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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Psychology plays a huge and widely undervalued role in team sport, and humans lose motivation to do things all the time. Teams quitting is not an invalid theory, it's a documented phenomenon. I am not saying this Bills teams in 2017 has necessarily quit, however.
  2. The short answer is that, historically, the Bills are one of the worst run organizations in N. American team sports. You can fill a large book with the personnel decision mistakes we have made just during the drought. That is why we don't have the GUY.
  3. Barbara Billingsley has nothing on you in terms of translation skills.
  4. The timing of the defense sucking works out well with the trade of Dareus, doesn't it? I have no idea if they have really "quit" or if it is related to Dareus...but Sal C. has always insisted that Dareus was viewed favorably by his fellow teammates and he was considered a good locker room guy, despite the fact that he was not very popular with fans. It's possible the group was disheartened when we gave away the best (*) player on the team for nothing in return. (*) denotes best player on team when actually motivated to play to his fullest potential, which admittedly was not often.
  5. So this team is minus all the first and second round picks from recent years, as though they were all packaged to move way up in the draft and get a stud QB, minus the actually moving up part or the stud QB! And people wonder why we are perpetually bad.
  6. Last year the only team finishing with a record of 6-10 was Carolina, and that made them bad enough to pick 8th overall. Probably wouldn't work out exactly the same this year but gives you an idea of where the Bills might pick if we finish 6-10. Something like a 6-10 finish and just enough dealing to get to a spot where we would take Mayfield (if we have to move up at all) could work perfectly in that we get a stud QB prospect but don't have to give up the farm to get him.
  7. Have a look at how many first and second round draft picks are actually still on this team or current Bills property from the last 6 drafts or so. Almost none of them are! The Bills historically give away the "fortune" in picks anyway, but never get the super stud QB either! And people wonder why we are perpetually bad. Do what it takes to get one of these guys in the draft. Fill in the gaps around them. I like both guys from the state of Oklahoma as well as Rosen and Darnold. Get one of them!
  8. We can try to somehow break the curse, or do what worked for the Red Sox and Cubs... Hire a competent FO and run the organization intelligently for a while.
  9. I watched the video just to see if the teacher was hot, and was disappointed to see the result.
  10. I have been saying 1 or possibly 2 more for a while now. I think 1 of the Dolphins games and the Colts would be our ceiling. Could be lower, can't be higher. At least IMO.
  11. The Giants/Redskins game should make for some really compelling viewing.
  12. You forgot to mention the folding table is on fire.
  13. Agreed. The funny thing is he doesn't get it. His comments sort of play into a long standing joke with Bills fans, but he lacks historical context with this franchise to know the joke.
  14. His stats the last few years have undoubtedly been artificially aided by playing on one of the very few teams in the league that still believes in the run. It's a passing league now, but the Bills didn't get that memo. He's unarguably a great rushing talent, however, and I always liked him when he was just a random guy playing on a team I don't like in Philly.
  15. And then you seed the 6 teams who make the playoffs and they play each other 1 vs. 6, 2 vs. 5, 3 vs. 4. With team turnover and free agency these days, it is impossible to keep teams together and thus "divisional rivalries" don't really exist. That's the only reason to have divisions. There is no doubt the divisional system makes it easier for some teams to make the playoffs and very hard for others. You could argue the Bills, Jets, and Dolphins have it as bad as any teams in the league, being perpetually stuck in N.E.'s shadow. Other random teams in very weak divisions in given years get a free ride to the playoffs. Going to a conference/seed system eliminates all that and makes a level playing field.
  16. Losing the team would be cool. We have nothing to gain by a few more wins this year.
  17. For everyone who thought this thread was ridiculous, 15 pages ago...maybe you get what the OP was talking about now. The "annoying clapping" is a metaphor for a lot of things going on with McD. Him telling Schopp and the Bulldog on Monday "I'm not ready to name a starting QB; we have to go back and evaluate the film from Sunday, talk to the coaching staff, and think about what's the best move for the team" is an extension of his hand clapping. The dude has the thousand yard stare and isn't fully in control of his own mind; he's kind of a zealot. He is kind of living in his own little world filled with his own "isms"... Somewhere in there it makes sense to evaluate the QB situation and who knows, maybe conclude that Peterman should get another shot. It's not like he had a historically bad day or anything. [Clapping hands as he walks away from the keyboard]
  18. I agree with this plan. Without the right QB, the rest doesn't matter. With the right QB, the rest still doesn't matter. Just get the right QB.
  19. Bills defense combined with hostile atmosphere in KC = definite Bills loss. Play Peterman. Moving up the draft order is what is to be gained now, now wins.
  20. I think many football fans these days are so because of fantasy football. You are probably not alone there. Well in theory we already have. Their names are Sam Reinhart and Jack Eichel. The problem is Reinhart/Eichel are not equal to Kane/Toews or Crosby/Malkin. Still can't believe we endured an entire season of tank hockey, some of the worst in the history of the franchise...an entire season...for Sam Reinhart. He's not that good.
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