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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Oh Christ. Third time I've typed that so far. D needs to stiffen up here.
  2. Taken from the old, dusty book of NFL conventional wisdom.
  3. Rich Eisen life long Jets fan; born in Brooklyn raised in Staten Island. Taking the Bills.
  4. Funny as that was pointed out to Sal late yesterday afternoon by Mike Schopp during Sal's segment. It caught Sall off guard and he acknowledged not thinking about the fact that Benjamin could have a 17 game season and not yet had a bye week.
  5. Looks tasty. I will be enjoying a dram or two of some Highland Park 12, one of my favorite 12 year olds!
  6. Well hopefully they are not sitting around watching the NFL Network right now so they won't feel the pressure. As a fan, I find myself as nervous as I have been before a Bills game in years. This is a huge game and a win really sets us up well to finally break the drought. It's pretty darned close to "must win" especially b/c I think we should win and are the better team.
  7. Absolutely. But Tyrod is definitely a very good athlete. The thing Tyrod does best in my opinion is make the first would-be tackler of him miss. Tyrod's ability to shake loose 1 guy in the backfield and buy time to either take off running or look around for a pass is as good as any QB I've ever seen. When I see a single guy heading for him in some space, I find myself thinking "no problem, Tyrod will shake that guy loose with a great little move" and I swear, I think he always does. It's almost automatic!
  8. Goofy made up thing for a beer commercial. Effectively meaning "Hear, Hear!" Actually you said "hear, hear" but reading TSW a lot, you might think otherwise. Not that's, Dildy Dildy! Dilly dilly?
  9. Chicago is a great town and I'm a little envious! Enjoy the game at one of those bars! Should be fun!
  10. Disappointed to hear this. I wonder if it does mean that his knee is a bit dinged up, more than I hoped. There is no doubt he could have added something to the game tonight, even with zero preparation time. Had he been used for nothing but red zone end zone back corner fades, he would have been a good tool in the lineup.
  11. Wanna get rich? Design some type of knee brace that stops these types of knee injuries and is not too bulky or awkward to limit flexibility/mobility. Evolution is usually a pretty effective process. You know, the stuff that survives does so b/c it's a good design, and bad designs disappear over time. Not the human knee. Still hasn't caught up to the idea that we are walking on 2 legs now and not 4.
  12. For God's sake man, be careful. You are not liked in the shark community.
  13. I suggested that at the bottom of my post; hard to see it below the 2nd photo however. Yes, I think so. Feels right to me.
  14. It just occurred to me that Sean McDermott looks an awful lot like Ron Howard. What do you think? Perhaps a good nickname for Coach McD would be "Opie".
  15. Well you can take solace in knowing they are both old men and don't have a ton of productive years left. Jones is 75; dude could go down with a heart attack tomorrow and no one would be surprised.
  16. I think he values character/intelligence/willingness to learn the program and stick to it reliably over things like raw talent. There are always guys that are desirable that are floating around, getting waived, don't make a good fit on a given roster but fit well on another, etc. The trick is knowing which is which and gathering the right guys. Seems to be working so far!
  17. The bottom of the 6th here could be where LA stages a bit of a rally. 2 on with no outs....
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