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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Yeah, I don't think the "he literally didn't block me" play is a function of an OL choosing to let his QB get hammered. Rather, it is a function of an OL sucking ass and being completely whiffed on that play. I think Bosa's choice of words is strange relative to the play though. It's NOT like Mills didn't TRY to block him...he just sucks. A more accurate comment from Bosa would have been something like "I'm too fast for Mills; he can't keep up with me" or something like that.
  2. Nate is obviously an equal opportunity passer. He threw almost as many completions to both teams.
  3. They have already done that with both organizations with very little to show for it. To his credit, Pegula dumped money into both organizations every way he could without having to deal with a cap problem. So facilities, scouting departments, resources, coaching salaries...that stuff was all pumped up right away. Not much to show for it however.
  4. What is interesting in all this is how pro coaches in the NFL really only know how to do it one way--their way--whatever that way may be. They should all be smart enough to coach in 100 different ways and adjust to what players they have on their roster. But they aren't and they don't.
  5. It's the American way. We don't build much to last in this country anymore. Been that way for a while now. Ha ha. That's why you don't set up the camera where they did, in a position where you have a freaking road between you and the subject you are shooting. They needed to be on the sidewalk up ahead where the people are standing...push them out of the way and set up there. Nothing can get between you and the dome.
  6. Charlie was a really fascinating individual and an extremely unique person who led a very unusual sort of life, until he ended up in jail forever. Bat **** crazy of course and the source of much pain and suffering in the world...but what an interesting person. I could listen to the guy talk for hours. There are a lot of recordings with him during his incarceration where you can try to understand his mind a little. Interesting combination of smart and insane.
  7. The WTC towers were not traditional steel-reenforced concrete structures. Far from it. They came down on 9/11 b/c they are designed with trusses, which are a long known achilles heel in a structure in case of fire. For that reason, trusses must be brought up to code with the application of fire retardant foam materials which must cover them. The problem on 9/11 was that the impact of the planes hitting the buildings transferred so much energy into the buildings, all the fire retardant stuff flew off the steel trusses, leaving them exposed to the flames and heat. You wait a while, get the heat to where the steel is happy to weaken and start to bend, and then the trusses fail. When the trusses fail, there is nothing there to stop compression forces from caving in the walls of the tower, and it collapses. It would be like knocking out the flying buttresses outside the walls on a gothic cathedral; once those are gone, the weight of the roof will cave in the walls and the structure will come down. Comparing traditional re-enforced concrete structures like the Flavian Amphitheater (what we call the colosseum) or the Berlin Flak Türme to the WTC towers is really misguided. No offense intended.
  8. I reached this mental state you speak of some time last year. And yes, it is remarkably freeing. Confucius say: The Bills fan who is not afraid to lose always wins. The record may be much worse then, but will the situation, writ large, really be any worse? We are indeed near rock bottom.
  9. A few years ago when he was still employed by the Sabres, Darcy Regier flat out acknowledged publicly that most ownerships in the NHL, at least, are basically in it to make up the numbers. The game they play is to field a team cheaply enough but good enough to just make it into the playoffs, enjoy little to no success, but always sell hope, keep the fans happy most of the time with a fairly good product, MAKE $$$, but with no real intention of ever achieving more success than that in terms of wins. This is not some conspiracy theory or secret. Have a look around all sports leagues. Most teams are terrible, most of the time. Then you have a handful of franchises that are run well and do a lot of the winning over time. What have the Pittsburgh Pirates done in the baseball world lately? Yet the Steelers/Penguins are great franchises... The St. Louis Blues can't buy a Stanely Cup, yet the Cardinals in baseball are one of the best run sports franchises in N.America. They compete in or win the World Series like a freaking clock...every few years they are there. Most sports franchises are mediocrities; Buffalo has had 2 of them since their inceptions.
  10. Yes. He said as much in a live interview yesterday on the radio with Schopp & Bulldog. McD would most definitely disagree with the OP's premise that the team is categorically better with Tyrod and that we now know that, post Charger Debacle. McD's official position, at least as late yesterday afternoon, was that they need to dissect the Chargers game in detail, see just what happened, and figure out how best to proceed. His public position, as of yesterday, is that we still do not necessarily know which QB puts us in the best position to succeed...and he would not commit to a starter in KC as a result.
  11. This sort of discussion quickly breaks down into unyielding positions coming from two camps. First, we have the fans who are just happy to have teams in Buffalo, and they are willing to forgive anything, including the team sucking, as long as it is in Buffalo. They approach the entire debate from an assumed position of weakness, like we are just Buffalo and can't really expect or hope for more than crap anyway. Second, you have the fans who demand more than that. Put me in the second category. Run the franchises correctly or sell. If market forces move the teams, so be it. Who here is crying every day over the loss of the Buffalo Braves? Time heals all wounds; it might take a generation, but people in WNY will forget all about the Bills soon enough, particularly when all Buffalo Bills fans are dead.
  12. This place is like a broken record in many ways. If you stick around here for a season or 2, you quickly see it all, and then how it all repeats itself over, and over, and over, and over. So here we have the "I'm done" thread followed by pages of "See ya later!" or "don't let the door hit you in the ass" comments. Next in the cycle is the post made by the OP in which he acknowledges he is back and couldn't really leave. That will come in a week or 2.
  13. I think it is more or less fair to put 2 INTs on Peterman, but not 5. I also think there is a strong chance he starts in KC, even though most fans probably can't believe that. I do NOT think he is ready to play and had things gone slightly differently, he could have had a really good day. He's not ready. Still glad they tried with him though. That game is still a loss all day long if Tyrod had started. Until the D is fixed, forget winning again this season. Well, except 1 or maybe 2 more games. I have not seen one fan criticize Taylor for interceptions, ever. No one criticizes Taylor for the balls he throws; they criticize him for the balls he does not throw.
  14. Agree with you. There are many Bills fans who are quite OK with the team really sucking this year, as long as it is part of a carefully crafted, long term rebuild that works! The only fans who are pissed off right now or who think McD is doing a bad job are fans who want to win right now and hate the fact that this team could be better than it is, right now. Fans with patience get McD and the process. Fans with little patience and who are desperate to end the drought now don't like McD or the Process. Generally speaking. True enough. Some of Tim Murray's public comments during the Sabres tank seasons were hilarious. The guy could not and would not say "we are trying to lose" even though it was quite obvious that was the case and suggesting otherwise was absolutely ridiculous at times. Didn't stop GMTM from saying ridiculous stuff though! Well if he had intended for it to be a rebuilding year, having no locker room at all would have been a good thing, and in fact, that is kind of the point of a rebuilding year. Losing. Especially if the following draft is almost historic in terms of quality depth at the QB position where a high draft pick would be valued more than normal. I do agree at least half the fans would have gone crazy...though what practical implication that has on anything, I don't know. The drunks out at the stadium would still go in their tens of thousands.
  15. Disagree. Do not think they are trying to win very much this season at all. Just about every large decision they have taken so far (there have been quite a few of them!) hurts this team in this season. Think about it. I think it was just the opposite of a panic, knee-jerk decision to bench Tyrod. It think it was coldly calculated and they were quietly waiting for Tyrod to have 2 bad games in a row...so they could replace him. The benching of Tyrod was a plan that was drawn up before the season started most likely.
  16. Does this mean the earlier TSW threads from a few weeks ago suggesting McD be named "Coach of the Year" are now officially off the table?
  17. If everyone thinks we are going to get killed, wait for McD to announce Peterman as the starting QB, again. I think there's a solid chance of that.
  18. The time to have a czar, even if as a temporary position, was BEFORE Pegula went out, pretended he knew how to run a sports franchise, and did all the interviewing/hiring himself for the HC and GM positions. Our current HC and GM are here because McD impressed Pegula in a job interview. That might work out fine in the end; could be a total disaster too. Too early to say.
  19. PS: If anyone is interested in ancient civilizations, go to youtube or Joe Rogan's podcast site, and watch/listen to any and all podcasts with Joe Rogan and his guests Randall Carlson and/or Graham Hancock (who is pictured above in this thread). Each has been on several times and both were on together as co-guests at least once, maybe twice. Some fascinating stuff and they'll be discussing things like Göbekli Tepe in Turkey and other cool stuff. Göbekli Tepe is a permanent city built like 10,000 BCE or possibly earlier....at a time when human beings were supposed to be hunter/gatherers and not nearly sophisticated enough to do things like build cities. Just shows how much ancient knowledge is lost and forgotten. Hancock likes to argue the age of the Sphinx as well, suggesting that it is much older than Egyptologists claim due to the alleged erosion signatures in the bedrock surrounding it. All really interesting stuff regardless of how compelling you find their arguments. Randall Carlson studies ancient epic geological events and he is a really fascinating guy.
  20. Actually, most of the colosseum is still standing b/c the Romans used concrete in its construction along with what could effectively be called "rebar". What does not survive time (mostly due to earthquakes) is stuff made out of stone. This is the Flakturm or "flak tower" in Humbolthain Park in Berlin. I've wandered all around and in this thing. Berlin had 3 of these monster flak towers during the War; there are many throughout Germany/Europe. Vienna has several beauties. They are still there because they are literally indestructible, made from steel re-enforced concrete. They tried to destroy them after the War and concluded it was not worth the effort/expense. There are reports from the Battle for Berlin in which the Russians brought up their biggest guns and were firing directly into the walls of the Flak towers from ridiculous ranges, like 75 meters...line drives. These were monster shells and they were just bouncing off the walls. There are many little pock marks in the outer walls from those shots. The Earth is currently covered in man-made stuff that is going to be here forever. It might end up overgrown, but it ain't gonna fall to dust.
  21. I agree with you; listen to McD's segment today with Schopp and Bulldog. There is ego involved here and I just don't think he is going to let "his guy" go out in this manner. I think he gets another shot on Sunday.
  22. Yep. Pegula kept the old regimes from pre-Pegula-ownership with both the Sabres and Bills. I believe that stems from him not really closely following either team. Had he been a higher information fan, he would have cleaned house immediately with both organizations. Waiting for those losers to prove to him that they were losers during his ownership set both rebuilds back several years.
  23. The short version of the process is: Gut the lousy team Whaley and others built here; eliminate all bad Ks; free up cap room; deal to acquire extra draft picks; build a strong core of a team from within using the draft; try to acquire many young players on the cheap who can play now....and build a winning team that stays that way for a while. And then remember that this takes time and won't get fixed in 3 weeks. I.E., "trust the process."
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