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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. The "strategy" of football doesn't begin to compare to baseball, which is almost entirely a thinking man's game.
  2. Congratulations on the new job. The game is a little flat right now with the 5 run deficit, but the way the series has gone, LA should have a dramatic comeback. Here's hoping we see an exciting game.
  3. Leaving bases loaded not a good omen for Dodgers. Long way to go though.
  4. Who's watching? 2-0 Houston in bottom of first, 1 out, man on second for LA.
  5. Samsungs have a shoddy history when it comes to quality. I have a Sony that cost $2,400 maybe 8 years ago. I went to turn it on recently and nothing happened. After trouble shooting obvious stuff (like was it plugged in, is the remote dead, etc.) I realized it was just broken. Watched some youtube videos and learned how to check the 3 main boards inside with a volt meter. If you see X, board 1 is dead. Y, board 2 is dead. Z, board 3 is dead. I concluded Board 2 was shot....bought one for $59 on Ebay from guy who sells these out of new TVs with broken screens, so he strips them out for parts. It took 10 minutes to pop the new board in place...TV has worked fine since. I found it interesting that the "industry standard" for repairing TVs these days is to rip out an entire huge board with a million components on it, and simply replace it. That's like saying you are not sure but think your alternator on the car is bad, and the master mechanic says "Well, what we do these days is completely gut the engine bay and replace everything..whatever is causing the problem will get fixed." It's crazy, but that is what they do. Buy a multi-tester/volt meter and watch some videos...will save you a lot of hassle and unnecessary repair expense. These things are built to have easily swapped out throwaway components.
  6. I don't even see both New England games as sure losses in this year. We are playing better than at any time during the drought and NE has never looked this vulnerable, even if they have righted the ship and still have a good record. The games will be tough no doubt! But at least one is definitely winnable. A split would be great. Looking at the schedule, the wins are there to be had if we keep going as we have been. 10 wins should be enough this year and there are many paths this team can take to 10 wins.
  7. Will never happen, and I'm OK with that. I'm not much of a Cam Newton guy.
  8. On one hand, a guy like BB dedicates almost his entire life to coaching. He has no life beyond that. So I can see why he might say "enough" and want to live life a little before he dies. On the other hand, he is obviously a very dysfunctional guy in the way many highly successful people are; he is almost on the autistic spectrum and very single minded and highly focused. Guys like that never retire and have to be dragged kicking and screaming into retirement, way after it is too late. So we'll see. He can't coach forever, that is for sure.
  9. Much has been said about OJ and many jokes have been made. But if you studied the murder trial closely, it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt that OJ murdered those 2 victims....in a remarkably brutal, violent way. He nearly decapitated one of them; was it Nicole? He slit her throat so deeply he basically nearly cut through her neck entirely. It still amazes me. I didn't see it coming, even if OJ was obviously a very flawed human with a track record of treating his wife like garbage and lots of other scummy things. But man, dude is a real sociopath similar to some hardcore serial killlers. I can see why people are just opposed to anything OJ and refuse to cut him any slack in terms of his playing accomplishments. Like they just want to revise history to erase him. I can see why.
  10. Right, b/c OJ is going to kill your kid. I would disagree with that. Depends on how you define "position". Bruce was not even the best defensive lineman in the game at the time he played, let alone all time. That was Reggie White. If you argue Reggie and Bruce were 2 different positions, OK. Was Bruce greatest edge pass rusher of all time? Not sure about that. I don't think I'd have him #1, even if he has #1 amount of sacks. OJ is on the super short list of greatest RBs ever...very few on the same list. Jim Brown, OJ, Barry Sanders, Sweetness...anyone else? I would say this: no doubt the 2 best Bills players of all time are OJ and Bruce. I think OJ beats out Bruce, but it is arguable, subjective, and a good debate. I would imagine OJ might lose this battle in the eyes of many Bills fans, for 2 simple reasons: 1) OJ is a murderer so people don't like him 2) OJ played a lot longer ago than Bruce and many current Bills fans remember Bruce, but not OJ Both those factors probably bias the result in favor of Bruce. I say OJ. The thing to remember about OJ is that he wasn't just a great runner. He was the "Wayne Gretzky" sort of player who routinely did things you have never seen any player do before, and who astounds you routinely with what you see him accomplish on a football field. Like where you are looking to your buddy and saying "Did you see what OJ just did? I can't believe that." Very, very few athletes play on that level, in any sport. I would say Bo Jackson was that type of athlete, among very few others.
  11. The good news is this argument will be resolved shortly. Hang in there. As was noted up-thread, Sal C. spoke with the coach yesterday and asked him if Benjamin would play. The coach seemed to indicate he well could, despite Sal's suggestion he could not b/c of lack of time to prepare. Then Beane confirmed that Benjamin made it to Buffalo yesterday, not today. Then Beane says it's 50/50 he plays... Then we hear Benjamin travelled with the team. He's going to play, but as I said, hang on! We don't need to resolve this right now. It will resolve itself soon enough. I hope he plays for what that is worth.
  12. Watkins is just a low quality human; these guys are throwing that sort off the team and looking for character guys who are smart, show up, work hard, are reliable, and do what they're told. That's not a bad approach; it's what BB does up in New England... I think McD would even sacrifice some raw talent in the wrong guy for lesser talent in the right guy. We are seeing this approach can work. Our current roster is not exactly flooded with virtuoso talent.
  13. One of my favorite pieces of American sports television history:
  14. John McCain is your classic politician. The F-er is on death's door and he still has to put on his suit each day and get out there and muck it up in front of a camera. He needs his audience and someone to boss around because feeling important and fueling his enormous ego is what he does; it's what all politicians do. What amazes me is that some Americans actually think politicians care about them, like they are in the political game to make something or someone better. That's not the cloth these people are cut from. Those people often go into teaching, medical care, and jobs that pay very little but make big differences in individuals' lives. They don't f-ing run for the US Senate. I support McCain's comments on the NFL and his separation from Trump of course. But overall, F John McCain.
  15. This creepy freak from Fox News: Gregg Jarrett. Definite pedophile & kiddy porn producer/distributor Dr. Phil: Serial rapist; embezzler; tax evader; sex harasser; likely closeted homosexual to boot Had to look the term up! LOL Wondering how this is floating around in your head.
  16. Yeah, he had an air pellet pistol and a paintball pistol, apparently. He did look like your good old fashioned "NUTJOB" and not some terrorist type to be worried about. Look at the truck he used! Some sort of little Home Depot flatbed/pickup truck which is not nearly big/heavy enough for what he was trying to do. Guy's not only insane, he's stupid. The interesting thing is that this type of thing always ends with a dead nut job, but this guy is in custody and doing well. I don't think they will get much intel out of him though. Some sort of immigrant from Uzbekistan I believe..
  17. To the O.P., yes, nothing sustainable to see here! New England Patriots 2001 to 2016: Regular season wining percentage: .766 Division Titles: 14 Average wins per season: 13.8 Superbowl Appearances: 9 Superbowl Victories: 6
  18. I think a lot of Bills fans would agree with you, which I find interesting. I like our uniforms and don't consider them bad, but definitely not the best. It's hard to screw up red, white, and blue though... Not a fan of the white face mask on the white helmet.
  19. Any scenario that allows me to pay a reasonable price to watch my Bills games outside of WNY without having to go with satellite TV is a great improvement for me personally. I can't believe that no NHL Center Ice equivalent exists for the NFL, beyond the Direct TV satellite thing. That's total bull **** in 2017.
  20. This guy will be lighting up DBs routinely in run blocking. He's a monster.
  21. One of the key moves that would eventually lead to the Superbowl "dynasty" era. Biscuit was like a maniac flying around and busting up plays in dramatic fashion. His talent was immediately noticed and felt on the field.
  22. An almost perfect post in terms of matching what I might write on this topic. We should continue to field the best team possible every time we play. That means Tyrod for now, but we should keep an eye on always improving the team too. Beane confirmed today in his chat with Schopp and Bulldog that they are always looking to do that and even get excited when they are able to snatch a guy on waivers, if it was a guy they targeted and wanted. Always look down the road while keeping your eye on the upcoming game too. We should continue to aggressively pursue a QB better than Tyrod, and play that QB when he is ready. In the meantime, build up around Tyrod and make the most out of him while he is the QB.
  23. The GM confirmed he will arrive in Buffalo today, but was not sure on the exact time of his flight. Sal C. asked the coach about this and the coach said if we can get him in, he's going in. Or words to that effect.
  24. The look and feel of the organization vis-a-vis the powers in charge at OBD is as good as it has been since the demise of the Superbowl teams. The way they are working and the decisions they are taking look, in absolutely no way, like typical Bills administrations in the last two decades.
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