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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. You sound like someone who doesn't actually know **** about Serie A or soccer in general. No offense.
  2. This fact seems to have been lost on many commenters in this thread. Most of the callers are shockingly unintelligent people. When a rare good one comes along, Schopp is usually complimentary and respectful of the caller, even if the caller disagrees with Mike. He is looking for the caller to be logical, support assertions with facts or statistic, etc. Mike usually says "nice job" at the end of such a call. Schopp is just looking for some narrative tension to keep the show interesting. Constant agreement makes for boring radio.
  3. Gruden not only loves all quarterbacks, he loves everything. He is a really positive person by nature, always looking to point out the good in a play rather than focus on the bad. It's hard to catch him saying something negative during an entire football game, though he does now and again. It's rare. His color commentary suffers from this in my opinion, b/c the story of a given play is not always found in the positive spin. Sometimes a player will make a big mistake and you have to point that out, if that's the story of a play. Anyway, so Gruden loves Peterman. Good! I'll take it.
  4. Quick, decisive reads and timing throws are precisely how you break down a D down that is trying to jam the box...force them to back off a little and cheat against the pass. Tyrod walks slow, talks slow, thinks slow, and is just slow doing everything, except running on a football field! ...so he had trouble backing a D off with his arm. Let's hope Peterman does a much better job of that.
  5. Peterman is not an impressive combine stat kind of guy; that's probably why he went as low in the draft as he did. I'm not worried about it given our style of offense and what we will ask him to do. The NFL places way too much emphasis on these types of stats and not enough on "Yeah, but can the guy actually play QB at the NFL level!" which is what they should be focusing on anyway. Peterman is going to look like he belongs on an NFL field as the QB much more than Tyrod ever did, even if Tyrod's arm is a lot stronger. Doesn't really matter.
  6. Guess what? The season doesn't end today and they don't award playoff berths based on what you're doing on November 15th. Leave Tyrod in as starter and we win, probably, 2 more games all year. If you haven't noticed, this team has been dismantled and the people running it are looking to the future, not this season or the failed decisions of past Bills losers. So out goes Tyrod and in comes Peterman. You sound like a disgruntled season ticket holder.
  7. This is possible. Don't look for him to ever work in the NFL again, however, as a GM. That won't happen.
  8. You do a nice job of showing how crap QBs and the Buffalo Bills go together like salt and pepper! LOL
  9. Can you imagine if we actually ever land a great QB again! These QB zealots will flip out! I mean they thought EJ was good and TT was a franchise player. What if we had a real QB that everyone agreed was great? These people would lose their minds.
  10. If the national media doesn't like the move, I love it even more than I already did. The national football media is almost always wrong about Buffalo, I think mostly b/c they just don't pay attention.
  11. Make no mistake! Tyrod is finished as a Buffalo Bill! That is 100% certain. The only qualifier is what could happen if Peterman is injured and misses games, later this year. Tyrod would then be in the strange situation as coming in as the backup.
  12. I am as big a fan of this decision as anyone. But even I am preparing for Peterman to throw a couple picks. He will also do other rookie things that are part of the learning curve. Expect him to take a few bad sacks while he learns the value of throwing the ball away when a play is not there, etc. The issue will be whether or not he does enough good things to offset the INTs and mistakes.
  13. Hiding in the same hole he hid under after EJ was kicked to the curb despite 26's continued EJ-supporting-attacks on his fellow TSW posters who dared to suggest that maybe EJ sucks, maybe he always has sucked, maybe everyone at FSU knows it, maybe we know it, and maybe the passage of time isn't going to fix the situation. He's wrong about most things. I guess he figures the more forcefully he attacks others in support of his views, the more correct they will be. Who knows. Maybe he's just bat **** crazy.
  14. I'm a big time fan of the books going way back. I thought he more or less ruined them. His CGI world was a failure and unfortunately, he reminds me of a guy like George Lucas. Way too much interest in techno gadgets and that side of film making...but very little art on display. Poor casting; predictable; thinking his ideas for the books were better than Tolkien's. I can go on. The good news is that I think the door is open for a different type of director to come along, some day, and try it again, with a totally different approach to film making. That will take some time though.
  15. Funny cartoon; clever and totally on point.
  16. Let's see how the week plays out. I would expect Rivers to start on Sunday.
  17. Right; like I said the coaching staff doesn't get it. They will play Tyrod until we are mathematically eliminated, which is a real shame and a waste of good, real football games with which we could be evaluating Peterman.
  18. I would put for that "quitting on a 5-4 season" means retaining Tyrod as the starter. That decision will lead to a predictable outcome in which we don't make the playoffs. Working like crazy to keep the season alive means playing Peterman at this point. I do not think the coaching staff understands this however.
  19. This is a pretty fair take IMO. Pulling Tyrod was a typical NFL thing to do, and McD has proven to be a typical NFL coach so far. I would imagine it was done to protect Tyrod's health in a game that could be not be won as much as anything. McD is way, way too conservative and traditional to stir the pot by switching QBs at this point in the season. I would put forth such a switch might actually save our season, and maintaing the status quo will actually hurt us. Peterman will play once the season is lost...it's all very predictable, but McD is a predictable guy. That depends on the fan involved. I think more interest would be generated by playing Peterman overall. I would hope Pegula is leaving this type of coaching decision to the coaches.
  20. The Bills D was absolutely gassed in the 2nd half against the Saints. So yes, there is a relationship between what the offense is doing and how well the defense plays. You see this sort of thing all the time in college football, where mis-matches are common and 1 team is a real underdog. They will fight like hell and play the better team even for the first half on sheer inspiration and adrenaline. Then it all comes apart in the 2nd half once they are gassed and the superior team runs up the score. Once a team is gassed, it's over. What concerns me about the Bills the last 2 games is that our D was horrible PRIOR to being gassed as well.
  21. Keep Peter Jackson far away from it and it will have a shot at being decent.
  22. Tyrod's 56 yards of passing for the ENTIRE GAME is what is comical. Peterman exceeding that with a handful of snaps is also comical. Your consistently wrong takes on football are the most comical of all.
  23. I think this is true, largely because McDermott is a very traditional, predictable, cautious, conservative sort of coach. He does everything according to the NFL Head Coaching Owner's Manual. I'm sure there is a section in there saying "never start a QB controversy" and also "don't start a new QB going into a harder than normal game if other choices are available." On the road in LA, KC, and the Patriots games are all going to be tough environments for our team and QB, no matter who it is. Tyrod is going to get his head handed to him... After we lose those 3 in a row and the whole playoff thing is in the toilet for the 18th year, Peterman will start to enter the discussion, but not before. That's not a statement on my part about Peterman's capabilities...that's just how it goes with McDermott...
  24. I hear you. Show the f-ing streakers! At least I would have been entertained for a few seconds that way in the middle of a game that was painful to watch. They DID show replays (as I recall) of the injury; the collision was huge and made a really loud, sickening thud type noise. The Saint was absolutely knocked flat out cold before he fell to the turf. Violent, violent collision. You could see his hand all twitchy and doing weird things as he was lying on the field in never never land with all the trainers and medics around him. His head met the runner's thigh. It was the equivalent of a Mike Tyson KO punch, probably x 10. Guy's lucky he isn't dead.
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