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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Not a joke. The dude is a professional football player, who plays on defense, but would prefer not to make contact with an opposing player. Kind of weird. He's like the librarian who hates to read.
  2. The grammar/spelling in this thread would be unacceptable in a 5th grade classroom. PS: Thank God for our D! Tyrod is terrible!
  3. If the season ended right now, we would play Tennessee at Tennessee. What if that game took place and we somehow lost the game on the last play of the game? Maybe Tenn. kicks a winning FG with 3 seconds left or something. I would probably vote in favor of detonating a low yield thermonuclear device in that stadium.
  4. It is entirely possible that things fall our way and it all comes down to the final game of the season in Miami. Let's say a win there takes us to 9-7 and that is enough for a playoff berth. That would be the next game we are expected to win, but will probably lose. I will give this team the benefit of the doubt when they earn it, and not before. I think we lose to NE at home this week, beat Indy at home, beat Dolphins at home, lose to Patriots in NE and then it all comes down to final game of season in Miami. You have to assume we lose that game because...Bills. We don't have the offense and we don't have the defense either, apparently, when we are playing a team with a strong QB. It is almost impossible to believe we could actually win a playoff game, even if we qualify for one, though that would largely depend on the breaks of who we end up playing and who that team's QB is. If it's a good team with a good QB, no way we win. If we get lucky with a suspect QB, possible we could win, though Tyrod will need to still put up points, and we struggle with that.
  5. This win is consistent with the other wins we have had this year. The opponent played a huge role in it. We caught a team in a downward spiral that is playing really bad ball right now.
  6. I wish something could be done about holding, but I am not sure what it would be. It is such a subjective call much of the time and there is a lot of potential holding on every play. It sometimes seems like it comes down to when the ref wants to call it, and that he can call it anytime he wants. Gives way too much power to the refs as the rule is currently enforced.
  7. If you dig through the NFL rules regarding the 2 or 3 possible fouls that were called (all under the umbrella of "unnecessary roughness"), you will see that all of them require the defensive player to hit the offensive player, and some require that hitting to be done in a very specific way, like using the crown of the head for example. You can argue there never really was any "contact" between the two players and that therefore, it is impossible for there to have been unnecessary roughness within the meaning of the rule. I think the official who threw the flag had a bad angle to the incident and likely assumed more contact than was actually present on the play. The 2 players almost completely missed one another. I think there may have been some subtle grazing, but it's hard to tell that even on replay. As the rules are written, without some obvious contact, there is no way to find a foul on the play. Overall, this goes down as a bad call, relying heavily on what ultimately is incorrect subjective interpretation of the rule.
  8. This calls for its own thread with posters predicting when the dildo will fly. I may start such a thread if you don't beat me to it, later in the week. I have a feeling a dildo will fly. Just a question of when.
  9. Why not? It's just so much fun and almost always right to do it...who can resist?!
  10. I wish I could just "stop it" but unfortunately we don't have a QB better than Tyrod to play right now. That will be fixed in the next draft, when we take Tyrod's immediate replacement with our first pick.
  11. Loved it. Didn't see much fighting though; mostly hugging and dancing and that weird BS thing of grabbing the other's guy's face mask for the sake of grabbing the guy's face mask. Wish more punches had been thrown and more players been involved.
  12. Just discovered this thread now...didn't know tonight was the big game...wandered around on TV looking for it...found it on ESPN2...and boom! Shania Twain currently performing. Nice cute red boots...but her ass looks kind of big these days. Always thought she was super pretty however. Snowing as she performs! Will record and watch this game for sure.
  13. LOL! FF a few weeks to another thread started by Stank-Nasty. Off the Wall. "So I decided to get a divorce from my wife because..."
  14. Taylor leaves points/big plays/opportunities to win on the field all the time, in every game he plays. It's because he is wildly inconsistent and his accuracy isn't that good. He rarely puts it all together and sees the field well, throws to the correct guy, and throws an accurate ball. When he puts it all together it's nice to see, and he does put it all together. Just not nearly often or consistently enough.
  15. The technical end of the broadcast today was freaking terrible. Compared to an NBC Sunday night broadcast, all the other games look and/or sound like crap. In the old days the classy broadcasts were on Monday night on ABC. Maybe NBC bought all the tech guys when they got the Sunday night contract.
  16. Yes, as always, Brady will get his TDs in the game, and we will have to match them to win. Tyrod doesn't do TDs for the most part. We get most of our points from our K hitting FGs of the 50+ yard variety. So NE gets 7, we punt. NE gets 7, we get 3. NE gets 7 we get 3. You add up the numbers at the end of 60 minutes and it spells BILLS LOSS. Again.
  17. You should have done a poll. By the time we are good, Shady will not be a relevant contributor to the team, so the exact timing of when he leaves doesn't really matter. He'll be gone by the time this team arrives.
  18. He had tons of plays worse than that. Good (or better)QB play today puts KC away probably in the first half, and by several TDs. Tyrod's middling QB play kept it interesting until the end of the game.
  19. What's that beneath the photo in the original post? Tyrod "keeps us in the wildcard picture" despite we don't want him? If we had a "good" QB on this team, we would have put KC away much earlier, and by several TDs. We achieve most team success despite Tyrod, not because of Tyrod. It's all a big mystery to the national media b/c the national media doesn't give a rat's ass about the Bills, or follow us closely. They don't understand the dynamic within the team or why we are winning games.
  20. Yes, like 15 or 20 of them. Tyrod struggles to put the ball where he wants it to go.
  21. Yep and Tom Brady on that play throws it away, saves some field position, and lives to fight another day. Tyrod struggles with that aspect of the game.
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