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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. About time a sign like this goes up. Interdimensional contamination is a huge problem, and growing all the time.
  2. With enough beer consumption I'm sure this could catch on. "Daddy, what is wrong with that man's face? He has 4 grooves permanently sunken into his cheek, chin, and lips!" "He was playing face dive at the Bills game, son. Nothing smells worse than charred human flesh."
  3. If you're into watching bulls totally F-up humans, Youtube is your friend. There is no end to this stuff on there.
  4. Yeah but the car is still plenty heavy and going rather fast. The I Beam did do a nice job of completely peeling away the roof of the car starting at the passenger "A" pillar if you watch closely. Kind of like a sardine can.
  5. I have never been a huge Luck fan. Having said that, if he is going to come on the market, give Indy whatever they want for him. We can fill in the gaps later.
  6. I think there is no doubt all of our home playoff games during the Superbowl years helped the team get to all those Superbowls, with cold weather playing a role in that. I have heard countless former Bills from those teams say as much, at least in their opinion. Like they knew the weather was helping us back then and cite it as a reason for our success.
  7. Some people are working on the cure for cancer. Others are solving math problems that have confused humans for 150 years. Then you have bread face, who smashes her face into bread, then eats it. Then you have the people who watch Bread Face. Then you have the people who watch Bread Face while masturbating. Thus answering the question, how low can humanity sink?
  8. Phil just can't find it in himself to break up Kane and Eichel; those 2 guys need to be on 2 different lines. This is true; I caught some replay of Korea vs. China women's curling from the last Olympics, I believe...on the "Olympic Channel" which I now seem to have on my cable system. I was actually enjoying it as I have been known to suffer from yellow fever from time to time, and the bulk of the women on both teams were quite attractive. I then thought "This is actually more interesting/entertaining than a typical Sabres game." I still stand behind that. When hockey is played on a passionless level with 2 teams sort of mailing it in, it is like watching paint dry. Add in the low def signal I get on the Center Ice package, which makes it look like I am watching a video tape recording of a video tape recording, and it gets worse, fast. Reminds me of the story about TV ratings back when ESPN was deciding to dump the NHL. They claimed PBA bowling games received greater viewing numbers than the average NHL game!
  9. First, Phil Simms is quite possibly the dumbest individual regularly appearing on TV in America. That says a lot. Second, I am willing to give the team the benefit of the doubt. I do not think it comes down to "quitting" or not caring, or not wanting to hustle for the coach, etc. I think we were physically tired from the previous game, perhaps more so than the Jets for whatever reason, and when you are physically tired in sports, the first thing that goes is the mental component of the game. Focus breaks up, and mental mistakes occur...all as a result of being physically tired. I think the team as a whole did not have a lot in the gas tank on Thursday. They should have that back in time for the Saints. If they come out flat/lack hustle in that game too, something might be going on. Until we see that, I give them a pass based on their performance overall for the season.
  10. Reading through this thread, it's weird to me how many contributors to this forum view themselves as "Bills Boosters" and only want the Bills to be a feel-good drug in their lives. They view this forum as a place for like minded individuals to relax and enjoy the positive feeling that comes from saying "We can do it and we are going to do it! I can feel it!" Any comment that might go against that is viewed as, ultimately, hostile. Then you have other people, like me, who just want to have an interesting conversation about whatever Bills topic is relevant at the moment. I am interested in being right and the truth. I enjoy open, fair commentary whatever that might be. Sometimes it is very positive, sometimes it is negative or outright depressing. Who cares? I'm not here to exclusively "feel good" I'm here to analyze/discuss matters relating to the Buffalo Bills. If they prove to be happy/feel good, that's great. If this forum was split up among the 2 aforementioned camps, it would be a much more productive place with far fewer 1 on 1, off-topic battles, and all this fan against fan commentary which is not productive or interesting to read.
  11. On a sort of related note, I know many Buffalonians who still live in WNY who don't like the Bills!
  12. I did a google search for Bills chat forums, and actually found a different one. It had a small amount of activity and didn't seem like what I was looking for. So I did more searching and found this place. It had a comparatively huge amount of activity and many users online; I knew this is what I was looking for, to help stay in touch with the Bills from long distance.
  13. Don't like the breakdown. You need another tier between the Tier 1 "ultra elites" and the Tier 2 "most guys in the league". There is another tier there of very good QBs who are categorically better than someone like Tyrod, but who are not the ultra elite Tier 1 guys either. Your way puts Tyrod in with Eli Manning and Flacco. No way is Tyrod in the same tier, even if Flacco has looked pretty darned bad this year. Remember, Tyrod is the guy who would have sat on the bench for 500 years in Baltimore, because he is not Joe Flacco.
  14. I'm behind real time; the kicker's execution on that sneak on-side kick was perfect! He couldn't have done that better.
  15. I think most (?) fans at a home Bills game are there to get **** faced at 9:00am in a parking lot. The actual football game is of secondary importance. On you know which is which, how much you can afford or how much is too much, etc.
  16. Housley said we played well; just got some bad bounces! F him. I hated the guy as a player, don't really like him so far as a coach. The rebuild just got at least 3 years longer than it was going to take. Don't expect the playoffs this year or next year. Maybe in 2019-2020 season. This team will finish bottom 3 for sure.
  17. I think some gun laws would work better than prayers if you are actually interested in stopping scores of innocent people from being killed every 6 weeks in this country by a nut with a gun. But it's no big deal; happens all the time; as as society we are obviously OK with it as we continually do nothing about it. This will blow over in a few days. Enjoy your Sunday night.
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