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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Well thank God the Chargers are F-ing horrible. We might just stay in this game.
  2. And from early reports from the stadium, the atmosphere out there appears to be something like a pre-season game! Half empty stadium with possibly more Bills fans in attendance than Charger fans. Nice, non-hostile environment for him to get his feet wet with. As opposed to making his debut in Arrowhead, where he would likely be killed and scalped in terms of hostile atmosphere.
  3. Hey, why choose between chocolate and vanilla if you can have a scoop of each! The late game start allowed me to get the walk in earlier, so I get to enjoy both the beach eye candy and the game! Can't complain. When you put it that way, I realize that you are right!
  4. I live about 90 minutes up the coast from that stadium; it is a gorgeous 80 degree sunny day, no humidity. Did my daily beach walk earlier and the beach is filled with hot flesh in thongs as always. It's just not in the culture down here to lock yourself into a stadium on a weekend afternoon or in front of your TV and care about a football game. I don't blame anyone not at that game one little bit! Me? I'm a Buffalonian and will be locked in front of my computer, on this gorgeous day, watching the Bills!
  5. Fantastic news and thanks for reporting in! I expected a strong Bills turnout; would be amazing if overall crowd noise favors the Bills more than Chargers! Oh yes, and the time zone change screws things up; the game is not played at the same time...all that throws their very well coordinated schedules off. But still nice to know Charger turnout sucks!
  6. The GDT will absolutely explode with comments from the Tyrod supporter's club if/when Peterman throws an INT...which I expect him to do. He will throw the ball a lot and is not afraid to do so. He'll probably get picked at some point. Not a big deal as long as his play, overall, is good enough to transcend the mistake. Agreed. In fact, he is just the opposite. He needs to be carried by almost perfect play from all other facets of the team to have a good game. This is the value of a great QB; if you can get that 1 guy to perform at a high level consistently, the team has a good day. With Tyrod, you need about 20 guys to have a great day consistently to have a good day.
  7. None of us knows what plays are called or what Tyrod's prime receiver is on a given play. There was an audio clip after the last game where the OC said on a 3rd and long play that they told Tyrod to "take chances" and that he has to be more risky...and that Tyrod interpreted that by throwing to the check-down guy for like a 7 yard completion that was well short of a first down. That is vintage Tyrod and yet what he did had nothing to do with what Dennison's play was or what they intended for Tyrod to do. I think a repeated history of that sort of thing with Tyrod and this coaching staff lead to his benching.
  8. The 747 has been an old, outdated machine for a long time. It was surpassed by the Airbus A340 for long haul flights a long time ago, and that in turn has been made obsolete by the A380, which is one hell of an airplane if you get a chance to fly on one. Quiet engines!
  9. And yet his Wonderlic score (32) is more than double that of Tyrod's (15)! What's floating around in TT's head!? Nothing! That's what!
  10. 4 pages of commentary and no one responds to this, which sums the whole situation up nicely. I've mentioned this same thing 2 or 3 times in various Tyrod threads, but it's like this hasn't sunk in yet for many Bills fans. Tyrod's actual value around the league is much lower than Bills fans perceive it to be.
  11. The Peterman move has inspired me to post Josh Groban's hauntingly beautiful "You Raise Me Up". I think this song should be played at the stadium instead of the train horn from now on.
  12. There is no doubt a huge rebuild is well underway, and there is going to be a lot more change coming around the bend. They have actually done much of the work in a more seamless, clandestine sort of way compared to the Sabres approach of the last few years. But a massive rebuild it is!
  13. Too early to have any meaningful conversation about this topic. Let's watch what he does tomorrow and talk after. Should be an interesting game and post-game discussion no matter what happens!
  14. Study your musical history! Shame on you! The song emanates from the 1971 film. Sammy Davis Jr. did a remake of it a year later and enjoyed quite a bit of success with that version, but the original is from the movie.
  15. People who know a lot more about the situation than I do thought about this and concluded they prefer taking their chances with a rookie rather than continue on with Tyrod. Tells you all you need to know. The idea of Tyrod winning a playoff game, on the road, in a hostile environment, against one of the best teams in the conference, with the other team trying really hard to win, is a joke. I personally don't think he would have even gotten us into the playoffs, but that is now something we will never know. Anyway, bring on Peterman. Let's see what he can do so we know how much deal making we have to make prior to the draft next year.
  16. What are you, some kind of Philistine? It's a play on "The Candyman" from Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory.
  17. Watched most of this game. I thought the camera angle and even better, the ramped-up audio, were both absolutely fantastic. Brings you right into the game and that view from behind the QB is a more natural angle to view the action, as opposed to the traditional perpendicular view we always get. Can also get a flavor for pass routes better and who is open or covered. On long passes you did lose some depth perception when the ball went like 30 yards or more down filed...but overall that whole thing was a fun way to watch the game.
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