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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. No, Tyrod is not a franchise QB and no human on the planet, who is not a Bills fan, would suggest otherwise.
  2. I catch your drift, but have a look at the schedule. The season is not 16 independent events; the games are chained together in certain patterns and relationships and they are not all created equal in terms of winnability. The loss to the Jets was huge because now in order to get to 10 wins, we are going to have to win some tough games with no margin for error, like on the road at Chargers, or maybe one of the NE games. We have 3 more losses to give. Let's assume that's at KC (no way we win that game) and the 2 NE games. That means we MUST beat NO at home (tough game) MUST beat Chargers on road (very tough) MUST beat INDY at home (OK more doable) and MIAMI TWICE including in Miami...(tougher than many Bills fans assume, even if Miami basically sucks). No margin for error now. I don't see this team doing that, especially since our recipe for success so far this year has depended on an unsustainable hugely positive turnover ratio. I can see why people are flipping out. Of course we'll have to take it a game at a time and hope for the best again New Orleans. Really all we can do. The road to ending the drought got a lot tougher last night. It was a lot more than just "a bad regular season loss".
  3. From the commercials I saw for this, I am not really into watching it. Not up my alley I guess. No interest here in learning about Kelly struggle with the tragic death of his son and his finding Jesus, etc. Looked kind of sappy and overly dramatic in the commercials.
  4. Yeah but you know, I have heard NFL players talk about how on some plays, there never is a whistle. Like everyone just stops and it is assumed the play is over, just like on the play last night. So a player is maybe not at fault for not playing to the whistle. Sometimes there isn't one.
  5. That's cool! Much more interesting than the Bills game! Get out there and check it out. By the way, for anyone still up, the NFL Network is now replaying the game! You can watch it all again! Currently 7:43 left in 1st quarter, 7-0 Jets.
  6. I love that guy! He's a filthy rich American who is willing to spend a shitload of his own cash for what he believes in and what is in the best interest of this country. He's calling for an impeachment of Trump, b/c, you know, Trump is !@#$ing crazy. That's quite an accomplishment these days, when most Americans are concerned with playing with their cell phones and buying **** they don't need but can't resist because it's on sale.
  7. I believe the Republican tax plan involves preying on the weakest and least able to defend themselves in society and then taking all the money for themselves. The exact details of it are not important. The top 1% wealthiest Americans now control 38.6% of the country's wealth. The poorest 90% of Americans control only 22.8% of the country's wealth. So 1% of the population owns almost twice as much as the bottom 90%. And people wonder why this country is completely !@#$ed.
  8. This is true; there is no true political choice in this country or widespread representation of diverging political viewpoints. Not sure your average American gets that. The wonks on TV who love politics never seem to talk about this, either. There really is only one ruling class, and that is the corporate/billionaire ownership class. They control everything, support the big political names on both sides of the aisle so they can't lose elections, and benefit from what is now a corrupt political system. Money buys the politicians and dictates what laws they pass, to benefit the money. It's all broken. The Greeks who invented all this stuff predicted where we are now. From chaos and anarchy comes democracy. From democracy comes oligarchy. From oligarchy comes anarchy, and around and around the wheel goes. The USA has been an oligarchy since at least some time in the 1970s, and probably before then too. It really hit its stride in the '80s though when the dynamics that govern current US national politics really took root. The USA in 2017 is analogous to Ancient Rome, circa @ 150 AD in my opinion. Still top dog on the planet, but our best days are @ 50 years behind us and we are in a state of downward spiral. It is a nice, gradual descent. Just slow enough that no one really notices it and most still think we are still #1 in everything. My favorite statistic: the USA is now like 12th in the world on the "American Dream" scale. Meaning, if you are born into a lower portion of society and want to move up, i.e., live the American Dream, you have a better shot at doing so in 11 nations (I believe it was) other than the USA. The Scandinavian countries rank very highly nowadays if you are looking to pursue the American Dream. Maybe try there. The weather probably isn't much worse than Buffalo anyway!
  9. No intelligent person, anywhere on this planet, "denies" climate change in 2017. It's a uniquely !@#$ed up American thing, like thinking every citizen and his brother should own an assault rifle. Only in America.
  10. Just watched the video of the "2nd 4th floor shooter" It's just some flickering light on a very low quality video shot in poor light. Hard to say what it is; I suspect it is some kind of reflection of something other than a gun firing. That entire building is covered in windows which sort of look like gold mirrors. Funny how everything goes in cycles. Newspapers will be on the brink of extinction right around when everyone decides it is impossible to tell what is true information and made up internet psycho bull ****. And that's when intelligent people, at least, will go back to legitimate, professional news sources for information. It will take a while to get there.
  11. Chick's hot in the one photo; looks like a psycho killer in the other.
  12. Probably some teenage chick playing with a cell phone doing the rear ending there. I see it more and more and more and it is at least as dangerous as driving around drunk. F-ing cell phone culture....it will be the demise of us all.
  13. It's hard not to find an area of the game tonight that wasn't a total disaster. It all went to hell at the same time on the same night. That might prove to be a blessing! Get it all out of our system and roll it up into 1 bad loss.
  14. This is why a lot of Bills fans think Tyrod is incapable of winning a playoff game, assuming he is capable of getting us to the playoffs in the first place. You only play good, motivated teams in the playoffs and most of those teams have a stud QB. Especially if we are on the road, which is likely, as we'd probably be a wild card team. So you are playing a good team with a good QB on the road in the playoffs. Guess what!? The chips are going to be down at some point! You need the guy who can overcome that.
  15. Eric Wood does a weekly spot with Schopp and the Bulldog, usually on Mondays after the game on Sunday. Not sure if he will be on tomorrow or what, but it will be interesting to see what he says about the OL play. He is smart and a straight shooting guy. Curious what he says about this **** performance.
  16. Right Richie, and none of those discriminating factors apply to the Jets equally, right? It sucks for everyone! Stop the excuses. I agree TNF should be canned immediately, but a player shouldn't make this excuse.
  17. Not sure it was BS. He was really giving it to that one official verbally and on the replay, you could clearly read the official's lips. He said "That's enough" very forcefully. Hughes clearly ignored any warnings he had been given and just kept going. When he crossed the line, they threw the flag. That's not BS, that's just a stupid, selfish, uncontrolled penalty. Hughes is really good at those. But as I said, he has been much more disciplined this year overall.
  18. Why wait? Our offensive productivity improved dramatically when we canned the OC under Rex after Week 2.
  19. Tyrod's limitations played a direct role in NY's game plan and their ability to consistently implement it all night long. Funny how people don't see that. He lacks the tools needed to break what the Jets D was doing. Quick timing throws, quick reads, quick releases.....he can't do any of that...and that is what was needed tonight to break NY's D down. Of course both of our lines played horribly ,we never got any run game going, the D was overwhelmed, we badly lost the turnover battle....there was a whole lot of suck to go around. To absolve Tyrod of a role in it is just stupid, however.
  20. He's been good about that this year but it definitely came back tonight. Team penalties were a huge part of the problem tonight, overall. Almost everything was a big cluster !@#$ tonight.
  21. Someone suggested the team may have been pumped up by the terrorist activity in NYC with the nut who drove down the bike path... I can see that being a motivator, not sure it really was however. I agree the Jets didn't seem nearly as tired as us despite having equal rest time. I also think this game will prove to be an anomaly.
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