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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Nice post. The fan base here at TSW usually greatly over-estimates the talent level on the Bills. Earlier in the year many suggested we had one of the best front 7 in the league. WHAT?
  2. For now, focus all resources on a stud QB, if we think we can get a stud QB we love. Start to fill in around him later. Without the QB at the heart of the team, there is no team. As others have said, this ain't gonna get fixed in a single off-season, so get used to that. Once we have the stud QB, he'll have 2 or 3 bad seasons once he joins the team. That's just how it usually goes. Playoffs in 2020, here we come!
  3. That win against Denver looks more and more crappy all the time.
  4. Might be easier to indicate what people think we do not need. We could use a little bit of just about everything.
  5. Well it's mostly physics. You can take anything down if you hit it low enough. You hit a huge man up high and you might just bounce off. Who remembers a game years ago when the Bills were good. We were playing KC and Christian Okoye (?) ran over and through us like a freight train. No one could tackle him. The only guy who could and was doing a decent job of it was Shane Conlan, and even then he was bouncing off some of the hits. When was that? Like a Monday night game maybe? In like 1991 or something? Should look that up. OK: The game I was thinking of has to be: Monday, Oct. 7, 1991. Monday night football at KC. We lost 33-6. Okoye had 29 rushing attempts for 122 yards. That has to be the game I am thinking of. Good times. I don't ever remember a single guy running over a Bills defense worse than Okoye did on that night.
  6. Petermania is slowly taking over this fan base! The Peterman vote slowly creeps up all the time! Was around 24%, then 25%, now @ 28% !!! Anyone can have a rough game! But haters are gonna hate! I recall a game where Jim Kelly had 4 interceptions.
  7. http://www.wgr550.com/media/audio-channel/11-19-real-deal-overtime-show-nate-geary
  8. Just remember the 5 INTs were really 2 as far as I'm concerned. The first hit the receiver in his freaking hands. 2 were the result of misthrown passes b/c he was getting hit as he threw. I don't put that stuff on Peterman. the other 2? Those were on Peterman...bad throws or bad decisions. Or both. Start him each game until the season is over; we win in many ways if we do that.
  9. Yep, comfortably numb! I'm taking this in stride b/c I wanted Peterman to play and have resolved that we aren't winning more than 1 or 2 games the rest of the year. I think we win 1 Dolphins game and maybe Indy. I predicted 6 wins before the season, we have 5, and will probably end up with 6 or maybe 7. It's all about the QB we draft next year. These games don't mean a thing.
  10. You have made no allowance in your thinking here that perhaps Pegula TOLD McD to play Peterman. I am not saying he did; I have no way of knowing one way or the other; but it is certainly possible. Until that is flat out eliminated, you have to assume it remains a possibility before you crucify McD. Now that we have seen Peterman play, we have to assume the coach didn't think he was ready. It makes sense that he was told to start him and that of course part of that is maintaining that it was his idea alone...and with an understanding with Pegula that the result will not count against McD if things go wrong. At least that would be a fair and logical way to structure the deal, if it existed. If McD purely acted on his own, now that we know what Peterman looks like at this stage in his development, go ahead and crucify McD. If his football sense is that far off, he won't be around very long as the HC in any event.
  11. We have 1, maybe 2 more wins left in us this year. That's it. 6 or 7 wins isn't enough to make the playoffs.
  12. I don't see it posted at the website either. It should be under "recent audio" then "Bills" but the most recent programming they have recorded there is Schopp and Bulldog's post game show. You are looking for the show with Nate Geary I think it is... It's not posted. Sometimes they don't post recent audio and you are just out of luck.
  13. The sad part is Smith could have already been on this team a long time ago, when he was getting pushed out of the scene in San Francisco. Why the hell not pursue both plans! Aggressively pursue our guy in the draft and go buy Cousins on the open market and see how things play out. If we dump Tyrod we'll have a bunch more cash floating around, plus there are going to be more salary savings next year as this roster becomes totally reshaped.
  14. My point remains valid; I think he should play b/c we have nothing to lose. We lose today against Chargers no matter who plays QB, hopefully you understand that. Our defense is broken and Tyrod doesn't move the ball or generate points. It was foolish for you, Kelly the Dog, Kirby Jackson, and other "experts" (meaning you watch football on TV) to suggest it was wildly crazy for a Bills fan to suggest that maybe Peterman should play, because it would never happen, in your opinion. Your position, effectively, was that if these "foolish" posters knew more about football, like you and McD and the Bills professional coaching staff, they would understand that Peterman is not ready and therefore will never start a game this year. Kelly the Dog specifically plastered this forum with his smug musings on this point for quite a while. The very fact that Peterman actually played and was started by this coaching staff proves you wrong and suggests your smug, self-important attitude is totally erroneous. Yet again.
  15. The trench battles along with the defensive collapse in general that started in the 2nd Jets game are the biggest issues, by far with this team. Not the QB "controversy". Unless/until the defense is fixed in a serious way, we will not win another game this year except possibly 1 game vs. Dolphins.
  16. This board is having too much fun talking about which of our QBs sucks more right now, so it's nice to actually see a thread discussing why we lost today: the defense! For some reason it became BROKEN in the Jets game and has gotten steadily worse since then, with no sign of repair in sight. Had Tyrod played the entire game today, we easily would have lost, just in a different fashion and with fewer turnovers. Score may still have been about the same. Tyrod can't score either. Until the defense gets fixed big time, this team doesn't win another game this year.
  17. Only a fool watches this game and focuses on the QB or thinks QB play or turnovers is why we lost. The defense got broken 3 games ago against the Jets and it has gotten worse ever since. If Tyrod had started this game, we would still have lost, just in a different fashion. We may well lose the next 3 games in the same manner. KC and NE are losses. Colts? That is up in the air. Easily could lose as well.
  18. Let's all fight with one another about which QB is worse and ignore the fact that this franchise sucks and will miss the playoffs for the 18th consecutive year. Awesome!
  19. In my opinion, 2 INTs go on Nate's record today, and no more. The first should have been a completion; 2 others were lame duck passes as Peterman threw when he was hit. I'm willing to ignore those. The 2 others were the real interceptions; he had time, he looked; he threw, he made bad decisions and/or bad passes.
  20. Sure they can. In the alternative, how about putting Peterman back out there and not-seriously say you are trying to win games? Who cares what they say! Do what is best for the franchise beyond this year, b/c we ain't going anywhere this year. The only people who will B word are season ticket holders, and most of them go to the games to get drunk/eat/tailgate anyway.
  21. This is where I am. No chance this team makes the playoffs. We may not win more than another game or 2, tops, all year. If you accept that now, it's better to start Peterman, lose, and finish lower for a higher draft pick. Pretty simple really. Anyone who thinks Tyrod is going to come back and save this team a playoff berth is out of their mind insane.
  22. Oh for !@#$'s sake, !@#$ Twitter and the twits who tweet.
  23. Do what it takes to get a name QB that can truly make a difference for this franchise. For a freaking change! Once that man is on board, go into "fill gap" mode the best we can. Just remember, teams that are horrible enough to land huge name QBs usually have a few years of suffering once the big name QB comes on board and the team slowly builds around them. I am thinking of the Bills with Jim Kelly, and the Cowboys with Troy Aikman. Both were horrible teams until the team filled in around the stud QB. Get the QB first, fill in around that person 2nd. Get on board for several more years of no playoffs, too, b/c we won't be any good for a few years yet.
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