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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I think Smith lost 17 yards on that sack. Throw the thing away man!
  2. Tyrod has a real habit of throwing the ball like that on certain passes.
  3. we are going to have nothing close to the lead we should have relative to the way the 2 teams have played. Let's hope it doesn't matter.
  4. Not with coverage like that; WR needs to make his cut at the marker.
  5. NE just scored TD; will be 21 to 7 over MIAMI after the EP
  6. Need 9; run 7 yard route; throw for 7; no first down. Kick FG.
  7. Yet more great field position. We have had good FP all half.
  8. Smith flying through the air. Could have been killed. Lucky to avoid a huge hit.
  9. So we'll start around our own 40 yard line I guess. Still pretty good field position.
  10. A Pelgua, I believe, is a species of dabbling duck found mostly in Chile and parts of Bolivia. Pegula is the owner of the Bills.
  11. When I think of "single threat" QBs who scare absolutely nobody with their running ability, off the top of my head, I think of Jim Kelly, Dan Marino, and Tom Brady. What Bills fans would not kill to have any one of those 3, in their prime, play on this team for the next 10 years? I couldn't give a rat's ass about a running ability for a QB. If he can stand back in the pocket and fire an arm-bazooka like Marino, who cares about running?! Let the runners run. The passer should pass.
  12. There is another recent thread here that documents the key draft picks and moves/acquisitions that set us up for the Super bowl run years. It was like a 4 or 5 year ramp-up just to get to 1988...with our first Superbowl appearance coming in January, 1991. So yes, it could take a while. Though the league has changed since then and free agency didn't exist when we were ramping up to the Kelly/Smith/Thomas/Reed years. I say give this regime 3 years; if we don't seem to be making any progress at all after 3, start over. We are still in year 1 of all that!
  13. Tyrod may well have a "good" game by his standards. He's wildly inconsistent and he is due for a good game after some awful games. Won't be enough to alter the outcome; Bills lose big in this one.
  14. How do you know the process doesn't include those 2 blowouts!?
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