. So at least Josh can try to stay in shape through the injury. Would probably be harder to do that if it was a lower body injury.
  13. Edmunds is one of the few people around who has the size and speed to keep up with Gronk. We'll see how it plays out.
  14. It's definitely a scam, b/c some doctor on twitter said it was an ankle problem.
  15. Don't forget the guy who started a thread suggesting Nate Peterman could be another Drew Brees. You can't make this ***** up.
  16. And game two, too! And now we head off to LA. I'll say Boston in 6.
  17. And yet some guy thought he'd have sex with one, while it was dying and/or dead. (That story was posted here a few weeks ago).
  18. And he had greater raw speed than Thurman. Thurman almost never broke one all the way; he'd get caught. Kenny had the speed to take it to the house when he got in the clear. He was a great backup player.
  19. What in the world does a viola have to do with this!?
  20. Point #3 sounds good as you type it, but I wouldn't describe it in the manner. Rather, I'd suggest we drafted a project who has never shown signs of being successful in the NFL and he hasn't changed from the profile to date. No reason to expect him to, either. I.E., we have no QB and are highly likely to have no QB next year as well. That renders all the other points moot. It's not about panic, it's about this team maybe, some day, getting good again.
  21. I'm sure they'll be relieved to hear this. Have you contacted them yet?
  22. Reminds me of the thread a few months ago suggesting Nate Peterman could be another Drew Brees. There is no more loyal fanbase in the NFL than Buffalo. There is also none more delusional. Rationalizing why we don't really suck, or why it is OK to suck, is our pastime.
  23. Absolutely. No different than what we are going through right now in Buffalo.
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